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Secret of Mana Original Sound Version

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Secret of Mana Original Soundtrack is a soundtrack album of music from Secret of Mana, released as Seiken Densetsu 2 Original Sound Version in Japan; the releases are identical aside from the packaging and localized English song titles.




No. English Title Japanese Title Length
01 "Angel's Fear" 天使の怖れ 1:42
02 "A Curious Tale" 不思議なお話を 1:30
03 "Rose and Spirit" 薔薇と精霊 1:27
04 "Always Together" いつもいっしょ 1:09
05 "Kind Memories" やさしい思いで 1:01
06 "The Boy Heads for the Wilderness" 少年は荒野をめざす 1:56
07 "Summer Sky Blue" 夏の空色 1:24
08 "Dancing Beasts" 踊るけものたち 1:19
09 "Distant Thunder" 遠雷 1:49
10 "The Child of the Fairy Tribe" 妖精族の子供 0:51
11 "Occurrence of a Moonlit Night" 月夜の出来事 0:47
12 "Heart of Darkness" 闇の奥 1:04
13 "The Holy Invasion" 聖なる侵入 0:59
14 "Secret of the Hot Sands" 熱砂の秘密 1:11
15 "What the Forest Taught Me" 森が教えてくれたこと 1:03
16 "A Wish" ねがい 1:03
17 "Soul of the Night" 夜の魂 1:47
18 "Did You See the Sea?" 君は海を見たか 2:09
19 "Crisis" 危機 2:12
20 "Orphans of the Storm" 嵐の孤児 2:03
21 "Where the Wind Ends" 風の焉わるところ 1:13
22 "Flight into the Unknown" 未知への飛行 1:30
23 "Eternal Recurrence" 永劫回帰 2:12
24 "The Legend" 伝説 1:43
25 "The Eight Strokes of the Bell" 八点鐘 1:00
26 "A Strange Incident" 奇妙な事件 1:06
27 "The King of the Coast" 海辺の王様 1:37
28 "The Dark Star" 暗黒星 1:33
29 "Premonition" 予感 1:12
30 "Steel and Traps" 鋼鉄と罠 1:43
31 "Prayer and Whisper" 祈りと囁き 1:10
32 "Ceremony" 儀式 1:27
33 "Reaching Tomorrow" 明日にとどく 1:06
34 "Time Enough for Love" 愛に時間を 1:26
35 "Pure Night" 浄夜 2:50
36 "The Curse" たたり 1:20
37 "The Sorcerer" 呪術師 1:48
38 "A Conclusion" ある結末 1:08
39 "I Won't Forget You" 君を忘れない 1:11
40 "This One is Hope" そのひとつは希望 1:08
41 "Meridian Festival" 子午線の祀り 2:19
42 "Wings Flapping No Longer" 翼はもうはばたかない 2:01
43 "The Penultimate Truth" 最後から2番目の真実 2:47
44 "I Closed My Eyes" ひとみを閉じて 0:32