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Zombie (Secret of Mana)

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Monster info
Japanese name ゾンビ
Type Undead
Element Shade
Level 13
Common drop Medical Herb
Rare drop 96 GP
Location(s) Pandora Ruins
Bestiary index
Chess KnightZombieTomato Man
#015 • #016 • #017
Related enemies
This article is about Zombie from Secret of Mana. For the general species, see Zombie.

A Zombie is an enemy in Secret of Mana.

Enemy Stats
150 20 50 48
Strength Agility Intelligence Wisdom
12 8 27 27
Phys. Defense Phys. Evasion Magic Defense Magic Evasion
0 0 0 0
Special Abilities
Poison (projectile)
Speed Down Lv. 1
Treasure Chest Stats
Probability Trap Trap evade Analyzer Lv
1/16 B 32 0
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Weak Neutral Neutral
Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Immune Effective Immune
Effective Weapon(s)
Bow of HopeExcaliburFlail of HopeFork of Hope
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Immune Neutral
Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Immune
Effective Weapon(s)
Lode AxeBattle AxeGreat Axe
“Sprays out poison mist.”
Secret of Mana Official Game Secrets


Zombie slowly creep toward their target and can poison it with their tozic breath. Up to two can be spawn by Tomato Men at the same time, making them somewhat of an unexpected threat at times. They can also cast Speed Down to slow down player characters.

In the mobile version, they seem a tad bit faster, but nothing much has changed.

In Secret of Mana HD, they remain relatively slow, but can also defend if attacked.
