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(Raid battle) Mantis Ant

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(Raid battle) Mantis Ant

Rise of Mana artwork
Game Rise of Mana
Starting date 2014/06/12, 6:00PM (JST)
Ending date 2014/06/18, 2:00AM (JST)
Type Raid Battle
Location(s) Scion World
Prize(s) Various
“During the above period, the angel “Mantis Ant” will attack the “Raid Battle” quest in the “Seiken Densetsu RISE of MANA” game! The more you defeat the angels, the more they will level up and become more formidable, but the rewards you earn will also become more luxurious! In addition, individual rankings and union rankings will be held where players will compete based on points contributed to the subjugation of the angel. The highlight of the ranking reward is the super rare rank weapon “Wingspear”! Aim for the top and work together with your friends to challenge the angels!”

(Raid Battle) Mantis Ant (Jap:【レイドバトル】マンティスアント) was a raid battle event in Rise of Mana.

Basic Info[edit]

Location Scion Zone
Recommended Attribute Earth
Mental Power 1 (Normal), 3 (Hard)
Requirements Chapter 1 must be cleared.
Mantis Ant

Final Blow Rewards[edit]

Final Blow Rewards

Iron Scimitar
Lv 1

Iron Partisan
Lv 1

Iron Longbow
Lv 1

Jade Sword
Lv 1

Peridot Sword
Lv 1

Lade Lance
Lv 1

Peridot Lance
Lv 1

Jade Bow
Lv 1

Peridot Bow
Lv 1

Dark Batmo
Lv 5

Bomb Bee
Lv 5

Griffon Hand
Lv 5

Green Mimic
Lv 1

Thunder Mimic
Lv 1

Gold Scimitar
Lv 1

Silver Saber
Lv 1

Silver Spear
Lv 1

Silver Battle Bow
Lv 1
Participation Reward
3,000 Lucre

Individual Ranking Rewards[edit]

Rank Rewards
1st to
100th place

Wing Spear (x9)

100,000 Lucre
101th to
200th place

Wing Spear (x8)

90,000 Lucre
201st to
300th place

Wing Spear (x7)

80,000 Lucre
301st to
400th place

Wing Spear (x6)

70,000 Lucre
401st to
500th place

Wing Spear (x5)

60,000 Lucre
501st to
750th place

Wing Spear (x4)

50,000 Lucre
751st to
1,000th place

Wing Spear (x3)

40,000 Lucre
1,001st to
2,000th place

Wing Spear (x2)

30,000 Lucre
1,111th place only
Spirit Stone (x1)

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)
2,001st to
4,000th place

Wing Spear (x1)

20,000 Lucre
3,333th place only
Spirit Stone (x1)

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)
4,001st to
8,000th place

Silver Saber (x2)

Silver Spear (x2)

Silver Hunting Bow (x2)

10,000 Lucre
5,555th place only
Spirit Stone (x1)

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)
7,777th place only
Spirit Stone (x1)

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)
8,001st to
12,000th place

Silver Saber (x1)

Silver Spear (x1)

Silver Hunting Bow (x1)

10,000 Lucre
9,999th place only
Spirit Stone (x1)

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)
12,001th + place

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x1,000)

Union Rankings[edit]

Rank Rewards
1st to
10th place

Harpy Hand (x3)

100,000 Lucre
11st to
50th place

Harpy Hand (x2)

80,000 Lucre
51st to
100th place

Harpy Hand (x1)

60,000 Lucre
101st to
300th place

40,000 Lucre

301st to
500th place

20,000 Lucre

333st place only
Harpy Hand (x1)
444st place only
Harpy Hand (x1)
501st to
1,000th place

10,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x500)
555st place only
Harpy Hand (x1)
1,001th + place
5,000 Lucre

Friend Points (x200)
