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Jointed Tikkle

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Jointed Tikkle
Monster info
Japanese name 二顆のテイク
Type Demi-human / Aquatic
Number 127
Drop Jointed Tikkle Corestone
Location(s) Lefeya Drifts
Related enemies
Regular monsters Petit Poseidon
Special monsters Armed Griv

Jointed Tikkle is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is fought deep inside the Ancient Ruins of the Lefeya Drifts. Players must defeat two groups of magicali-type enemies to unseal the door leading to the nemesis's lair. It is accompanied by six Dainslaifs.


“Teased by its fellow Sahagins for being a wimpy thugling, Jointed Tikkle then trained in solitude, wanting to surpass the strength of those who shamed it. However, hatred eventually engulfed its heart and Tikkle became consumed by the desire for revenge. If someone had shown it kindness long ago, could this descent into evil have been prevented?”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 577 45 26 42 13 19 403 201
10 1648 101 65 96 33 48 3324 906
20 2995 185 121 175 94 88 7556 1914
30 4162 278 185 264 192 135 14407 3627
40 5293 373 249 354 282 181 24079 6045
50 6448 481 324 457 396 235 36270 9067
60 7614 610 411 579 540 298 57326 14407
70 8830 792 522 752 702 378 102160 25590
80 10020 1114 706 1058 951 511 138329 34658
90 11175 1318 813 1253 1095 589 185178 46345
99 12234 1500 907 1425 1221 657 265375 66394

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


  • Lefeya DriftsLvl 53 (fought alongside six Lvl 52 Dainslaifs).



Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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