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Jose TOM remake screenshot.png
Trials of Mana HD screenshot
Jose EOM screenshot.png
Echoes of Mana screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Homeland Altena, Kingdom of Magicians
Faction True Queen
Role Support
Gender Male
Species Human
Status Alive
Voice actor(s) Eng: Arthur VogelToM HD
“This child...”
In-game dialogue

José is a minor NPC in Trials of Mana and Echoes of Mana.


Trials of Mana

José is the court magic tutor in Altena who has trained many students in his long career. However, the wizened sage meets his match in the True Queen's daughter Angela, who has so far proven herself to be a difficult student. When she is not playing pranks or otherwise acting out-of-line with her expected station, Angela is often late to his classes or skips them completely. Worse yet, she acts as though disinterested by his lectures. These behaviors vex José, leaving him wondering how to bring Angela to heel.

During Chapter 6, Valda is being rescued from the Dragon Lord's clutches in Dragonsmaw. If the player speaks to José standing next to her in the throne room, he tells Angela he could not be more proud of her for having grown so much in such as small time.

Circle of Mana

José makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. He appears in 3 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
N+ ホセ N+ 0017 ホセ.jpg
N+ 0018 ホセ.jpg
N+ 0019 ホセ.jpg
N+ 0020 ホセ.jpg
"Magic is said to be usable by anyone as long as it looks good. It's not a thing. The reason princesses still can't use magic is because they're only concerned about looks and don't have the most important thing, the heart. Here we go."
R ホセ R 0021 ホセ.jpg
R 0022 ホセ.jpg
R 0023 ホセ.jpg
R 0024 ホセ.jpg
"So, do you want to hear about the old man's heroic tales? Even though he looks like this, he was once a great wizard who was told by Altena that he existed..."
SUR ホセ SUR 0393 ホセ.jpg
SUR 0394 ホセ.jpg
SUR 0395 ホセ.jpg
SUR 0396 ホセ.jpg
"Sasa, quickly come here. Here's the special magical training menu used by generations of Queens of Altena."

Echoes of Mana

The old court mage appears during the second chapter of season 2: Mistlefig: Reign of Magic, in a time-shifted Altena, where a mysterious invading force is threatening the kingdom. While searching for their missing mage friend Honeycomb, the protagonist, Duffle, and Mousseline find him stuyding with the wise professor. The party volunteers in participating in the class, along with Angela and Framaus, and the old teacher assigns them a fighting practice in Frostbite Fields. The adventurers reach the Labyrinth of Ice and discover a unusual roots spreading in the cavern. Angela goes alerting her mother the True Queen, and she thanks Angela for the information as is about to look into the matter, when Altenish mages rush to her claiming mysterious enemy troops are at the castle gates. She blasts the invaders with some ice magic, while Angela and her friends help her pushing them back. The Queen is impressed with her daughter's magical abilties and liveliness, as she feels as a failure as a mother sometimes for not helping her better in her difficult training. José tries to cheer Her Majesty up, telling her Angela can understand these complated feelings her own way, and that's what makes her loving her mother so much.
