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Shape Shifter (Visions of Mana)

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Shape Shifter
Monster info
Japanese name シェイプシフター
Type Amorphous
Number 110
Drop Shape Shifter Corestone
Location(s) Dorpher Volcano
Floating Isle of Ulul
Wind Sanctum
Related enemies
Regular monsters Shadow Zero
Shadow Zero-One
Main article: Shape Shifter

Shape Shifters are enemies in Visions of Mana.


“Legend has it that these entities were once mortals who crossed over to the underworld, leaving behind dark shadows that stalk the realm of the living. They intimidate their foes by assuming the shape of other monsters.”
In-game description


Shape shifter will appear to be a different enemy until damaged. However, the disguise is imperfect.


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 90 35 21 35 11 16 9 3
10 257 78 54 78 28 41 79 15
20 468 143 102 143 81 76 180 32
30 650 216 156 216 165 116 343 62
40 827 290 209 290 242 156 573 103
50 1007 373 273 373 340 202 864 155
60 1190 473 346 473 464 256 1365 247
70 1379 615 439 615 603 325 2433 439
80 1566 865 594 865 817 439 3295 595
90 1746 1023 684 1023 941 506 4411 795
99 1911 1165 763 1165 1050 565 6321 1140

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


Side quests involving Rabites[edit]


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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