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Faeries (Legend of Mana)

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Faerie LOM artwork.png
Legend of Mana artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Homeland Faerie Land
Faction Irwin's
Role Support
Gender Female
Species Faeries

Faeries are a race and minor supporting characters in Legend of Mana and recurring characters in the Mana series.


Symbiotically connected with nature, Faeries possess the power to amplify the power of Mana released by plants through song and dance, which they then in turn harness to make the world of Fa'Diel a better place to live in. Owing to the actions of Anise's mages in the holy war of time immemorial, Faeries are, in the events of Legend of Mana, known to nurse an irate disdain for the human race.

The last queen of the Faeries was 28,732 years old.


Legend of Mana

“Deeply love nature and dislike humans. But they are still interested in what humans are up to.”
In-game Encyclopedia

The Gorgon Eye

Tote is introduced in Lake Kilma during the Pirate Penguins's treasure hunt. He was flipped over by the pirates who trampled all over him and asks the main character to stand in front of him so he can spin his way upright. He adds that Faeries show themselves to people only when they feel threatened. The old Wisdom casts a spell so the protagonist can see them.

Now visible to the main character, faeries shares their less than favorable views on humans. Another state they don't even have treasures hidden in Lake Kilma. Another believes they are one with the master of the lake and the will die if he does so. One tells their master can petrify anything on sight, and they can do the same thing with the Stone Eye. They are the only one able to use it, as it appears as a mere rock.

Meanwhile, Faeries have turned most of Cap'n Tusk's crewmen into stone and petrify the leader himself as he jumps off a cliff. The hero eventually slays their master and return all the pirate penguins to normal.

The Snowfield Faeries

Cap'n Tusk is excited to have landed near the Fieg Snowfields has he heard of some treasure buried there. The protagonist gladly joins the pirate crew for the expedition, but the penguins's bodies rapidly freeze due to the harsh climate, leaving the hero alone in their quest to find the treasure. They finally obtain the fabled Draupnir after solving the faeries's puzzle and returns it to the Captain.

The Murmuring Forest

Escad is encountered in the Jungle rescuing an injured Nun from a flock of Faeries. The fair folk wanted to bring the poor girl to their master Irwin as their new queen. The Holy Knight orders the protagonist to bring the woman to Rosiotti the Wisdom of the Jungle. However, the Nun stands up and tells Escad their kind should be able to rely on themselves only. On that note, she leaves on her own while the Holy Knight curses the Faeries for siding with a demon. He then tells this place is a forest belonging to the fair folk and they both should be careful about not starting a war with them.

In Search of Faeries

Daena has left the temple to speak with Irwin and hasn't returned yet. Matilda asks the protagonist to go look for her. They find her in Lake Kilma and reveals she came here to speak to Irwin. He is hiding in the land of Faeries and the cat monk wonders if he's after Matilda's powers or revenge on Escad. She apologizes for rambling and resumes her search.

Daena is found later speaking with Irwin, the latter claiming they've grown up since their last meeting. She questions his motives concerning Matilda. Ever since she collapsed in the mines when she was alone with him, she rapidly grew ever weaker and older. Daena orders the demon to give her powers back, but Irwin merely scoffs at the accusations. She tries to hit him, but he is to quick and strong for her. He asks Daena to give a message to Matilda that when everything comes to an end, she'll see that it was all a dream. He walks off, but the monk warrior tries to catch up to him. She hops on a portal created by Faeries just in time to enter their secret land.

Heaven's Gate

As Irwin is destroyed along with the Wyrm of Light, the faeries sense his presence vanishing. They are confused as he should have been the one who would annihilate the humans. Another faerie hypothesizes that maybe they are the one about to go extinct, as they were so caught up with memories of war that they forgot who they really are.

Circle of Mana

Faeries makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. They appear in 1 set of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
UR 妖精 UR 0049 妖精.jpg
UR 0050 妖精.jpg
UR 0051 妖精.jpg
UR 0052 妖精.jpg
"Bound by the memories of war, we have forgotten our true nature. Aren't we the ones who are being destroyed?"

Echoes of Mana

Faeries in Labyrinth of Lost Heroes

Faeries appeared as supporting characters in the online game. They also appeared in one memory gem:

Faeries in the fifth chapter of the first season, Faerieberry: Confronting Confusion. After jumping into another echo in search of the fabled Mana Sword, The Harvester soon lands in a lush forest called Faeriewood. They learn from the local faeries of Fringefields the different factions of faeries are in the midst of a war and the protagonist is chosen as an ambassador to quell any confrontation. The antagonistic faeries of Biarborough bear the same design from their Legend of Mana counterpart and send their boss Warrior Faerie to deal with the intruders. They settle down and make amends once the Harvester ends up victorious.

Two faeries shows up in the side story Labyrinth of Lost Heroes. They punish Escad for accusing them of doing something suspicious by sending him into the Minotaur's Labyrinth.

General information

Physical appearance


As a result of the human involvement in the holy war of time immemorial, the Faeries rightfully nurse a bitter antipathy for the human race, one that they do not hesitate to bluntly display when the opportunity arises. The Faeries flitting about both Lake Kilma and the Jungle's premises best illustrate this fact, where approaching any of them will yield declarative responses that are infused with a brand of hatred that has been left to fester for eons. Their actions in The Gorgon Eye further depict the seething hatred that they harbour for humans, as they mercilessly petrify the anthropomorphic Pirate Penguins and their captain under the charge of trespass, without giving them any chance to explain their case.

Despite the long-standing hatred that distances the Faeries from the humans, it is evident that they still harbour a deep curiosity for the race's vagaries; their involvement in The Nordic Snowfield best portrays this, as they organise an elaborate game with the Hero/Heroine to test the limits of the human determination under the allure of attaining treasure.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Faeries (Legend of Mana).
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