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Flammie (Secret of Mana)

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Flammie (Secret of Mana)
Flammie SOM remake artwork.jpg
Secret of Mana (remake) render
First appearance Secret of Mana (1993)
Latest appearance Secret of Mana HD (2018)
Title(s) Legendary White Dragon
Homeland Cave of the White Dragon
Role Supporting
Gender Male
Species White Dragon
Status Presumed dead
This article is about The white dragon from Secret of Mana. For General species, see Flammie.

Flammie is a supporting character in Secret of Mana.



Secret of Mana

“The loveable child of the legendary white dragon. Despite his cute appearance, he possesses unbelievable flying skills passed down form his father. He can be called by using his favorite toy, a little hand drum.”
Secret of Mana iOS Official Website

On the advice of the Matango residents, the party tracks down a lead on a dragon seen overhead. They head north toward a cave where the dragon might be, but are quickly attacked by a Great Viper, which they battle and defeat. As they enter the cave, there is naught but a newborn dragon cowering, as its parents were recently slaughtered by the giant snake. Primm approaches it and attempts to befriend it, ultimately succeeding and leading the party to ponder what to do next. It is still much too large for them to bring it along, so they decide to leave it with King Truffle, who is aware of a legend concerning a hero on a white dragon. He gladly volunteers to care for the dragon in the party's stead.

The party resumes its mission to locate and protect the Mana Seeds, communing with those of Fire and Water. They then travel by cannon to the Imperial continent and meet with Mara in Southtown, who directs them through the sewer to reach Northtown and hook up with the Resistance there.

After exploring the Northtown Ruins and rescuing the people trapped there by Thanatos, the party as well as the Resistance are summoned to meet with Emperor Vandole in the Imperial Palace. This turns out to be a trap and all are thrown into the palace dungeon. The party then frees the Resistance and makes their way through the demon-ridden castle to the roof, where Geshtar ambushes them in Mech Rider 2. The party defeats Geshtar, but he has sprung a trap and causes the Palace to collapse. Truffle arrives not a moment too soon with the young dragon, a male named Flammie. The dragon has matured extremely quickly, enough that he can now be ridden; and he has been more than eager to meet his new family. He has also been trained to answer the beat of his favorite toy, which Truffle dubs the Flammie Drum. After dropping Truffle off at Fung Castle, the party is free to resume its quest.

Flammie remains with the party for the remainder of their quest, able to carry them to remote areas otherwise unreachable by other means: Gold Isle, Lighthouse Isle, Tasnica, the Lofty Mountains, the Moon Palace, the Pure Land, and the Grand Palace. He is further able to help the party reach the Mana Fortress when it rises from the sea.

As white dragons of this world are sustained by mana power, it can be assumed that Flammie faded from existence after the Mana Beast was felled.

Circle of Mana

Flammie makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several Secret of Mana characters. He appears in 7 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
UR トリュフォー UR 0249 トリュフォー.jpg
UR 0250 トリュフォー.jpg
UR 0251 トリュフォー.jpg
UR 0252 トリュフォー.jpg
「ついにきたか! 伝説の勇者たちよ!まってたぜ!」
"Finally here! Legendary heroes! We've been waiting!"
UR チルドレンオブマナ UR 0557 チルドレンオブマナ.jpg
UR 0558 チルドレンオブマナ.jpg
UR 0559 チルドレンオブマナ.jpg
UR 0560 チルドレンオブマナ.jpg
It is said that it was one boy, one girl, and a holy sword who saved the world, which was shrouded in chaos and sadness.
UR フラミー[白竜] SUR 0353 フラミー 白竜.jpg
SUR 0354 フラミー 白竜.jpg
SUR 0355 フラミー 白竜.jpg
SUR 0356 フラミー 白竜.jpg
4 small wings and a tail. It has the ability to fly, which is hard to imagine from its adorable appearance. Its appearance is divine, and there is even a legend that it is a white dragon.
SUR フラミー[救援] SUR 0573 フラミー 救援.jpg
SUR 0574 フラミー 救援.jpg
SUR 0575 フラミー 救援.jpg
SUR 0576 フラミー 救援.jpg
SUR 大空の大冒険 SUR 0969 大空の大冒険.jpg
SUR 0970 大空の大冒険.jpg
SUR 0971 大空の大冒険.jpg
SUR 0972 大空の大冒険.jpg
"Together with the legendary white dragon that hangs from the sky, the adventure of the three of them continues in order to save the world."
SUR フラミー SUR 1169 フラミー.jpg
SUR 1170 フラミー.jpg
SUR 1171 フラミー.jpg
SUR 1172 フラミー.jpg
"The sacred beast that protects the mountains and skies, also known as the "Father of Winged Beings", is said to reside at the top of Mount Roland. One theory is that it only tolerates Amazons."
LGR プリム[サンタ] LGR 0533 プリム サンタ.jpg
LGR 0534 プリム サンタ.jpg
LGR 0535 プリム サンタ.jpg
LGR 0536 プリム サンタ.jpg
「う~ん、すっきりした! やっぱりたまにはイタズラしなきゃね。」
"Hmm, that's refreshing! After all, you have to be naughty once in a while."

Echoes of Mana

White Dragon Child

While not physically appearing in the game, the Flammie from Secret of Mana was depicted in one memory gem:

General information

Physical appearance


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese フラミー
Spanish Flammie Same as English
French Flammy (SNES)
Flammie (3D)

Same as English (3D)
German Lufti (SNES)
Flämmchen (3D)
From Luft (air) (SNES)
Tiny flame(3D)


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Flammie (Secret of Mana).
Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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