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Basilisk (Secret of Mana)

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Monster info
Japanese name バジリスク
Type Reptile
Element Gnome
Level 49
Common drop Faerie Walnut
Rare drop Cockatrice Cap
Location(s) Mana PalaceMana Fortress
Bestiary index
Kimono WizardBasiliskCaptain Duck
#061 • #062 • #063
Related enemies
This article is about Basilisk from Secret of Mana. For the general species, see Basilisk.

A Basilisk is an enemy in Secret of Mana.

Enemy Stats
580 41 1,755 1,200
Strength Agility Intelligence Wisdom
52 52 66 66
Phys. Defense Phys. Evasion Magic Defense Magic Evasion
75 99 242 99
Special Abilities
Defender Lv.0
Earth Slide Lv.4
Treasure Chest Stats
Probability Trap Trap evade Analyzer Lv
1/16 F 64 3
Attack Effects
Neutral Neutral Weak Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Effectice Immune Effective Effective Effective Immune Effective Effective
Effective Weapon(s)
ChakramChain WhipFrizbarHerald SwordHyper-FistPartisan
“Attacks can change you into a stone.”
Secret of Mana Official Game Secrets


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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