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Doom Eye (Secret of Mana)

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Doom Eye
Monster info
Japanese name サタンズアイ
Satan's Eye
Type Demon
Element Shade
Level 34
Common drop N/A
Rare drop N/A
Location(s) Northtown Ruins
Bestiary index
Related enemies
Chamber Eye
Doom's Wall
Wall Face
This article is about Doom Eye from Secret of Mana. For the general species, see Doom's Wall.

The Doom Eye is a boss in Secret of Mana.

Enemy Stats
425 99 1 0
Strength Agility Intelligence Wisdom
30 9 45 45
Phys. Defense Phys. Evasion Magic Defense Magic Evasion
99 33 99 100
Special Abilities
Confuse Hoops
Energy Absorb Lv.5
Leaden Glare
Thunderbolt Lv.5
Treasure Chest Stats
Probability Trap Trap evade Analyzer Lv
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Weak Neutral Neutral
Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune
Effective Weapon(s)
Bow of HopeExcaliburFlail of HopeFork of Hope
