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The Pursuit of Wisdoms

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The Seven Wisdoms
Appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Japanese 賢人を探せLoM
Kenjin o sagaseLoM
Find the Wise ManLoM
Cactus Diary entry Entry 62
Character(s) Boink
Location(s) Gato Grottoes
Lake Kilma
Luon Highway
The Underworld
Boss(es) None
Reward None
Prerequisite(s) The Little Sorcerers
Quest(s) unlocked None
“The little boy got to find six of the Seven Wisdoms. There are only six Wisdoms? Did they pick that name because it sounds good? Maybe they can't do math.”
Cactus Diaries, entry 62

The Seven Wisdoms, called The Pursuit of Wisdoms in the remaster, is a quest in Legend of Mana.


Bud wants to see the fabled six Wisdoms of Fa'Diel so that he becomes a great wizard. The hero accepts so they first set their eyes on Gaia who is located in Luon Highway. Once here , Gaia tells of a great mage called Halciet who live aeons ago. His power far exceeded those of the rocky Wisdom. The duo then head for Lake Kilma to meet Tote. Here, the old turtle reveals that the young mage doesn't need to listen to the Wisdoms to become a great wizard, as he should focus on what nature has to say instead. Bud thanks the old sea creature and head for the Jungle next to encounter Rosiotti. Here the red beast tells the apprentice that the air is filled with Mana energy. By emptying his heart of thought, he should feel the Mana flowing through you. After bidding farewell to Rosiotti, they venture into the Underworld to have an audience with Olbohn. The Keeper of the Underworld tells Bud that he can do anything he wishes for, as long as he remains aware that he is a human being, just like any other. Finally, they go to gato Grottoes to meet Selva. The King of the Winds says to the small mage that children are always on the fringes of history's tumult, but that they have plenty of ideas on how to make up for the adult's mistakes. Bud thanks the Wind Wisdom and the duo head back Home.


Talk to Bud twice. He will tell you about six wisdoms he wants to visit. You already started this event but here is how you finish it:

Wisdom 1: Gaeus -- Take Bud to the Luon Highway and talk to the hippo-like creature(Boink). Have him teleport you to the fork and keep going right to find Gaeus.

Wisdom 2: Tote -- Take Bud to Lake Kilma and head to the cliff to find Tote the turtle.

Wisdom 3: Rosiotti -- Take Bud to the Jungle and use the psychic service to go to the Forest Ruins. Go up from that screen to get to Rosiotti.

Wisdom 4: Pokiehl -- You already did this one.

Wisdom 5: Olbohn -- Take Bud to Underworld and touch the stone. Go left, upper right, right, up, up, upper right, lower left and far right. Go in the door to get to Olbohn. To get back out talk to the Shadole and have it bring you to the entrance. Talk to the Shadole there to have him take you to the surface.

Wisdom 6: Selva -- Take Bud to Gato Grottoes. If you have talked to the other 5 Wisdoms, Selva will be at the fork right before the Temple of Healing.

Bring Bud back home to end this event.
