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Extant Miasopia

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Extant Miasopia
Monster info
Japanese name 燥ぐプック
Type Amorphous
Number 145
Drop Extant Miasopia Corestone
Location(s) Zawhak Desert
Related enemies
Regular monsters Bluster Gas
Dark Funk

Extant Miasopia is a nemesis in Visions of Mana. It is fought at the end of the Ancient Ruins of Zawhak Desert. The player must battle three groups of amorphous-type enemies to reveal the entrance to the nemesis's lair. It is accompanied by two Blue Oozes, two Lime Slimes and two Red Drops.


“A formless being created from the amalgamation of the subconscious thoughts of humanfolk. What is it that humanity seeks? Where are they headed? Carefully observe this wispy, borderline immaterial monster, and you may, or may not, find the answers to those questions.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 558 42 29 47 13 18 396 198
10 1593 94 74 107 31 46 3273 892
20 2895 172 139 195 91 85 7440 1884
30 4023 259 212 294 185 130 14187 3571
40 5117 348 285 394 272 175 23711 5952
50 6233 448 371 508 382 227 35715 8928
60 7361 568 471 644 522 288 56450 14187
70 8536 738 597 836 678 365 100598 25199
80 9687 1038 808 1176 919 494 136215 34128
90 10804 1228 931 1392 1058 569 182347 45636
99 11827 1398 1039 1584 1180 635 261319 65379

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


  • Zawhak DesertLvl 56 (fought alongside two Lvl 55 Blue Oozes, two Lvl 55 Lime Slimes, and two Lvl 55 Red Drops).


  • Extant Miasopia's name is a portmanteau of Miasma and Utopia or Distopia.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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