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Belladonna (Trials of Mana)

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Belladonna (Trials of Mana)

Trials of Mana HD artwork
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Japanese name 美獣イザベラ
Title(s) Nevarlan General
Location(s) Dark Castle
Faction The Prince of Mavolia
Gender Female
Relatives Prince of Mavolia (lover)
Species Mavole
Status Dead
Other form(s) Beast form
Counterpart(s) Isabella (Sword of Mana)
Voice actor(s) Jpn: Yuka Keichō, Yoshino NanjoToM HD
Eng: Adrienne ArnoToM HD
Background music "Rolling Cradle"
This article is about the Trials of Mana boss. For the character of the same game, see Belladonna.

Belladonna is a boss in Trials of Mana.


Trials of Mana[edit]

Enemy intel[edit]

Note: Statistics from Trials of Mana remake are under Normal difficulty.

Enemy Stats
Level HP MP Lucre EXP Weakness Location
51 40,878 655 1,572 12,440 Salamando Dark Castle


Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) have no official name.

Name Target Attack Pattern Description
Roseslash One S1 Jumps & rolls towards a party member, dealing non-elemental damage.
Change Form All S1 Inflicts the shrink status.
Hexas All S1 Summons Hexas, dealing massive non-elemental damage to all party members.
Moon Saber Self S2 Imbues Belladonna's physical attacks with the power to steal his opponent's HP.
Moon Energy Self S2 Boosts Belladonna's chances of landing a critical hit by 20%.
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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