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The Expert Exterminator achievement for slaying all Nemeses

Nemeses are a set of enemies encountered in Visions of Mana. Despite being recolors of common foes, they are considerably stronger than their normal variant.


Nemeses basically act as a test of strength for the player and can either be fought alone or with other regular opponents. They yield corestones as proof of defeat like all enemies, but their crystal are bigger, sport a green tinge and typically redeem for better ability seeds and/or money. Nemeses do not respawn after being slain.

Nemeses are said to have acquired such a fearsome reputation that they've earn unique nicknames, some of them being a reference to earlier installments. Their appearance differ from their common brethren by their colored aura (mostly green, white, yellow, purple, or red) and by being sometimes larger. Nemeses only appear in field areas, not in dungeons, and do not show up on Illusia Isle, the Floating Isle of Ulul, or the Distorted Sanctuary.

Encountered Nemeses can be viewed in the Bestiary section of the Guides menu.

List of Nemeses[edit]

Name Reference Location Description
Brutal Guri database VoM screenshot.png
Brutal Guri
(Legend of Mana)
Charred Passage "A lone goblin who was ostracized by its community. It then became a roving bandit, leaving a trail of terror in every region it passed through. A posse was formed to put an end to its shenanigans, but the goblin made light work of its would-be captors, growing in strength as it continued to cause chaos.”"
Tricky Buju database VoM screenshot.png
Tricky Buju
(Dawn of Mana)
Charred Passage "A Rabite with an unquenchable thirst for adventure, it habitually sets off on sudden expeditions, much to its owner’s chagrin. It is friendly by nature, since it was raised by humans, but became a tad feral due to extended exposure to disturbed elemental energy. It was apparently the inspiration for the protagonist of the children’s book “Buju’s Brilliant Adventures.”"
Hoarding Blosslay database VoM screenshot.png
Hoarding Blosslay
From "Blossom" and "Slay" Charred Passage "A type of Lullabud that only blooms on ancient battlefields. None are certain whether it extracts nutrients from the blood-soaked soil as its nourishment, or the souls of fallen warriors. However, once it sprouts from the ground, even the most well-trained adventurers will struggle to subdue it.”"
Floret Triffid database VoM screenshot.png
Floret Triffid
From Triffid, a fictional carnivorous plant Fallow Steppe "There once was a doctor who suffered from a disease with no known cure. Undeterred, he devoted many years to researching one, collecting medicinal herbs from all over the land. In a final attempt at concocting a cure, he mixed the samples together, but accidentally included one potent toxic herb. By the time he realized what had happened, it was too late. What was intended to be the perfect remedy ended up becoming the ultimate poison.”"
Grave Picus database VoM screenshot.png
Grave Picus
From Picus, a bird genus in the woodpecker family Aery Passage "There is a saying across the land that goes: “Picus in the sky, abundant harvests nigh.” However, anyone who claims to have caught sight of this bird perishes soon afterwards, often in mysterious circumstances. Little do the people know that "Grave Picus" iconGrave Picus is not the avian god of the harvest, but a harbinger of demise, bringing ruin to those who behold it.”"
Deft Chitto database VoM screenshot.png
Deft Chitto
Chobee & Chitto
(Dawn of Mana & Legend of Mana)
(Chitto is Chobee's Japanese name)
Aery Passage "A demi-human endowed with a high level of ingenuity. Deft Chitto has been put forward to be the next leader of its tribe, some members of which are capable of speaking in human tongues.”"
Tangoing Matsootaken database VoM screenshot.png
Tangoing Matsootaken
From Matsutake Mushroom species Aery Passage "A lively, upbeat mushroom. When its energy levels are at their highest, it can tirelessly dance from sunrise to sunset. With every move it busts, it diffuses a pheromone that attracts other monsters. Some say that the monsters that it entices in may be weak to wind-elemental attacks…”"
Custodial Truffle database VoM screenshot.png
Custodial Truffle
(Secret of Mana)
Aery Passage "A fungus that was cultivated using peculiar substrates. It became sentient and tasked itself with preserving the ecosystem it resides in. Rumors say it gives off an aroma to whet any appetite, but none who have tasted its forbidden flesh have lived to tell the tale.”"
