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Kristie LoM remastered artwork.png
Legend of Mana Remaster artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Title(s) Madame Krissie
Homeland Geo
Faction Her own
Role Support
Gender Female
Species Half-Snake

Kristie is a minor supporting character in Legend of Mana and a recurring character in the Mana series.


38 years of age, Kristie is a half-snake being who is the wealthy owner of Geo's palace, a building that doubles as an art gallery. Narcissistic and materialistic, Kristie is known to prize art, money, and herself above all else.


Legend of Mana

“The owner of Geo's palace, which is also an art gallery. Deeply loves art, money, herself, and everything else.”
In-game Encyclopedia

Niccolo Calls It Quits?

Madame Kristie, the proprietor of the Palace of Arts in Geo, has fallen gravely ill. Sotherbee, her trusty assistant, has ordered a medicine from Niccolo, but he charged them 10,000,000,000 lucre for it. With no other choice but to pay for the panacea, they paid for it, but Madame's whole fortune is in jeopardy as a result. The devious peddler is seen washed up on Polpota Harbor's beach, claiming he doesn't remember anything aside from the protagonist's name. He woke up on the beach holding a yambalooriben leaf. He joins the hero and the party heads back to the Palace of Arts, triggering some of his memory back. He recalls gathering the ingredients to make the medicine for Madame Krissie, but cannot remember anything further. The lady's lackey realizes he has amnesia, which prompts the rabbit to dismiss any payment since he cannot stand seeing a poor lady suffer like this. According to Niccolo, three infused yambalooriben leaves should be enough to cure her ailment.

The merchant and the main character travel to the Cancun Bird's nest in the Gato Grottoes and retrieve the last two leaves. Back at the palace, they give the ingredients to Sotherbee, but Krissie warns her lackey of the rabbit's suspicious kindness. She thanks the peddler for all his trouble but kindly refuses the leaves, asking for his servant to fetch them instead. She asks Niccolo to disclose their location in the wild, but he claims not remembering. The amnesiac merchant tells her one last leaf will do the trick and leaves her luxurious home. Once gone, Krisie orders Sotherbee to follow them. However, the bipedal lapdog quickly reenters the room, saying he lost them.

As Niccolo is about to nab the last leaf from the Cancun Bird's nest, he falls all the way down the large waterfall. He is found on Polpota's beach again, holding tight on the medicine. He returns to the Palace of the Arts to give the three yambalooriben leaves to Krissie, asking for his 10 billion lucre. Madame shrieks out, claiming he tricked them, but the cunning peddler reminds them of the agreement. Seeing their funds are insufficient, he declares he has no other choice but to transfer the ownership of the estate to him. Sotherbee calls him a monster, but Niccolo replies he's got a master swordsman accompanying him so they should be careful about what they say. Krissie admits defeat, but Sotherbee is afraid of being unemployed. Niccolo needs a business manager and offers both of them a position, which they gladly accept.


The Jumi of Diamond, Diana is found in a petrified state in the storage room of the Palace of Arts in Geo. Unsure about what to do next, the protagonist and Pearl ask the proprietor for more information. Her lacky, Sotherbee, claims he heard Jumi peope turning into stone if they shut out their emotions. Pearl corrects him by stating that this is part of a partner selection ceremony where a Jumi first gathers keys of the heart. They use the keys to awaken a stone guardian and become her knight.

Circle of Mana

Kristie makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. She appears in 1 set of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SUR クリスティ SUR 0105 クリスティ.jpg
SUR 0106 クリスティ.jpg
SUR 0107 クリスティ.jpg
SUR 0108 クリスティ.jpg
"Are you trying to stand up to me? I'll cut your salary by 15%!"

General information

Physical appearance


A woman who lives in the very lap of luxury itself, Kristie is every bit as materialistic as her in-game description suggests; the very fact that the Palace of Arts that she owns is decked out with every manner of luxurious finery proves as much, alongside her ever avaricious desire to acquire more expensive works of art. It is also through this insatiable need to appear garishly glamarous in the public eye that one clearly sees Kristie as quite a narcissistic person, influencing all who visit her domains to perceive her to be a refined, cultured woman.

Despite this, Kristie has proven to be quite kind-hearted, a fact that is especially explicated through her interactions with Sotherbee. Although he is but a servile butler, Sotherbee is quite evidently regarded more as a trusted aide and confidante than he is a servant; in Alexandrite, for one, she does not hesitate to reveal her superstitious view on the supposed curse revolving around Jumi cores when Sotherbee questions her. Also, in Niccolo Calls It Quits?, when Kristie takes ill, she assigns Sotherbee the role of her spokesperson to speak on her behalf, clearly indicating the boundless trust that she harbours for him.


  • Kristie is named after the British auction house Christie's while her lackey Sotherbee is named after the British art broker Sotherby's.
  • Kristie's gallery has many works of art depicting the characters from Trials of Mana on display. In particular, the statues surrounding her room are the six protagonists of the game.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Kristie.
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