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Training regimen

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Training regimens are important game mechanics in Final Fantasy Adventure and Adventures of Mana.


Whenever Sumo levels up by defeating enemies, experience points and lucre is gained. Once there is sufficient experience points for Sumo to level up, a message is prompted on the screen accompanied with a fanfare saying "Level up! HP/MP recovered!" (Final Fantasy Adventure) or "You have attained the next level!" (Adventures of Mana), temporarily freezing all current actions. The training regimen menu pops up afterwards forcing the player to select a specific stat growth (Final Fantasy Adventure) or training regiment (Adventures of Mana). Choosing one stat growth will not only influence the Vitality (VIT), Strength (STR), Intellect (INT) and Mind (MND) stats, but also Hit Points (HP), Magic Points (MP), Attack (ATK) and Defense (DEF) depending on the chosen regimen.

Final Fantasy Adventure


Choosing the Power stat growth will grant Sumo:
1 point in Stamina
2 points in Power
0 point in Wisdom
1 point in Will


Choosing the Stamina stat growth will grant Sumo:
2 points in Stamina
1 point in Power
0 point in Wisdom
1 point in Will


Choosing the Wisdom stat growth will grant Sumo:
1 point in Stamina
0 point in Power
2 points in Wisdom
1 point in Will


Choosing the Wisdom stat growth will grant Sumo:
1 point in Stamina
0 point in Power
1 point in Wisdom
2 points in Will

Adventures of Mana


Choosing the Warrior training regimen will grant Sumo:
1 point in Vitality
2 points in Strength
0 point in Intellect
1 point in Mind


Choosing the Monk training regimen will grant Sumo:
2 points in Vitality
1 point in Strength
0 point in Intellect
1 point in Mind


Choosing the Mage training regimen will grant Sumo:
1 point in Vitality
0 point in Strength
2 points in Intellect
1 point in Mind


Choosing the Sage training regimen will grant Sumo:
1 point in Vitality
0 point in Strength
1 point in Intellect
2 points in Mind

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