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* '''Primm''': ''"I think you teased him too much. You should apologize."''
* '''Primm''': ''"I think you teased him too much. You should apologize."''
* '''Popoi''': ''"I'll do it in the morning."''
* '''Popoi''': ''"I'll do it in the morning."''
===20 - Babysitter Watts <big>[[#List of cutscenes|▲]]</big>===
* '''Randi''': ''"Let's take a break."''
* '''Watts''': ''"There you are!"''
* '''Popoi''': ''"Watts!"''
* '''Watts''': ''"Nice to see a familiar face our here. How are the weapons?"''
* '''Randi''': ''"Everything is in tip-top shape! Thanks for helping us reforge these things."''
* '''Watts''': ''"Not a problem. Happy to be of service."''
* '''Primm''': ''"You must have a hard time following us around all the time. But we appreciate all your help."''
* '''Watts''': ''"Don't worry, working on all these Mana weapons has made me a better blacksmith!"''
* '''Watts''': ''"Besides, I'm not just here for that."''
* '''Randi''': ''"You have another job?"''
* '''Watts''': ''"Well, I'm supposed to keep an eye on that little runt over there. The elder asked me to check up on them."''
* '''Popoi''': ''"He did?"''
* '''Primm''': ''"Aw, that's so sweet! He wants to make sure you're doing okay on your journey."''
* '''Popoi''': ''"That's no good..."''
* '''Randi''': ''"What do you mean?"''
* '''Popoi''': ''"There's no shady business I can do if someone's keeping an eye on me!"''
* '''Primm''': ''"Were you planning something?!"''
* '''Watts''': ''"Them's the breaks."''

===20 - Who is Watts Anyway? <big>[[#List of cutscenes|▲]]</big>===
===20 - Who is Watts Anyway? <big>[[#List of cutscenes|▲]]</big>===

Revision as of 15:28, July 31, 2023

The Inn cutscenes are short, episodic cutscenes that happen upon the party resting at an inn. They mainly involve Randi, Primm, and Popoi talking to each other at a table, occasionally interacting with a fourth character. Each scenes trigger if the player has completed required story segments, otherwise the party will transition immediately to their bed. The only inn that won't trigger a cutscene is the one from Fung Castle in Matango.

