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Gauser HOM artwork.jpg
Heroes of Mana artwork

Gauser ToM remake artwork.png
Trials of Mana artwork

First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana (2020)
Japanese name 獣人王ToM
Title(s) King of Ferolia
Homeland Ferolia
Faction His own
Role Varies
Gender Male
Relatives Kevin (son)
Species Beastman
Status Alive
Voice actor(s) Eng: David KeefirToM
This article is about Gauser as a character. For Gauser as a boss in Trials of Mana, see King of Ferolia (Trials of Mana).
“I care not for revenge or the Mana Sword. I created Ferolia because because I could not tolerate the pitiful state the beastmen were in.”
Trials of Mana in-game dialogue

Gauser, also known as the King of Ferolia, is a recurring character in Mana series.


The beastmen were persecuted by human, who drove them inside Duskmoon Forest. Gauser was appointed as the king of Ferolia at some point in time after standing againt the oppression. Banding together, the beastmen formed and alliance and built Lowenburg. They harbored deep resentment toward those who vilified and exiled them in the past. They were waiting for the appropriate moment to strike back.


Heroes of Mana

“King of the Beastmen of Ferolia. A capable leader who is passionate about his country and people. Beastmen in general have hard feelings towards humans, but this does not seem to apply to Gauser.”

Gauser was introduced in Chapter 2, In the Forest of Beasts, when the crew of the Nightswan came crashing down into Duskmoon Forest. While the five crew members rejoin they are ambushed by beastmen coming from aircrafts. The grunts wants to take them down but the leader of the beastmen, Gauser, ask them why are they here. Roget and crew don't have time to explain themselves much, as a giant Peddan warship sends explosives to the beastmen's capital. Gauser and his mens retreat back to their castle, but they are too late as the entire structure burns away. The Ferolian King goes against his principles and joins the Peddan defectors.

In the next chapter, Roget and crew manages to hold back the Peddan army in the village of Mintas at the southern end of Ferolia. While danger is still brooding in the region, Gauser orders his men to go to the holy city of Wendel to tell the Priest of Light about what happened so far. He officially joins Roget and his team as they depart to warn the other nations of the world.

The emissaries brought to Wendel prove themselves to be useful and they convince the Priest of Light after hearing the tragedy of Ferolia and Laurent.

Gauser comes into the spotlight much later, during chapter 17: Moon's Echoes, where half of Roget's crew infiltrate the northern part of Ferolia to gain access to the Chartmoon Tower a sacred place for the Beastmen and when the Moonstone and its elemental is said to be while the others create a diversion in the southern part of the country. They encounter the Beastman Ghost who guards the holy grounds from anyone who's not a worthy beastman. Gauser manages to trick the ghost into thinking the humans he's traveling with are his slaves, and the party enters the tower. There, they must overcome the trials left by Gauser's ancestors in order to find the Moonstone, but Juhani, a Peddan general and friend of Roget halts their progress. Roget has no other choice than to kill his old friend to reach the Luna, the Mana spirit of the Moon.

After nabbing the elemental, the party rejoins with the other half and head for Lowenburg to get rid of the invaders. They successfully do so, but are surprised to see Inath, the King of Pedda sitting on Gauser's throne. They all realize they've been tricked, as Wendel is currently being overrun by Peddan troops.

Gauser decides to briefly head back to Lowenburg in Chapter 21, Vuscavs in the Trap to help his people with the rebuilding, but quickly joins the crew back after realizing that Esina's mirror was draining the energy of the land.

Gauser is also present during the final confrontation against the Goddess of Doom in the Sea of Chaos, but ultimately decides to stay in Fa'Diel along with Alma, Falcon, Valda, Loki, and Belgar and watches as Roget, Yurchael, Gemière, Qucas, and D'Kelli board the Nightswan to explore the different worlds scattered in the fabric of realms. It is assumed that Gauser is one of the handful of people in Fa'Diel aware of the events that took place during the game, since his soul was not absorbed by Anise's mirror. He ultimately returns to Lowenburg to resume his position as a the King of Ferolia.


The King of Ferolia eventually had a son with an unnamed human mother, who abandoned him while he was still a baby. However, the real reason for her absence was that she died in illness. The King never told his son the truth so that his son's anger would turn toward him. Gauser was to give his heir to the throne a spartan lifestyle, with little to no affection in between the constant training and fighting. Still, the young prince would come across a stray wolf pup during a visit to Duskmoon Forest, an adopted him as a friend and named him Karl. This angered the King, who saw in this a weak spot in his own son's heart, as he wished to raise a cold-blooded killing machine to put on the throne someday.

