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Memory Gem

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Set Off for Adventure memory gem

Memory Gems are the plug-in augmentation system used in Echoes of Mana. Presenting as collectible cards, these crystalized memories of the places, events and figures of the greater Mana series give individual party members enhanced attributes and special abilities beyond those they innately possess.


Whether they are assembled from story progress, earned from special mission rewards, or harvested, Memory Gems insert into units' gem frames to pad their stats and get special aegis skills from each. They come in rarities from 2 stars all the way up to four stars. Each comes with a spirit magic level equal to their rank, with a maximum level being their rank + 1. To get to the maximum rank, the player needs to unleash them; four of the same type of card are needed to unleash the remaining spirit magic level and max the attached aegis effect. However, unleashing with even a single Memory Gem still raises the card's maximum level.

Each card also carries basic stat values that are added to the stats the unit currently has; these receive upgrades by every 10 levels of the card, but gain only minimal stats between level multiples of 10.


Memory gems can be obtained through various means.

  • Regular cards are gained by through normal harvesting, either since game launch or through updates. Their artwork depict various scenes from the Mana series.
  • Story-related cards are collected after completing a chapter for the first copy. To gain additional ones, the player must clear missions on Hard/Very Hard difficulty. They depict events occuring within each chapter of Echoes of Mana.
  • Event-related cards are obtained after completing periodical events in Echoes of Mana, such as in-game events or Mana anniversary celebrations. They either depict scenes from in-game events or character crossovers.


Each memory gem tier (2★, 3★, & 4★) is decorated with a different border.

  • 2★ memory gems are adorned with relatively short and simple, curvy silver frame.
  • 3★ memory gems are decorated with a longer, slightly more elaborated curvy gold frame.
  • 4★ memory gems are bordered with an even longer, sinuous multicolored frame.

List of available Memory Gems[edit]

There are currently 124 memory gems in Echoes of Mana.

Name Rarity Base
Game Combat
Where to

A Bitter Farewell
3⭐️ 70 - 30 - - - - Trials of Mana 908 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

A Branch Bestowed
3⭐️ - - - - 30 - 18 Children of Mana 1137 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

A Curious Creeping Vine
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Dawn of Mana 916 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

A Heated Situation
3⭐️ - - - 29 30 - - Secret of Mana 910 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

A Hostile Interrogation
4⭐️ 103 - 150 - - - - Legend of Mana 1392 Gacha
A World of Encounters Harvest
2022/06/08 (UTC)

A Devius Revenge
4⭐️ - 12 35 - - - - Sword of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/06 (UTC)

A Poetic Voice
3⭐️ - 11 - - - - 18 Legend of Mana 1149 Clear
Siren Arc I: Flora & Fugue
2022/09/30 (UTC)

A Reawwy Big Jump
3⭐️ - 11 - - 30 - - Trials of Mana 904 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Ahoy Shiloh Squad
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Captain Shiloh's Swashbucklers Event
2022/08/31 (UTC)

Aim for Wind Acorns
4⭐️ 103 - 50 - - - - Dawn of Mana 1392 Gacha
Guided by the Great Tree Harvest
2022/05/06 (UTC)

All I Have Left
3⭐️ - 11 30 - - - - Trials of Mana 928 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

An Enchanting Dissent
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Trials of Mana 916 Gacha 2022/09/02 (UTC)

An Honorable Opposition
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Trials of Mana 1432 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary Step Harvest Part 2
2022/10/09 (UTC)

Angel and Demon
4⭐️ - - 50 40 - - - Rise of Mana 1420 Gacha
Fallen Immortals Harvest
2022/11/21 (UTC)

Another Day in Domina
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Legend of Mana 916 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary Harvest Part 1
2022/09/30 (UTC)

Armored Inferno Assault
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 3
Epicorn: Legend on the Lake
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Banquet of Champions
4⭐️ - 12 - - - - 21 Echoes of Mana 1539 Mana
31st Anniversary
2022/06/28 (UTC)

Befriending Flammie
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Trials of Mana 1432 Gacha
True Steel Harvest
2022/11/09 (UTC)

Best Quest for Your Buck
3⭐️ 70 - - - - - 18 Children of Mana 1129 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Beyond the Dawn
4⭐️ 72 - - - - - 21 Trials of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/02/22 (UTC)

Big Bad Werewolves
3⭐️ 70 - 30 - - - - Secret of Mana 908 Gacha
The Beast Within Harvest
2022/05/20 (UTC)

Book of Curing
4⭐️ 103 - - - - - 26 Adventures of Mana 1667 Gacha
Ice & Fire Harvest
2022/06/30 (UTC)

Bomb Brothers
2⭐️ - 8 - - - 19 - Children of Mana ? Gacha 2022/11/29 (UTC)

