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Nocturnal Droon

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Nocturnal Droon
Monster info
Japanese name 月下のツクヨビー
Type Demi-human / Insect
Number 129
Drop Nocturnal Droon Corestone
Location(s) Pritta Ridge
Related enemies
Regular monsters Beelancer
Special monsters Puppet Meriska

Nocturnal Droon is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is fought at a hill in the central Pritta Ridge and is accompanied by two Ladeebs.


“A variant of the Beelancer that primarily consumes the nectar of a flower known as the crescentcaller. Nocturnal Droon loves to congregate with its kin and moonbathe under the silvery glow of the full moon. Its favorite places for this include a forest shrouded in perpetual night, and a rowdy tavern called Mischievous Spirit.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 564 46 25 43 12 18 132 66
10 1609 104 63 98 30 44 1095 298
20 2925 190 119 179 88 82 2490 630
30 4065 287 181 269 179 126 4747 1195
40 5170 385 244 361 263 169 7934 1992
50 6298 496 318 466 369 219 11952 2988
60 7437 629 403 591 504 278 18890 4747
70 8624 816 511 767 655 352 33664 8432
80 9787 1148 691 1079 887 477 45583 11420
90 10915 1359 796 1277 1022 550 61021 15272
99 11949 1547 888 1453 1139 613 87448 21878

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


  • Pritta RidgeLvl 13 (fought alongside two Lvl 12 Ladeebs).


  • Nocturnal Droon's Japanese name comes from Tsukuyomi, the Moon Kami and the English word "Bee".


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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