List of cutscenes

Main Topic Characters Requirement Description
Randi's Tragedy Randi
Meet Luka in the Water Palace Randi laments the fact that he was exiled from his home village, when Luka comes to comfort him telepathically, saying she will always protect the one the Mana Sword has chosen. The boy contemplates the fact that this makes him a hero and promises to head to Dwarf Village tomorrow morning.
Heroine in Pink Randi
Let Primm join the party in Pandora Castle Primm apologizes about Randi seeing her and her dad get into a fight. She then comments about finding the boy lame since he was so helpless during the Goblin Camp incident. She promises to keep it a secret in exchange of helping her finding Dyluck. Both of them starts bickering on where to head first: Gaia's Navel or the Haunted Forest?
Randi's New Sword Randi
Forge Rusty Sword to Watts in Dwarf Village. Randi is excited about his sword being newly forged, but Primm dampers his mood by telling him that he'll never be a warrior like Dyluck without training. The two then argues about Randi wanting to look cool with his new weapon, before ending the scene by the boy telling he is ending practice for today.
Tricky Popoi Randi
Beat Tropicallo and let Popoi join the party. Popoi is debating whether they should treat Randi and Primm as underlings. This prompts the duo to reject the idea while Primm ask about Popoi if they was able to trick travelers into giving them money. The sprite admits that Randi and Primm were the only one falling for it, much to Primm's content. Popoi then adds that they are in their nature to be tricky since they are a sprite.
Wicked Magic Randi
Defeat Spikey Tiger at Witch's Castle The party comment about Elinee youthful demeanor despite her age. Popoi then comments on her magic being the cause of changing her into a terrible bad guy, then theorizes about someone mean from the start like Primm getting their hands on that kind of magic.
Palace Life is Not Fun Randi
Visit the Witch's Castle Popoi asks their underlings if they know about living in a castle, complaining about the inn's bed size. Primm retorts loudly that palace life is not fun, since people there only think about their own status and everything being for the sake of the realm. She then proceeds to belittle her suitor, saying he's a crybaby that never been told "no" once in his life. Dyluck seems much more mild-mannered and level-headed compared to that jerk, according to her.
Cannon Travel Brothers Conspiracy Randi
Visit Cannon Travel Center Popoi discusses the inconcruity of the Cannon Travel Brothers being all brothers, since they all have the same face, wear the same outfit, and the same hairstyle. The sprite theorizes that they might be the same person, to which Primm agrees, saying that they've never seen more than one at the same time. Will the mystery every be solved?
Cannon Travel Randi
Use Cannon Travel once Popoi comments on loving using the Cannon Travel services and asks for going there again tomorrow. Primm replies that there is no need to use the service all the time, since they should save money instead. The sprite believes that the girl is secretly afraid of cannons, but the lass denies it. Popoi asks Primm to prove it by taking the cannon tomorrow, and the deal is settled.
Luka's Fountain of Youth Randi
Visit Luka at Water Palace during Undine's rescue Popoi comments on how Luka looks so young despite being 200 years old. Primm guesses that she might use the palace' water to keep herself young since Undine might have enchanted the place. She then decides to swim in the lake every day and wait for the results.
Magicless Randi Randi
Rescue Undine from Biting Lizard Randi bemoans the fact that he cannot use magic while his two companions can. Primm and Popoi tries to console him by saying they will assist him in battle. Popoi then taunts Primm saying that she could have gotten worse than Elinee if she were to have offensive magic. This prompts the girl to ditch the healing duty next time they needs it.
How Much Power is Too Much? Randi
? Primm comments on how mature Randi has become, only for this to be revealed as a backhand compliment while adding he should stop being lost all the time. Popoi replies that she might get too powerful soon and that thought can be scary.
Popoi's Missus Randi
Rescue Gnome from Fire Gigas in Underground Palace Primm declares that she hasn't forgotten the sprite for the missus's jock they told Gnome earlier. Popoi tries to make light of the situation, saying Gnome didn't mean it, but Primm tells she only has eyes for Dyluck. The girl is revealed to be scared of Dyluck thinking she might cheat on him, and forbids his two companions from calling her "missus" again.
Ode to Dyluck Randi
Visit Pandora Ruins(?) Primm shares to Randi and Popoi why Dyluck means so much to her. One time, he helped her get up after tripping on a branch, helping her carrying her home. He also knew every name of the local wildflowers and their meaning in flower language when they when out on a stroll. The girl also considers him to be a good tutor and never talks down to his troops like the other captains. The Sprite ends up falling asleep while she delivers her speech.
Pamaela & Dyluck's Fate Randi
Defeat Wall Face in Pandora Ruins Primm is worrying about Pamaela and Dyluck. Randi reasures the girl by telling they'll be alright and to be patient. Popoi adds that success is a mental thing and that he does look up for their underlings.
That Guy With the Armor Randi
Defeat Wall Face in Pandora Ruins Popoi wonders if Gemma is as strong as he looks, since he needed to be saved from Pandora's curse. He also seems to be giving the party tasks, but is never seen doing one in the first place. Randi tells the group that Gemma saved his life.
The Mana Seeds Randi
