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Shuriken (move)

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Shuriken (move)

Visions of Mana screenshot
First appearance Final Fanasy Adventure (1991)
Latest appearance Visions of Mana (2024)
Japanese name 手裏剣
Type Projectile move
User(s) Hawkeye (ToM)
Morley (VoM)
Target(s) Single/multiple enemies
Variant(s) Shuriken (item)
Weapon(s) Shuriken (weapon)

Shuriken is a projectile move in Trials of Mana.


Final Fantasy Adventure/Adventures of Mana[edit]

Shuriken is an enemy ability used by the Ninja and it shot in a straight line.

Secret of Mana[edit]

See also: Shuriken (weapon)

Shuriken is an enemy ability used by the Dark Ninja, the Dark Stalker and the Master Ninja and has the same animation as the boomerang.

Trials of Mana[edit]

“Through the Ninjutsu practice of harmonizing with one's fighting spirit and harnessing it, one focuses and molds it into form and shape of the star shaped throwing knives known as shuriken, allowing the user to attack with them indefinitely. Inflicts damage and lowers their accuracy.”
Seiken Densetsu 3 Official Guide and Prologue Books
See also: Shuriken (item)

Shuriken is a projectile move that deals non-elemental damage to enemy.

IconElementalEffectPowerMP cost
N/AProjectile deals non-elemental damage to enemy764
NameClass requirementMinimum statCasting timeRecovery time
9 LUCK Points
1 sec.1 sec.
Enemy users
BossesBil & Ben.
Item equivalence

Shuriken +
IconElementalEffectPowerMP cost
N/AProjectile deals non-elemental damage to all enemies764
NameClass requirementMinimum statCasting timeRecovery time
HawkeyeNinja Master
21 LUCK Points
1 sec.1 sec.
Enemy users
CommonEvil Ninja.
Item equivalence

Heroes of Mana[edit]

Shuriken is an enemy ability used by the Nevarland Soldier and the Dark Nevarlan Soldier units.

Echoes of Mana[edit]

Shuriken was a skill used by Bil (2★ unit) and Ben (2★ unit) that dealt knife damage.

Visions of Mana[edit]

“Throws a shuriken, dealing slash damage to an enemy.”
In-game description

Shuriken is a projectile move dealing slash damage to a target.

IconElementalEffectPowerMP cost
N/AThrows a shuriken, dealing slash damage to an enemy.1204
NameClass requirementRequired EPTypeRequired corestone
MorleyNinja Master0Ninja movesNo
Buy from Niccolo's Emporium



Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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