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Beguiling Celaeno

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Beguiling Celaeno
Monster info
Japanese name 妖歌ケライノー
Type Animal
Number 139
Drop Beguiling Celaeno Corestone
Location(s) Khaswia Moors
Related enemies
Regular monsters Harpy
Special monsters Astral Thrace

Beguiling Celaeno is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is fought atop a high peak in Khaswia Moors and is part of the Calm Before the Storm side quest. The nemesis is accompanied by two harpies.


“A monster with a beautiful voice she uses to lure her prey to their demise. Her deadly dulcet tones are said to resound to the ends of the world, and she herself has stated that the day she stops singing will be the day she dies.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 559 43 29 38 15 22 126 63
10 1597 97 72 87 37 54 1046 285
20 2903 178 136 159 107 100 2379 602
30 4034 268 207 240 218 153 4535 1141
40 5130 359 278 322 321 206 7581 1903
50 6249 463 362 415 451 268 11419 2854
60 7380 587 460 526 615 340 18048 4535
70 8558 762 583 683 800 430 32164 8056
80 9712 1072 788 961 1084 583 43551 10911
90 10832 1269 908 1138 1248 672 58301 14591
99 11858 1444 1014 1295 1391 748 83550 20903

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence



  • Beguiling Celaeno's name is a reference to the eponymous Harpy of Greek mythology.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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