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Deft Chitto

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Deft Chitto
Monster info
Japanese name 技巧派チット
Type Demi-human / Animal
Number 120
Drop Deft Chitto Corestone
Location(s) Aery Passage
Related enemies
Regular monsters Chobin Hood
Chobin Hoodlum
Quilted Hood

Deft Chitto is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is fought in the northeastern great plain of the Aery Passage near a small campfire. The nemesis is accompanied by three Chobin Hoods.


“A demi-human endowed with a high level of ingenuity. Deft Chitto has been put forward to be the next leader of its tribe, some members of which are capable of speaking in human tongues.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 576 45 26 35 14 20 404 202
10 1645 103 66 80 34 50 3334 909
20 2990 188 123 147 100 93 7579 1920
30 4155 283 188 221 203 143 14451 3638
40 5284 380 252 296 298 192 24153 6063
50 6437 490 329 382 419 249 36381 9095
60 7602 621 417 485 572 316 57503 14451
70 8815 806 529 629 744 400 102474 25669
80 10004 1134 715 885 1008 542 138755 34764
90 11157 1343 824 1048 1160 624 185748 46487
99 12214 1528 920 1192 1294 696 266192 66598

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


  • Aery PassageLvl 50 (Fought alongside three Lvl 50 Chobin Hoods)


  • Deft Chitto's name is a reference to the recruitable pet Chobin Hood in Legend of Mana. It is also Chobee's Japanese name.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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