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Grave Picus

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Grave Picus
Monster info
Japanese name 告死のピクス
Type Aerial
Number 119
Drop Grave Picus Corestone
Location(s) Aery Passage
Related enemies
Regular monsters Needlebeak

Grave Picus is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is part of the Death's Portent side quest and is fought in the southeastern wetlands of the Aery Passage along with three Needlebeaks.


“There is a saying across the land that goes: “Picus in the sky, abundant harvests nigh.” However, anyone who claims to have caught sight of this bird perishes soon afterwards, often in mysterious circumstances. Little do the people know that Grave Picus is not the avian god of the harvest, but a harbinger of demise, bringing ruin to those who behold it.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 560 44 25 41 13 20 402 201
10 1600 100 63 93 33 49 3320 905
20 2908 184 117 170 97 90 7545 1911
30 4041 276 179 256 197 138 14387 3621
40 5139 371 240 343 289 186 24045 6036
50 6260 478 313 442 406 241 36219 9054
60 7393 606 397 560 554 306 57247 14387
70 8573 787 504 728 720 388 102018 25554
80 9729 1107 681 1024 976 525 138137 34609
90 10850 1310 785 1212 1124 605 184921 46280
99 11878 1491 876 1379 1253 674 265006 66301

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


  • Aery PassageLvl 50 (fought alongside three Lvl 49 Needlebeaks)


  • Picus is a genus of birds from the woodpecker family.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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