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Karl TOM remake screenshot.png
Trials of Mana (remake) screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Homeland Duskmoon Forest
Role Support
Gender Male
Species Wolf
Status Dead
In-game dialogue

Karl is a minor NPC in Trials of Mana.


Trials of Mana

“Karl -- Karl the wolf pup was left behind when his mother was killed. When Kevin met Karl, he finally opened his heart to the world. By a cruel twist of fate, it was also his fight with the pup that awakened his beastman powers.”
In-game dialogue

Circle of Mana

Karl makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. He appears in 2 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
UR カール UR 0293 カール.jpg
UR 0294 カール.jpg
UR 0295 カール.jpg
UR 0296 カール.jpg
SUR ケヴィン[慟哭] SUR 0009 ケヴィン 慟哭.jpg
SUR 0010 ケヴィン 慟哭.jpg
SUR 0011 ケヴィン 慟哭.jpg
SUR 0012 ケヴィン 慟哭.jpg
Kevin cursed the wild blood flowing within him, the beastman blood, for having set a hold on his precious friend Karl, even though it was a trap...

General information

Physical appearance


Profile and statistics

Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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