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Jewel Eater (Trials of Mana)

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Jewel Eater (Trials of Mana)

Trials of Mana sprite
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Japanese name ジュエルイーター
Location(s) Dwarf Tunnel
Faction None
Gender Unknown
Species Mole
Status Dead
Background music "Black Soup"
This article is about Jewel Eater from Trials of Mana. For the general species, see Jewel Eater.

The Jewel Eater is a boss in Trials of Mana.


Enemy intel[edit]

Note: Statistics from Trials of Mana remake are under Normal difficulty.

1st encounter[edit]

Enemy Stats
Level HP MP Lucre EXP Weakness Location
6 3380 96 879 48 Sylphid Dwarf Tunnel

2nd encounter (Duran & Angela Path)[edit]

Enemy Stats
Level HP MP Lucre EXP Weakness Location
46 25,260 378 7054 7504 Sylphid Dragonsmaw


Attack Pattern: A > A > Guard > B > S1 > A > Guard > B > B > S2

Name Target Attack Pattern Description
Tackle* One A Slight body movement towards a single target.
Slime One A Casts Defenseless on a single target
Rock Throw One B Makes rocks fall down hitting all targets.
Impediment One B Lowers a single target's dexterity, slowing turn rate.
Hard Hit All S1 Runs over all targets leaving a rainbow trail.
Ground Slam All S2 Strongest attack. Summons large boulders to pummel all targets.
Protection Self Event Raise its defense. Used only at 1/4 from full health.

Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) have no official name.