Bolt Urus database VoM screenshot.png
Bolt Urus
From Lamborghini Urus Aery Passage "A derivative of the Bulette that has undergone biological restructuring due to a disordered flow of elemental energy. This caused several devolutionary changes, but also heightened its innate hunting instincts, allowing it to track a target for days without rest.”"
Charging Propul database VoM screenshot.png
Charging Propul
Possibly from Propulsion Zawhak Desert "A Bulette that was granted its moniker after finishing first in a renowned Bulette racing competition, proving itself to be the fastest of its species. Of particular note is its impressive ability to reach extremely high velocities in mere moments. People who have witnessed Propul dash at these breakneck speeds have claimed that the space around it distorts, leaving scintillations to fizzle in its wake.”"
Plundering Tytonrik database VoM screenshot.png
Plundering Tytonrik
From Torix, a type of leech genus Lefeya Drifts "A deviant variant of a Blood Owl. Be it fallen trinkets in the forest or fully grown humans, it seizes anything that catches its fancy. What it does with the purloined items (or creatures) it hauls back to its nest is a mystery that none have lived to tell of."
Armed Griv database VoM screenshot.png
Armed Griv
? Lefeya Drifts "There are rumors of an item possessed by a certain Sahagin that are circulating in the merchant community of late, causing demand for it to skyrocket. However, it would seem the Sahagin has heard the stories and will kindly hand over the item free of charge—all one need do is ask it nicely! After one wealthy merchant did exactly this, others have searched high and low for the elusive Sahagin, desperate to get their hands on the object."
Jointed Tikkle database VoM screenshot.png
Jointed Tikkle
(Legend of Mana)
Lefeya Drifts "Teased by its fellow Sahagins for being a wimpy thugling, Jointed Tikkle then trained in solitude, wanting to surpass the strength of those who shamed it. However, hatred eventually engulfed its heart and Tikkle became consumed by the desire for revenge. If someone had shown it kindness long ago, could this descent into evil have been prevented?"
Puppet Meriska database VoM screenshot.png
Puppet Meriska
Possibly from "Melissa", its Japanese name means "Honey Bee" in Greek Fallow Steppe "A cursory glance may have you believe this winged monster is nothing more than a common Beelancer. However, keen observers will notice it is actually a superpowered replica of one. How it moves, who manipulates it, and why it came to be are enigmas yet to be elucidated. The only hint as to its origin is some text on its body that reads “Von…”, but the rest has been scratched off."
Nocturnal Droon database VoM screenshot.png
Nocturnal Droon
Its Japanese name comes from Tsukuyomi, the Moon Kami and the English word "Bee" Pritta Ridge "A variant of the Beelancer that primarily consumes the nectar of a flower known as the crescentcaller. Nocturnal Droon loves to congregate with its kin and moonbathe under the silvery glow of the full moon. Its favorite places for this include a forest shrouded in perpetual night, and a rowdy tavern called Mischievous Spirit."
Gem Valley Ochoro database VoM screenshot.png
Gem Vally Ochoro
? Fallow Steppe "A Molebear that thinks all that glitters is gold. It takes whatever stone, gem, or shiny scrap of metal that catches its eye back to its abode. Amidst the sparkly potpourri it has amassed throughout the years, it appears to have collected the jewel cores of a nearly extinct race…"
Phantom Bedditear database VoM screenshot.png
Phantom Bedditear
Corruption of "Teddy Bear" Khaswia Moors "A cute creature with the ugly habit of invading other monsters’ territory and hijacking their turf, it can burrow through the earth as if it were swimming through water. Its subterranean travels have severely damaged the ground in some regions, making them too dangerous to set foot in."
Manipulated Bruiser database VoM screenshot.png
Manipulated Bruiser
(Trials of Mana)
Fallow Steppe "A suit of armor possessed by the spirit of a swordsman who lost in the final round of a sword-fighting tournament. The armor retains the honed skills of its previous owner, and roams the lands in a never-ending search for its former opponent, hell-bent on settling the score once and for all."
Pawn Caruma database VoM screenshot.png
Pawn Caruma
Possibly from (Karma) Khaswia Moors "A suit of armor that is under the control of the cursed sword it wields. The weapon has gained sentience over the years, but that hasn’t stopped some from accusing it of being a pale imitation of the legendary Mana Sword."
