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Red Drop (Visions of Mana)

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Red Drop
Monster info
Japanese name レッドマシュマロ
Type Amorphous
Number 038
Drop Red Drop Corestone
Location(s) Dorpher Volcano
Related enemies
Regular monsters Blue Ooze
Red Drop
Special monsters Inexplicable Gunk
Main article: Red Drop

Red Drops are enemies in Visions of Mana.


“Bright red chunks of gunk with a firm and squishy texture. Anyone that makes contact with their bodies runs the risk of being set ablaze. Adventurous eaters report that they have a spicy flavor profile.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 61 28 20 28 8 11 3 1
10 175 63 51 63 19 28 31 8
20 318 115 96 115 56 53 71 18
30 442 173 147 173 115 81 135 34
40 563 232 197 232 169 108 227 57
50 686 299 257 299 237 141 342 85
60 810 379 326 379 324 179 540 135
70 939 492 414 492 421 226 963 241
80 1066 692 560 692 570 306 1304 326
90 1189 819 645 819 657 353 1746 437
99 1301 932 719 932 732 394 2502 626

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


Side quests involving Red Drops[edit]


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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