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Silktail (Visions of Mana)

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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Silktail database VoM screenshot.png
Monster info
Japanese name ラビリオン
Type Animal
Number 004
Drop Silktail Corestone
Location(s) Pritta Ridge
Ahrvet's Pasture
Khaswia Moors
Sanctuary of Mana
Related enemies
Regular monsters Great Rabite
King Rabite
Special monsters Black Rabite
Tricky Buju
Main article: Silktail

Silktails are enemies in Visions of Mana.


“A variant of the Rabite that can be found all over the world. They are more intelligent than their common cousins, and are known to spin as they slam into their foes.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 50 29 18 29 9 13 4 2
10 143 66 47 66 23 33 33 9
20 261 120 88 120 66 61 76 19
30 363 181 134 181 134 94 145 36
40 462 243 180 243 197 127 243 61
50 562 313 235 313 277 164 367 91
60 664 397 298 397 378 208 580 145
70 770 516 378 516 491 264 1034 259
80 874 726 511 726 665 358 1400 350
90 975 859 589 859 766 412 1874 469
99 1067 978 657 978 854 459 2686 672

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence
X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png X mark VoM sprite.png


Side quests involving Silktails[edit]

Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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