Greedy Tummsect database VoM screenshot.png
Greedy Tummsect
From "Tummy" and "Insect" Pritta Ridge "An insect monster possessing extraordinary intelligence. Active both day and night, it scours the land in search of its next prey. Unlike most predators that kill out of necessity, Greedy Tummsect simply gets a buzz out of the hunt."
Sizzled Creepillar database VoM screenshot.png
Sizzled Creepillar
From "Creep" and "Caterpillar" Pritta Ridge "An insect-like being that survived the inhospitable conditions of an arid desert. The deciding factor in its survival, or so it is told, was a nearby oasis, where there stands the statue of a pixie-like being."
Gluttonous Tirpel database VoM screenshot.png
Gluttonous Tirpel
Its Japanese name may come from Entoma Vasilissa Zeta from Overlord Ahrvet's Pasture "A worm-like specimen that fought fiercely to ascend to the top of the food chain. Its philosophy is simple: eat, devour, consume. Any edible morsels will suffice, but nothing will sate its hunger. According to one source, Gluttonous Tirpel can single-handedly (in a figurative sense) munch through a large city’s entire food reserves in one night."
Astral Thrace database VoM screenshot.png
Astral Thrace
Possibly from Thrace Pritta Ridge "A harpy that once lived in the flowering fields of a remote mountain region. So synonymous was she with the place that she was named after it. She narrowly avoided captivity when an army patrol once chanced upon her, and she now meanders in search of a new home, never sojourning in one place for too long. Years of being on the run have made her agile and elusive."
Beguiling Celaeno database VoM screenshot.png
Beguiling Celaeno
From Celaeno Khaswia Moors "A monster with a beautiful voice she uses to lure her prey to their demise. Her deadly dulcet tones are said to resound to the ends of the world, and she herself has stated that the day she stops singing will be the day she dies."
Inexplicable Gunk database VoM screenshot.png
Inexplicable Gunk
Its Japanese name comes from Oobleck Ahrvet's Pasture "This elusive creature can transform into liquid when attacked, absorbing the brunt of any blow. Seconds later, it turns rock solid before pummeling its opponents to oblivion. Many an adventurer has racked their brain over how to defeat it, but none have ever reached a conclusive answer. Ultimately, they give up, bemoaning the bizarre nature of this monstrosity."
Fortune Guesser Popple Pupil database VoM screenshot.png
Fortune Guesser Popple Pupil
? Ahrvet's Pasture "The disciple of a great prophet who resides in a faraway kingdom of magic. He was the most lackluster of all his master’s apprentices, and decided to travel the world in hopes of improving his craft. On his voyage, Popple Pupil made the acquaintance of a powerful individual who helped him awaken to his talent for clairvoyancy. He is now on his way to deliver the news to his master and hopefully regain her trust, for it was she who named him."
Magic User Ambrose database VoM screenshot.png
Magic User Ambrose
Possibly from Ambrose Khaswia Moors "A renegade mage who has been labeled a major threat to the public by local authorities in a number of regions. A prodigal thaumaturge with no equal, he obsessively channels all his energy and intellect into investigating a certain great witch who lived centuries ago."
Char Tamulus database VoM screenshot.png
Char Tamulus
From Hottentotta Tamulus Zawhak Desert "An arachnid imbued with abundant fire-elemental energy. Its venom behaves curiously: victims report a white-hot scalding sensation all over the body that persists for about a month. An antidote exists, but very few individuals know how to concoct it, and those that do charge a pretty lucre for even a single dose."
Scorched Pavlov database VoM screenshot.png
Scorched Pavlov
Legend of Mana & Echoes of Mana
Zawhak Desert "Former Clay Gorgs that have wandered the world over, absorbing the qualities of the various soils upon which they traipsed. Consequently, they behave quite differently compared to normal Clay Gorgs. They are frequently sighted in rocky or soily areas, likely because it reminds them of their former home, the Earth Village."
Extant Miasopia database VoM screenshot.png
Extant Miasopia
From Miasma and Utopia Zawhak Desert "A formless being created from the amalgamation of the subconscious thoughts of humanfolk. What is it that humanity seeks? Where are they headed? Carefully observe this wispy, borderline immaterial monster, and you may, or may not, find the answers to those questions."
