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The Manager

From the Wiki of Mana, the Mana encyclopedia
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The Manager

Legend of Mana Remaster artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Role Support
Gender Male
Species Puzzle Man

The Manager is a minor supporting character in Legend of Mana and a recurring character in the Mana series.


52 years of age, The Manager is a magical creature who takes the form of a puzzle man, and is the proprietor of the Mischievous Spirit Tavern in Lumina. He is the mentor of The Bartender, a fellow puzzle man who works as the proprietor of the Outdoor Fruit Parlor in Geo.


Legend of Mana[edit]

“The bar manager in the town of Lumina. He is a gentleman who feels joy in communicating with people.”
In-game Encyclopedia

The Spirits' Light[edit]

The Manager teaches the protagonist the Dudbears language so her can converse with them and sell the six lamps necessary for keeping Monique's business afloat in Lumina.

The Blessed Elixir[edit]

While visiting the Gato Grottoes, the protagonist enters the Gato Caves where they learn from a Nun that the temple's prized elixir had been completely drunk by a strange rabbit. Without it most of the temple's rituals cannot be performed. According to another nun, they need water from an oasis to produce the famed elixir. The main character finds an inebriated Niccolo right outside the cave, who starts becoming belligerent. After giving him a good beating, the peddler runs away.

Back in Geo, the Bartender discloses that he was taught by his mentor in Lumina, and that he was able to get a barrel in his soul thanks to him. His mentor is found near the "Mischevious Spirit" Tavern, and shares the story about elixir making tradition in Lumina. Fermenting in barrels, the amount of liquid slowly goes down over time, due to the population taking little sips here and then, believing that the spirits can't wait for the elixir to be ready. That is where the local tavern gets its name. The protagonist gets a barrel in his soul for answering correctly to his question and heads to Duma Desert in search of the oasis. As he/she approaches the water source, a barrel miraculously materializes from his/her soul, filling itself with oasis water. The filled barrel is then given to the Nuns in Gato Caves who are ecstatic about the delivery.

General information[edit]

Physical appearance[edit]



For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:The Manager.
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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