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Machine Golem S

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Machine Golem S

Trials of Mana HD screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Japanese name マシンゴーレムS
Location(s) Frostbite Fields
Faction True Queen
Gender Unknown
Counterpart(s) Machine Golem (enemy)
Machine Golem R
Background music "Nuclear Fusion"

Machine Golem S are bosses in Trials of Mana.


Trials of Mana[edit]

Enemy intel[edit]

Note: Statistics from Trials of Mana remake are under Normal difficulty.

Enemy Stats
Level HP MP Lucre EXP Weakness Location
18 1,024 (each) 49 (each) 533 216 (each) Sylphid Frostbite Fields


Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) have no official name.

Name Target Attack Pattern Description
90º Turn* One ? Turns arms in a 90 degree angle, hitting a single party member.
Rocket Punch N/A S1 Shoots up both arms in a straight line.
Drill Missile One S1 Shoots explosive darts to a single target.


Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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