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Flowerburg Dior
Flowerburg Dior TOM remake screenshot.jpg
Trials of Mana screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Demonym Dioran(?)
Ruler Elfin ElderToM/HoM
Inhabitant(s) Elfin ElderToM/HoM
Background music Don't Hunt The FairyToM
Innocent SeaToM

Dior, also known as Flowerburg Dior in Trials of Mana and Flowergarden Land in Heroes of Mana, is a recurring location in the Mana series.



Trials of Mana

“The party becomes allies with Luna, the elemental of the moon. They travel to the elfin kingdom of Dior to talk to the elder about the Woodstone's whereabouts.”
Adventure Log

Character Observations

“Oh, come on! Say something! Urg! Can't have a conversation with these people!”
Duran (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)
“None of these elves will talk to us! Let's just find the elder and get this over with. I don't want us to waste any more time.”
Angela (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)
“No one talks to us! Did...we do something?”
Kevin (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)
“How wude! Who could ignowe me of aww peopowe? They wiww get what's coming to them eventuawwy...”
Charlotte (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)
“Huh, even I'm having a hard time chatting these elves up. Can't they see they're missing a golden opportunity here?”
Hawkeye (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)
“It is no use. They will not listen to us. I had no idea that elves were so obstinate. There must be more to this than meets the eye.”
Riesz (Before talking to the Elfin Elder)

“We've met a bunch of people out there in the world. Dwarfs, beastmen, cat folk, elves...”
Duran (After talking to the Elfin Elder)
“Oo, look! An elfin-made wand! Think I could rock it?”
Angela (After talking to the Elfin Elder)
“Lampblooms. Beautiful... And huge!”
Kevin (After talking to the Elfin Elder)
“Papa... Mama... I wiww make you both pwoud!”
Charlotte (After talking to the Elfin Elder)
“I hope that humans and elves resolve their differences eventually. It'd be a shame never to see these people's lovely faces again.”
Hawkeye (After talking to the Elfin Elder)
“I was merely praying to the Goddess of Mana for our continued safe passage. Shall we be off?”
Riesz (After talking to the Elfin Elder)

Heroes of Mana

Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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