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Ishe (Sword of Mana)

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Town of Ishe
First appearance Sword of Mana (2003)
Latest appearance Sword of Mana (2003)
Inhabitant(s) Selah
Background music Village

Ishe is a location and settlement in Sword of Mana. It's a town settled in the southwestern part of the world, only accessible after the events at Granz's Castle, it's located in the middle of the Glass Desert, connect to south to the Glass Desert Armory and through north going to Ruined Passage.


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Ishe General Store[edit]

Icon Name Cost Sell
Gumdrop 10 L 5 L
Chocolump 40 L 10 L
Magic Walnut 45 L 22 L
Prestoveggie 15 L 7 L
Stardust Herb 20 L 10 L
Angel Grail 50 L 25 L

Findable Stuff[edit]

Icon Name Qty Location
Dudbear's Gold - Found in many places & as a Sidequest reward
Cancun Feather 1 Ishe General Store (see New Adventurer)