Briarborough Faerie Boss
3⭐️ - - - - 30 - 18 Echoes of Mana 1137 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 5
Faerieberry: Confronting Confusion
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Brother's Keeper Imu
4⭐️ - - 35 28 - - - Legend of Mana Manga ? Login Bonus
Missed Match Mayhem
2023/01/30 (UTC)

Buju Breakout
3⭐️ 70 11 - - - - - Dawn of Mana 896 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Captivating Craft
4⭐️ 103 - 50 - - - - Adventures of Mana 1392 Gacha
Full Dream Ahead Harvest
2022/08/19 (UTC)

Carefree Traveler Toto
4⭐️ - - 35 - - 28 - Legend of Mana Manga ? Login Bonus
Missed Match Mayhem
2023/01/30 (UTC)

Chasing the Light
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Trials of Mana 1432 Gacha
Searching for Lost Luster Harvest
2022/06/31 (UTC)

2⭐️ 47 - - 19 - - - Trials of Mana 607 Gacha 2022/11/01 (UTC)

Chosen of the Mana Sword
4⭐️ - - - - - - - Trials of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/30 (UTC)

2⭐️ - 8 - - 21 - - Adventures of Mana 616 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Critical Choice
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Secret of Mana 1432 Gacha
Swashbucklers Harvest
2022/09/02 (UTC)

Colliding Convictions
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Legend of Mana 1428 Gacha
The Conqueror Harvest
2022/07/08 (UTC)

Daily Sword Drill
4⭐️ 72 - - - - - 21 Children of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/16 (UTC)

Darkly Lured Love
3⭐️ 70 - 30 - - - - Secret of Mana ? Gacha
New Year Maiden Harvest
2022/12/31 (UTC)

Dearest Friend
3⭐️ 70 11 - - - - - Legend of Mana 896 Clear
Siren Arc II: Bone and Brimstone
2022/10/14 (UTC)

Dearest Memory
3⭐️ - 11 - - 30 - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 5
Paircherry: Locked Memories
2023/03/23 (UTC)

Devourer of Elementals
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 4
Pricklemelon: Darkness Before Dawn
2023/03/09 (UTC)

2⭐️ 47 8 - - - - - Children of Mana ? Gacha 2022/09/01 (UTC)

Dusk on a Hilltop
3⭐️ 70 - - - - 29 - Echoes of Mana 910 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 6
In a Patchworked World
2022/05/29 (UTC)

Enchanting Tones
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Children of Mana 934 Gacha
Darting Dancer Harvest
2022/11/01 (UTC)

Entrusted Pendant
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Adventures of Mana 1428 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary Step Harvest Part 4
2022/11/01 (UTC)

Facing Death's Conqueror
4⭐️ - - - - 35 28 - Trials of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/02/22 (UTC)

False Goddess
3⭐️ - - 30 - 30 - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 1 Chapter 8
Voidfig: Torment's Terminus
2022/07/31 (UTC)

Fearsome Foursome
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Labyrinth of Lost Heroes event
2022/07/31 (UTC)

Finalizing Fate
4⭐️ 103 - 50 - - - - Legend of Mana 1392 Gacha
Labyrinth of Lost Heroes Harvest
2022/07/31 (UTC)

Freak Show and Tell
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Adventures of Mana 934 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Gaia's Gift
3⭐️ 70 - - 29 - - - Children of Mana 902 Gacha
Searching for Lost Luster Harvest
2022/05/31 (UTC)

Goddess Statue
4⭐️ - - - - - - - Echoes of Mana ? Shop 2023/03/30 (UTC)

Golden Ideals
3⭐️ 70 11 - - - - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 0
Awakening Truth
2022/10/28 (UTC)

Great Swords Afire
4⭐️ - 17 - - 50 - - Secret of Mana 1432 Gacha
Winter Wishes Step Harvest
2022/11/30 (UTC)

Hi-yo Mech Rider! Away!
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Secret of Mana 934 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Hidden Power Unleashed
4⭐️ - 12 35 - - - - Trials of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/06 (UTC)

Home of Their Own
4⭐️ 72 - - - 35 - - Legend of Mana Manga ? Mission Bingo
Missed Match Mayhem
2023/01/30 (UTC)

Howl Under the Moon
4⭐️ - 17 - - - - 26 Trials of Mana 1707 Gacha
The Beast Within Harvest
2022/05/20 (UTC)

I won't hear it!
3⭐️ - - 30 - - 29 - Adventures of Mana 934 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

I'm Back
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Legend of Mana 1428 Gacha
Distant Dawn Dreamer Harvest
2023/01/10 (UTC)

Imbalance of Power
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Sword of Mana 934 Gacha 2022/08/08 (UTC)

