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Mushboom (Secret of Mana)

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Monster info
Japanese name マイコニド
Type Plant
Element None
Level 3
Common drop 14 GP
Rare drop Candy
Location(s) Potos Village Outskirts
Gaia Lowlands
Bestiary index
LullabudMushboomBuzz Bee
#002 • #003 • #004
Related enemies
This article is about Mushboom from Secret of Mana. For the general species, see Mushboom.

A mushboom is an enemy in Secret of Mana.

Enemy Stats
60 0 3 7
Strength Agility Intelligence Wisdom
7 5 5 5
Phys. Defense Phys. Evasion Magic Defense Magic Evasion
0 0 0 0
Special Abilities
Sleep (melee)
Treasure Chest Stats
Probability Trap Trap evade Analyzer Lv
1/16 A 16 0
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Weak Neutral
Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective
Effective Weapon(s)
Lode AxeBattle AxeGreat Axe
“Sprays a fainting powder.”
Secret of Mana Official Game Secrets


Mushbooms slowly walk toward their opponent, and will try to knock them down with their spores coming from their mouth. If their target is far but still in range, they will spin in circle in hopes of tripping the player character. For an early game enemy, mushbooms have significant amount of health and decent attack power, making them a potential threat, especially accompanied with other enemies.

In the mobile and HD versions, mushbooms will remove their top to reveal a hole from which the spores come out, like in Trials of Mana and Sword of Mana.

In Secret of Mana HD mushbooms are even easier to deal with, as their movements have been slowed down even further.
