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Blood Owl (Visions of Mana)

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Blood Owl
Monster info
Japanese name ブラッドアウル
Type Aerial
Number 047
Drop Blood Owl Corestone
Location(s) Lefeya Drifts
Rime Falls
Related enemies
Special monsters Plundering Tytonrik
Main article: Blood Owl

Blood Owls are enemies in Visions of Mana.


“Once ordinary owls, a sudden mutation turned them into rabid denizens of the sky. After dulling their prey’s senses, they swoop in for the kill, razor-sharp beaks poised to feast on blood.”
In-game description


Note: Statistics are under Normal difficulty.

1 60 37 22 29 9 13 6 4
10 172 84 56 66 22 33 54 19
20 313 154 105 120 65 61 123 42
30 435 231 160 181 133 93 234 79
40 554 310 215 243 195 125 391 133
50 675 400 280 313 274 163 590 199
60 797 507 355 397 374 206 933 317
70 924 659 450 516 486 262 1662 563
80 1049 927 608 726 659 354 2251 763
90 1170 1097 701 859 759 408 3014 1021
99 1281 1248 782 978 846 455 4319 1462

Elemental Resistances[edit]

Slash Strike Sylphid Luna Undine Salamando Gnome Dryad Lumina Shade
- - - - - - - -

Status Effect Resistances[edit]

Burn Freeze Paralysis Sleep Petrify Poison Mini Silence


Side quests involving Blood Owls[edit]


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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