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Saber Kitty (Adventures of Mana)

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Saber Kitty
Monster info
Japanese name サーベルキャット
Saber Kitty
Location(s) Frozen Wastes
This article is about Saber Kitty from Final Fantasy Adventures & Adventures of Mana. For the general species, see Saber Kitty.

A Saber Kitty, also known as a Saber Cat is an enemy in Final Fantasy Adventure and its direct remake Adventures of Mana.


The Saber Cat is a disembodied cat head haunting the Frozen Wastes. It’s got high attack and great defense power, and gives out plenty of experience and money upon defeat. It can also poison the protagonist on collision. However, it is weak to Axes and has relatively low health.

In Adventures of Mana, Saber Cats are larger but move slower than before.

Enemy intel[edit]


Enemy Stats
HP Attack Defense EXP GP
80 95 30 124 115
Status Attack(s) Immunity Item Drop
Poison N/A N/A
Don't underestimate me just 'cause I'm a cat!