Interweaving World
4⭐️ - - - 28 - 28 - Echoes of Mana 1257 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary
Celebration Gift
2022/10/26 (UTC)

Into the Rift
4⭐️ - - - - - - - Echoes of Mana ? Gacha
High Level Quest
Gingham Riftspire
2022/08/31 (UTC)

It's the Li'l Things
3⭐️ 70 - - - 30 - - Legend of Mana 884 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

King Rabite
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Trials of Mana 1432 Gacha
New Year Maiden Harvest
2022/12/31 (UTC)

King Truffle
2⭐️ 47 8 - - - - - Secret of Mana 606 Gacha 2022/06/30 (UTC)

Knightly Duty
4⭐️ - - 50 - - - 26 Legend of Mana 1743 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary Step Harvest Part 1
2022/09/30 (UTC)

2⭐️ - - - 19 - 19 - Secret of Mana 604 Gacha
Searching for Lost Luster Harvest
2022/05/31 (UTC)

Labyrinth of Ice
3⭐️ 70 - - - 30 - - Trials of Mana ? Gacha 2022/11/30 (UTC)

Little Spirit Faye
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Dawn of Mana 1428 Gacha
Whiz & Beauty Harvest
2022/06/20 (UTC)

Machine Golem Shuffle
4⭐️ 103 - - - 50 - - Trials of Mana 1352 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Mana Tribe Duty
4⭐️ 72 - - - - - 21 Secret of Mana 1513 Secret of Mana Anniversary
Mission Bingo
2022/08/03 (UTC)

Masterful Merchant
3⭐️ 70 - - - - - 18 Legend of Mana 1129 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Melded Blades Unmatched
4⭐️ - - 35 - 35 - - Legend of Mana Manga ? Mission Bingo
Missed Match Mayhem
2023/01/30 (UTC)

Missions Misaligned
4⭐️ - - - 28 - 28 - Legend of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/16 (UTC)

2⭐️ - - - 19 - 19 - Legend of Mana ? Gacha
New Year Maiden Harvest
2022/12/31 (UTC)

One and Only
4⭐️ - 12 - - 35 - - Secret of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/16 (UTC)

Overcoming Yourself
4⭐️ - 17 - - 50 - - Secret of Mana 1432 Gacha 2022/12/08 (UTC)

2⭐️ 47 - - - 21 - - Secret of Mana 600 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Passage of Rites
4⭐️ - - 35 28 - - - Echoes of Mana 1290 Spam
Hard/Very Hard/Nightmare quests in
Pavlov's Pursuit
2022/12/31 (UTC)

Past the Edge of Peril
4⭐️ 72 - 35 - - - - Dawn of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/06 (UTC)

Peddan Secret Mission
3⭐️ - - - - 30 29 - Heroes of Mana 910 Gacha 2022/06/30 (UTC)

2⭐️ - - 21 19 - - - Legend of Mana 634 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Pity Peddlers
3⭐️ - - - - 30 29 - Secret of Mana 778 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Revived Hope and a Fateful Rematch
3⭐️ - 11 - 29 - - - Echoes of Mana 922 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 7
Sanctuberry: Day of Legend
2022/06/27 (UTC)

Rulers of the World
4⭐️ - 17 - - 50 - - Legend of Mana 1392 Gacha
Magic Power in Bloom Harvest
2022/05/25 (UTC)

Run for It
3⭐️ - 11 30 - - - - Trials of Mana 928 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Scorpion Army Overlord
3⭐️ - - - - - - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 3
Soulpepper: Wandering Bonds
2023/02/22 (UTC)

Seamless Synergy
4⭐️ 82 - - - - - 21 Echoes of Mana 928 Pre-Registration
2022/04/29 (UTC)

2⭐️ 82 - - - 21 19 - Children of Mana 617 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Seekers of Mana
3⭐️ - - 30 - - - 18 Adventures of Mana 1161 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Set Off for Adventure
3⭐️ 70 - 30 - - - - Echoes of Mana 908 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 1
Beginniberry: Problems in Pinzton
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Settling Shadows
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Echoes of Mana 1428 Gacha
Phantom Slayer Harvest
2022/08/08 (UTC)

Shadow on Soaring Wings
3⭐️ - - - - 30 29 - Echoes of Mana 910 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 4
Soaramame: Wings for Wear
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Show of Faith
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Searching for Lost Luster Event
2022/05/31 (UTC)

Sinister Bloodsucker
4⭐️ 72 - 35 - - - - Echoes of Mana 1271 Clear
Secrets of Kett Manor Event
2022/10/31 (UTC)

Skybox Seats
4⭐️ - - 35 28 - - - Echoes of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/02/22 (UTC)

Sneaky Soul Sucker
4⭐️ - - - - 35 - 21 Trials of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/30 (UTC)