Trials of Mana

“King of Ferolia -- The King of Ferolia is the leader of the beastmen and father of Kevin. His awesome strength as a ruler inspired his people to invade human settlements to reclaim their place in the world.”

One night, a strange fellow came to the castle to offer his services. Gauser dismisses at first, but is intrigued by the jester's claim of wielding dark magic. He puts him to the test and the stranger successfully manipulates both Karl and Kevin to fight each other so the young prince can transform into his werewolf form. This event kills the young pup, who leaves a distressed Kevin wandering the forest in sullen desperation. With the usefulness of Goremand proven, the King of Ferolia is conviced the beastmen would get his long-awaited payback at humans and orders his troops to invade the nearest town of Jadd before heading to the holy city of Wendel. While discussing the matter with Goremand, the two of them are interrupted by an enraged Kevin who heard about them manipulating the outcome of the fight with this best friend earlier. Jubilating at this aggressive display the King of Ferolia encourages his son to channel his wrath and bending it to his beastman power. The son lunges at his dad, but his knocked back into the forest by Gauser's strength. The king asks Goremand to eat his son's soul should he can find him. At the end of Kevin's opening gambit in the HD remake, the King of Ferolia can be seen visiting Karl's grave the young prince made in Duskmoon Forest to honor his friend.

Gauser is not seen again until the protagonists manage to open a portal to the Sanctuary of Mana. He is unphased by Goremand's giddiness of rallying his troops to take the Sword of Mana before everyone else and leaves the invasion to him. He is not even interested by the holy blade even when Goremand forces the main characters to give it to them in exchange for their kidnapped friend retreating into his private quarters. If Kevin is in the party, he can confront his father about indirectly killing his pup friend Karl. However, the little wolf is found at the King of Ferolia's feet, alive and well. Gauser explains that Goremand's illusions merely made Karl's body lifeless at the time. Gauser saved him from the grave Kevin dug up before departing for Wendel. The furry monarch is still disappointed to see his son falling for his feeble emotions, saying he needs him stronger physically and mentally. He tells the truth about his mother passing away from illness and the reason he kept it a secret from him. He also tells Kevin he created the kingdom of Ferolia as he could not tolerate the pitiful state the beastmen were in. He entrusts his son into defeating Goremand and the source of evil.

In the HD remake, Kevin can learn the Lupine Soul Chain Ability from meeting with Karl once again.

During the epilogue, Gauser is proud to see his son has matured and is slowly bridging a gap between humans and beastmen.

Should the player has Kevin in his party and start the post-game chapter 7 in the HD remake, he can return to Lowenburg and ask the King of Ferolia about the Instinct Sphere's location. Gauser tells his son to go to highest floor of the Chartmoon Tower if he wishes to know. There, he engages Kevin in a brawl to prove his leadership. The young beastman wins, and learns that the sphere has been passed down from generations of beastmen to symbolize leadership. Gauser gives the sphere to his son, allowing him to be promoted to Class 4. Kevin thanks his father, saying he will become the strongest of beastman.

Circle of Mana

Gauser (Also as the King of Ferolia) makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. He appears in 2 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SUR 獣人王ガウザー SUR 0057 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SUR 0058 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SUR 0059 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SUR 0060 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
"You humans... It's ridiculous that you made a surprise attack on the Beast Kigdom led by the Beast King Gauser!"
SSUR 獣人王ガウザー SSUR 0849 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SSUR 0850 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SSUR 0851 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
SSUR 0852 獣人王ガウザー.jpg
"Just look back a little and get back on track!"

General information

Physical appearance


Profile and statistics

Gauser HOM artwork.jpg
Stats Starting Equipment Abilities
HP icon HOM sprite.png 600 Neck accessory None Battle Skill icon HOM sprite.png Terra Aura Ground Unit ATK +30%, critical rate 100%
Attack Power icon HOM sprite.png 30 Arm accessory None Battle Skill icon HOM sprite.png Fast Terra Instant Ground Unit Spawning
Attack Rate icon HOM sprite.png 60 Finger accessory None “King of the Beastmen of Ferolia. A capable leader who is passionate about his country and people. Beastmen in general have hard feelings towards humans, but this does not seem to apply to Gauser.”
Attack Range icon HOM sprite.png 1 None


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Gauser.
Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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