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Buzz Bee (Secret of Mana)

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Buzz Bee
Monster info
Japanese name ビービー
Type Insect
Element Dryad
Level 4
Common drop Candy
Rare drop 22 GP
Location(s) Gaia Lowlands
Bestiary index
MushboomBuzz BeeBlat
#003 • #004 • #005
Related enemies
Bomb Bee
This article is about Buzz Bee from Secret of Mana. For the general species, see Bebe.

A buzz bee is an enemy in Secret of Mana.

Enemy Stats
65 0 4 11
Strength Agility Intelligence Wisdom
8 8 6 6
Phys. Defense Phys. Evasion Magic Defense Magic Evasion
0 0 0 0
Special Abilities
Poison (melee)
Treasure Chest Stats
Probability Trap Trap evade Analyzer Lv
1/16 A 24 0
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Strong Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Immune
Effective Weapon(s)
ClaymoreGolden AxeHeavy GloveMorning StarNimbus ChainPower GloveRed Cleaver
“Shoots poison stings.”
Secret of Mana Official Game Secrets


The Buzz Bee can be an annoying type of enemy to deal with, as it can fly and move quite fast, avoiding impending attacks. They attack by shooting their stinger, but can also poison their target by dashing into them.

In the mobile version, the Buzz Bee have been redesigned to their modern depiction and have been made smaller, making them even more elusive at times.

In Secret of Mana HD the bee has been made slightly slower, but more aggressive, attacking players with their stinger at a much frequent rate than previous iterations.