Snowball Scramble
4⭐️ - 12 - - - - 21 Echoes of Mana 1539 Mission Completion Campaign Winter 2023 2022/12/09 (UTC)

Someday in Pinzton
3⭐️ - 11 - - 30 - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 6
Echoes of Mana: The Brilliant Sanctuary
2023/04/06 (UTC)

Spark of Future Flames
3⭐️ - 11 - - 30 - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear
Season 2 Chapter 2
Mistlefig: Reign of Magic
2022/12/09 (UTC)

2⭐️ - 47 - - 19 - - Trials of Mana 607 Gacha 2022/08/01 (UTC)

Substituting Santa
4⭐️ - 12 - - - - 21 Echoes of Mana 1539 Win from second and
following Bingo boards in
Secret of Santa Event
2022/11/29 (UTC)

Suit to Swim
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Secret of Mana 1432 Gacha
Darting Dancer Harvest
2022/09/28 (UTC)

Sword from Above
4⭐️ - - 50 40 - - - Children of Mana 1420 Gacha
Headed for the Home Village Harvest
2022/06/16 (UTC)

2⭐️ - - 21 19 - - - Legend of Mana 634 Gacha 2022/09/30 (UTC)

The Chosen One
4⭐️ 103 - 50 - - - - Secret of Mana 1392 Gacha 2022/05/20 (UTC)

The Professor's Pet
4⭐️ - 17 50 - - - - Legend of Mana 1432 Gacha
Jewel Hunter Harvest
2022/12/20 (UTC)

The Tale Begins
4⭐️ 103 17 - - - - - Adventures of Mana 1356 Gacha
Overcoming Myriad Farewells Harvest
2022/05/13 (UTC)

The Teardrop Crystal
4⭐️ 72 - - - - - 21 Legend of Mana 1562 Half-Year Anniversary Campaign Giveaway
Part 2
2022/09/30 (UTC)

The Tower on High
4⭐️ 72 12 - - - - - Echoes of Mana ? Clear 30 floors
of Twillwool Tower
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

The Wind in Our Sails
3⭐️ - 11 30 - - - - Trials of Mana 928 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

To Save the World
4⭐️ - - - - - - - Secret of Mana ? Gacha
Story Weaver Campaign
2023/03/30 (UTC)

Tree Chat
3⭐️ - - - - 30 29 - Legend of Mana 910 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Trick or Treat
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Echoes of Mana 1428 Gacha
Half-Year Anniversary Step Harvest Part 3
2022/10/22 (UTC)

Two Lords of Darkness
3⭐️ - - 30 29 - - - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Season 2 Chapter 1
Bladeberry: Knight in Training
2022/10/26 (UTC)

Twofold Flame
3⭐️ - - - 29 30 - - Echoes of Mana 910 Clear
Ice & Fire Event
2022/06/30 (UTC)

Until We Meet Again
4⭐️ - - 50 - 50 - - Adventures of Mana ? Gacha
Tomorrow Dawns Anew Harvest
2023/01/20 (UTC)

Victory High Five
3⭐️ - - 30 - - 30 - Echoes of Mana 934 Clear
Trail to the Toughest Event
2022/04/29 (UTC)

Village Elder
2⭐️ 47 - 21 - - - - Dawn of Mana 617 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Von Boyage
2⭐️ 47 - - - - - 12 Trials of Mana 756 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Vuscav's Great Escape
3⭐️ 47 - 21 - - - - Trials of Mana 617 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

White Dragon Child
3⭐️ 70 - - - 30 - - Secret of Mana 772 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

Who Bears the Sword
3⭐️ 70 11 - - - - - Echoes of Mana 826 Clear
Season 1 Chapter 2
Verdigourd: The Mana Sword Song
2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch

With One Left
4⭐️ - - 50 40 - - - Legend of Mana 1420 Gacha
Unyielding Loyalty Harvest
2022/09/24 (UTC)

Xangar, Malevodon of Flame
3⭐️ - 11 30 - - - - Children of Mana 928 Gacha 2022/04/27 (UTC)
Game Launch


58 4⭐️ memory gems
52 3⭐️ memory gems
14 2⭐️ memory gems
9 memory gems depicting content from Adventures of Mana
17 memory gems depicting content from Secret of Mana
22 memory gems depicting content from Trials of Mana
19 memory gems depicting content from Legend of Mana
2 memory gem depicting content from Sword of Mana
9 memory gems depicting content from Children of Mana
6 memory gems depicting content from Dawn of Mana
1 memory gem depicting content from Heroes of Mana
1 memory gem depicting content from Rise of Mana
33 memory gems depicting content from Echoes of Mana
4 memory gems depicting content from Legend of Mana's manga
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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