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Students LoM remastered artwork.png
Legend of Mana Remaster artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Faction Academy of Magic
Role Ally
Gender Varies
Species Human

Students are minor supporting characters in Legend of Mana and recurring characters in the Mana series.


The term "Students" collectively refers to the attendees of Geo's Academy of Magic in Legend of Mana. Students are divided into distinct classes, a fact that can be distinguished by the varying colours of the robes that they don.

The students are all named after herbs and spices (such as Rosemary, Estragon, and Cayenne) with the exception of one, a blue-dressed one by the name of Brownie, who stands by the entrance to one of the Academy of Magic classrooms. She helps Li'l Cactus in the eponymous event. Bud and Lisa know all the students in Geo and will greet them by name.


Legend of Mana

“Students at Geo's Academy of Magic. The colour of their robes differ by class.”
In-game Encyclopedia

Gilbert: School Amour

Gilbert, the lovestruck centaur is seen flirting in Geo with Kathinja. The professor rebukes his advances, threatening him to turn him into stone should he not stop. Kathinja leaves him, stating she must find a bunch truant students. Seeing the main character, Gilbert eagerly tells them to find all the children and convince them to go back to class. After finding all students, the centaur is seen discussing yet again with his love interest, expecting a reward. Fed up with his antics, Kathinja darts Gilbert with a pertrifying beam, transforminig him into a stone statue.

The Field Trip

Miss Thesenis gathered her students on a field trip to a campsite near The Bone Fortress. She gave them an assignment to work on their triple-reagent-mixing project. However, many of her pupils have difficulty locating the required ingredients for the potion, even with the help of the local Flowerlings. The protagonist has the option to help the kids find the right material to succesfully finish their work.

Can't Look Back

Mephianse has brought a students's class in a field trip to the Fieg Snowfields. He tells them to go look for the faeries's treasure, but has his own secret reasons to visit the frosty plains. He wants to see his long lost brother Nakratos who was encased in ice. Telling the students to leave and head back to Geo, he rushes back to a secret area, where he meets with the snow witch Crystalle and asks if his brother is still alive. She replies of the affirmative, stating he's the one telling everyone he's dead. She then adds he must have acclimated to the frigid temperatures as of now and turn into a snow monster. He's now resting at the garden of icicle flowers, but Mephianse wants to send him to the Underworld along with his wife. Nakratos is slain by the protagonist and Mephianse rewards them with a Rusty Anchor artifact.

Reach for the Stars

Mephianse the principal stole a precious grimoire from the Academy of Magic and took off for the Duma Desert. He gathered some of his students to test out its magic spells. Kathinja went to the desert with her pupils to look for him, but cannot find him. With the aid of the protagonist, they find the eccentric professor who memorized the whole book in the process and claims to be in the middle of a summoning spell that will bring about the end of the world by making all stars fall from blasting a powerful spell from a cannon. After taking care of his mildly annoying grunts, Kathinja and the hero watch in bewilderment as the cannon shoots up multiple fireworks.

Li'l Cactus

Upon learning that Bud was sick, Li'l Cactus took on himself to gather the necessary ingredients to make a cure for the ailing apprentice. He first went to Luon Highway to ask Gaia on how to make a potion, then went to follow the Wisdom's advice to ask Selkie deep within the Jungle. There, he learns that this rare illness is caught by mages every once in a while and refers the spiky creature to Brownie the student in Geo who just went over this ailment. There, the young magician tells the cactus he drank a potion he got from David the pirate penguin. He finds the pirate on the SS Buccaneer who gives him the medicine. He then calls on Amalette the mail carrier to fly all the way back to the main character's home to give the potion to Bud.

The Ghost of Nemesis

The protagonist partners up with Larc and venture into The Bone Fortress. The Beast Warrior quickly sense something's amiss in the Fortress Town next to the main structure. students from the Academy of Magic in Geo tell the adventurers they are on a field trip to collect local herbs and minerals as reagents for their potions as the herbs on a hill nearby as said to cure any sort of ailment. However, a weird voice has been coming from that bony castle as of late, some people claiming an ancient Dragon of Knowledge hunts that structure. A loud howl is suddenly heard across the village, spooking everyone. Larc and the main character move to the Cranium Gate to investigate, but they are stopped by a strange black skeletal warrior in their path. The Beast Warrior orders him to let them through as they need to meet with Jajara, but the undead warrior draws his sword in defiance, telling they will send them back to the Underworld. The two teams fight and the skeletal warrior is defeated.

Rachel (quest)

While seaching for Rachel at the Academy of Magic, the protagonist can observe student creating a big bolt of energy from a potion.

Enchanted Instruments 101

As a school assignment, a student from Geo's Academy of Magic built a workshop for making instruments that play magic behind the main character's home. His assignment will be done once he gets an elemental coin from the Elemental Spirit once they like the music played on an instrument. The protagonist and student proceed to go the Domina's vicinity to look for spirits. They spot two Wisps and immediately get to work by playing an instrument. They successfully get some Wisp Silver from the sprits before they vanish. They head back to the Workshops to discuss some more about instrument creation.

Circle of Mana

Students make a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. They appear in 1 set of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SSUR イオ SSUR 0993 イオ.jpg
SSUR 0994 イオ.jpg
SSUR 0995 イオ.jpg
SSUR 0996 イオ.jpg
「皆さんっ! 今回は、本当に有難うございました!!」
"Everyone! Thank you very much for this time!!"

General information

Physical appearance


Although each student is a different person, most of them seem to be lazy or stubborn, with some often reflecting about various aspects of life.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Students.


  • Boy NPC Sword of Mana sprite.png One character model from Sword of Mana bears a strong resemblance to the Students from Legend of Mana, even referencing a story from his book called "Magical Vacation" where kids at a magic school cast an assortment of spells. The reference can be seen while playing the heroine path at the beginning of the game.
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