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Inspector Boyd

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Inspector Boyd
Inspector Boyd LoM remastered artwork.png
Legend of Mana Remaster artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Legend of Mana: The Teardrop Crystal (2022)
Title(s) Inspector Boyd
Role Support
Gender Male
Voice actor(s) Shinpachi Tsuji (Anime)

Ispector Boyd is a minor supporting character in Legend of Mana and a recurring character in the Mana series.


He is a detective who investigates the recent activity of the jewel hunter.


Legend of Mana

“A little man with a really loud voice that could reach a nearby "land." He might be the most honest and kind-hearted man you will ever meet.”
In-game Encyclopedia

The Flame of Hope

The anthropomorphic mouse is first seen bursting into the Temple of Healing in Gato Grottoes, mistaking a Nun lying on the ground for murder. She quickly gets up, claiming she's alright even though she broke her ankle while a Sproutling bumped into her earlier. The inspector readily assumes the Jewel Hunter has disguised herself as a Sproutling based on that only fact and angrily runs outside the bulding.

Later, Boyds arrives a hair too late on an actual crime scene and blames the main character for killing Rubens. The dying Jumi explains he is mistaken, as it was the Nun who ripped his core out. Boyd rages on as he tells the protagonist that Sandra the Jewel Hunter is a master of disguise, and he swears to catch her.

He later tells the hero in the prayer hall that the temple received a note from Sandra, saying that she was after the Flame of Hope. The dectective tought she meant she was going to steal the sacred torches, but she went for the Jumi of Ruby instead. He urges the main character to catch the thief with his help. Should the player accepts, he confides in feeling that she might be somewhere nearby.

Sandra is cornered near the Cancun Bird's nest, still in her Nun getup and accompanied with the ailing Sproutling. Boyd shouts she cannot escape and she's going to pay for what she's done, but the astute thief transforms into her true self and uses the giant bird to escape. As he is about to reach for her, the inspector bumps into the Sproutling, relieving him from his aching stomach. Boyd seeps with anger for letting her slip from his hands, bemoaning the fact that another Jumi has been stolen. He gives the Ancient Tablet and the Torch of Coral artifacts to the protagonist as thanks for helping him.

Drowned Dreams

Inspector Boyd is seen scouting around Polpota Harbor's quay, revealing himself to be on vacation. When as about the rumors of the Seaside hotel ghost, he dismisses them. He also speaks about Basket Fish if the main character inquires about him, saying he's been flaunting his wealth after gaining a large inheritance. Finally, he tells the protagonist about the ship that sank nearby. After selecting all these options, he discloses being here because of a note the Jewel Hunter left at the hotel saying she will steal the Blue Eye. He entrusts the player to tell him immediatly should they cross path with someone with blue eyes.

If the hero tells him that he found an imperial soldier to have blue eyes, the inspector rushes to the Seaside hotel to investigate. He greets the soldier at the entrance, showing his police badge. He claims having found a clue linking the imperial ship to the hotel ghost. Upon hearing this, the soldier agrees to help him in his investigation. Both of them rush to the bar when Revanshe is performing to interrogate Basket Fish. Inspector Boyd tries to get Basket Fish to show his prized inherited jewel, but he refuses. The dancer claims she wants to see the jewel, so the fish changes his tune and shows it to the crowd. The mysterious stone shines a bright light and shows how an imperial ship got wrecked by a siren. The strange ghost hunting the hotel runs toward Basket Fish, demanding he surrenders the jewel to them. The humanoid fish panics and gives him his prized possession as he immediately runs away. Inspector Boyd enters the bar, saying he wants to interrogate Basket Fish about his inheritance, but he replies he's lost it all since the Blue Eye was its only fortune. Thoma the soldier claims the ghost stole the jewel and Boyd bursts into anger as he realizes that Sandra dressed herself as the ghost to trick Basket Fish.

The Lucky Clover

The detective is seen exiting the Academy of Magic in Geo saying that Esmeralda the Jumi is nowhere to be found and the Jewel Hunter must have lured her somewhere.

Teardrop Crystal

Inspector Boyd hasn't seen Elazul and Pearl for a while and has stopped to St. Mana Church in Domina to investigate. He tasks the protagonist to go to Geo and find a vacant shop there that used to sell Jumi cores. The two venture to Geo and enter the jewelry shop, Boyd stating that Nunuzac used to come here to buy Jumi cores. The mouse detective is mysteriously pushed away from the entrance, only allowing the main character to enter.

Circle of Mana

Inspector Boyd makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. He appears in 2 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SR ボイド SR 0105 ボイド.jpg
SR 0106 ボイド.jpg
SR 0107 ボイド.jpg
SR 0108 ボイド.jpg
"Sandra, the jewel thief...I will definitely catch you!"
UR ボイド UR 0245 ボイド.jpg
UR 0246 ボイド.jpg
UR 0247 ボイド.jpg
UR 0248 ボイド.jpg
"I wish I had some information that could help with the investigation..."

Legend of Mana: The Teardrop Crystal

General information

Physical appearance


He is shown to be quite temperamental, as when he gets angry, he hops around while puffs of steam emit from his ears.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Inspector Boyd.
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