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From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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First appearance Heroes of Mana (2007)
Latest appearance Heroes of Mana (2007)
Homeland Nervarl
Role Neutral
Gender Male
Species Human

Bautcher is a character in Heroes of Mana.



Heroes of Mana[edit]

General information[edit]

“Younger brother of Olbex, leader of Nevarl. Dead as of five years ago. During a diplomatic meeting between Nevarl and Laurent, his rude conduct towards Miverna resulted in a riot, and ultimately his own death at Qucas's hands. Qucas was forced to leave Laurent after the incident.”

Physical appearance[edit]


Profile and statistics[edit]

Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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