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Thona LoM remastered artwork.png
Legend of Mana Remaster artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Faction The Deathbringer's Army
Role Antagonist
Gender Male
Species Undead
Voice actor(s) Reiō Tsuchida (Anime)

Thona is a minor antagonist character in Legend of Mana and a recurring character in the Mana series.


23 years of age, Thona is the younger brother of Thoma, and whom perished alongside the other soldiers were on board the imperial ship that Elle unwittingly sank. Following his death, Thona's skeletal remains were reanimated, and he thereafter continues to pledge his allegiance to The Deathbringer.


Legend of Mana

“One of Deathbringer's skeletal soldiers. His body had died, but his soul is still controlled by the Deathbringer.”
In-game Encyclopedia

Drowned Dreams

There is a rumor spreading around Polpota Harbor saying there is a ghost hunting the Seaside Hotel. The main character can witness the ghost in the lobby should they wait long enough.

The protagonist meets Thoma the imperial soldier on Polpota Beach, saying he's been investigating an imperial ship than sank ten days ago. After witnessing a strange ghost in the Seaside Hotel's lobby, the main character heads back to the beach to inquire about it to Thoma. The soldier tells that the ship was heading to this port on the emperor's secret orders. The weather was fair this day, but the ship still sank. Thoma later learn from a restaurant patron of a distinguished guest named Basket Fish claiming to see everything under the waves. He heads to the Seaside Hotel where he meets with Inspector Boyd, who's on vacation.

He claims having found a clue linking the imperial ship to the hotel ghost. Upon hearing this, the soldier agrees to help him in his investigation. Both of them rush to the bar when Revanshe is performing to interrogate Basket Fish. Inspector Boyd tries to get Basket Fish to show his prized inherited jewel, but he refuses. The dancer claims she wants to see the jewel, so the fish changes his tune and shows it to the crowd. The mysterious stone shines a bright light and shows how an imperial ship got wrecked by a siren. The strange ghost hunting the hotel runs toward Basket Fish, demanding he surrenders the jewel to them. The humanoid fish panics and gives him his prized possession as he immediately runs away. Inspector Boyd enters the bar, saying he wants to interrogate Basket Fish about his inheritance, but he replies he's lost it all since the Blue Eye was its only fortune. Thoma the soldier claims the ghost stole the jewel and Boyd bursts into anger as he realizes that Sandra dressed herself as the ghost to trick Basket Fish.

A Siren's Song

Thoma is seen on a cliff near Polpota Harbor leaving a bouquet while chanting an eulogy to those who've perished in the sinking incident. This makes the mysterious hotel ghost materialize in front of him, whom he mistakenly refer to the Jewel Hunter. However, the specter is revealed to be Thona, on the the crewmen who died at sea. He tells Thoma that he shan't die until the imperial order is fulfilled. He also adds, that His Highness is immortal and controls the dead. This makes Thoma wonders about the dead rising back in the days, but the ghostly warrior elopes by taking a portal before his very eyes.

Circle of Mana

Thona makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. He appears in 1 set of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SUR 骸骨戦士トーナ SUR 0337 骸骨戦士トーナ.jpg
SUR 0338 骸骨戦士トーナ.jpg
SUR 0339 骸骨戦士トーナ.jpg
SUR 0340 骸骨戦士トーナ.jpg
"A warrior who serves immortality does not speak. He simply fulfills his mission silently."

Echoes of Mana

Thona appears in the second act of the Siren Arc called Siren Arc II: Bone & Brimstone. Following the orders of his master the Undying Emperor, he abducts Flameshe on Madora Beach to The Bone Fortress where his master intents to make her spontaneously combust, turning her into the fabled Anima Sola, which could put the Deathbringer to eternal rest.

General information

Physical appearance


Not much can be determined of Thona's character given the sparseness of his appearances and his status as a deceased person. It can be observed, however, that what little remains of his humanity has been completely nullified following his death, as his soul is dominated by the Deathbringer and made to do the latter's bidding for all eternity.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Thona.
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