Visit the Thieves' Ship(?) Randi starts to understand how important the Mana Seeds are, to which Primm declares that Dyluck would've protect the Seeds too. Popoi also begin to realize that some folk aren't stealing the Mana Seeds to eat them.
The Sprite Army Randi
Defeat Kilroy in the Thieves' Ship Popoi wonders how such a lame group like the Scorpion Army came up with an awesome name. He then decides to give their group a name too, "The Sprite Army". Primm immediately think this is unfair, and forces the sprite to find another name. They come up with "The Bossy Witch Army", which angers the girl even more. The party ends up tossing names around without settling on one.
Sprite Village Randi
Defeat Jabberwocky in Water Palace Primm asks Popoi how their village looks like. Popoi replies that it's great, but is unsure about leaving the party once they get there. Randi tells them that they have all the time to decide.
The Forest of Hunger Randi
Visit the Forest of Seasons Popoi thinks it's the Forest of Seasons's fault that they're always hungry, since seasonal food is always ripe all year round. Both the Sprite and Randi and getting hungry thinking about it.
Popoi's Herb Randi
Visit the Forest of Seasons After regaining all of their memories, Primm asks Popoi if they have always have this nasty attitude of if that was because of their memory loss. They reply that they have always been a caring sprite, stating that time when he picked a special herb to give to their Grandpa. Their elder wouldn't take it in the end since Popoi tried to charge him the weed.
Fragrant Matango People Randi
Visit Matango Randi recalls Matango people smelling much sweeter than their cousin Mushbooms. Popoi replies that their smell is making them hungry. Primm is surprised to share their opinion, saying that their smells reminds her of savory mushrooms getting roasted on hot coals. Popoi tries thinking about eating one to try, but Primm dissuades them, telling the sprite to focus on the smell instead.
Flammie VS Popoi Randi
Rescue Flammie from Great Viper Randi and Primm are gushing over the newly found white Dragon, making Popoi jealous. The little sprite claims that they didn't had the same reaction when they find them back in Dwarf Village. Both of them remind Popoi that they tried cheating them of their money at a shoddy sideshow.
Shaved Ice Country Randi
Visit Ice Country Randi complains about the cold in Ice Country. That reminds Popoi of playing in the winter part of the forest when they were little. The sprite then fantasizes about getting an ice shaver to make shaved ice from the Crystal Forest and make a profit. Primm tries to reason with them, telling that nobody would want to eat shaved ice in the cold and bringing ice to a warmer climate would make in melt.
Sandy Wasteland Randi
Visit Kakkara Desert Randi complains about the amount of sand in the Kakkara desert, while Primm worries that her skin and hair are getting dry because of the heat. Popoi has the idea to summon Undine for some drinkable water, to which Randi is surprised that the water elemental is okay with it.
Believing in Santa Randi
Rescue Santa by defeating Frost Gigas in Ice Palace Primm and Randi discuss about when they started doubting about Santa being real. Primm sheepishly replies that she was eight, making Randi laugh. Primm retorts by asking him, to which he answers that he was ten. Popoi interrupts their bickering, saying that they hope he's bringing them some good food for christmas.
My Favorite Elemental Randi
Gain Salamando's powers Popoi tries practicing the fire magic, claiming he's their favorite elemental. Primm warns the sprite about saying that, as other elementals might get hurt. Hearing that, Gnome appears and expresses his worries about being disrespected. The sprite apologizes to Gnome, fearing that he might ditch them.
Polar Paradise Randi
Visit the Tropics in Ice Country Primm thinks that the Tropics in the middle of a frozen wasteland was the perfect idea, but Popoi reminds her that it was all thanks to his underling Salamando. The fire elemental pops up behind them, with Popoi reminding him how helpful he was. This makes Salamando blushing, making the whole inn heating like a sauna.
Randi's Spacing Out Randi
??? Popoi is curious about the origin of the balloons that pops up over their head during fights. The sprite kind of likes them, believing them to be sort of stress-relieving since they make one space out. Primm jockingly retorts that Randi doesn't need a balloon to space out since he sometimes does it on its own. Popoi believes he gets distracted by Primm, which makes Randi flusters so much that he leaves the inn.
Neko's Purrrfect Plan Randi
Visit the Imperial Palace The party is excited to have successfully explore the Imperial Palace. Neko pays them a visit, commenting that the empire is not a friendly place for a merchant cat as soldiers are constantly on his tail and that every attempt to make shop went sour. As he tries to sell the party some of his wares, he is chased by a local Shopkeeper, forcing him to make his retreat.
Gnome's Favors Randi
??? Gnome appears in front of Randi and Popoi, teling that Primm has been abusing his powers for menial tasks, such as running errands, shoulder rubs, and cleaning clothes. The girl overhears his complaints, making her apologize for all the things she wanted him to do. Randi and Popoi smell a trap, thinking that she might ask another elemental to do her biddings next.
Someone's Jealous Randi
Meet Krissie in Northtown Popoi notices how Randi's behavior changed since they met Krissie, the Resistance leader. Randi replies that he finds her mature and attractive, which angers Primm. While being teased by the sprite for her outburst, the girl replies that she only have eyes for Dyluck and that her hair and personality makes up for her lack of chest.
Who is Watts Anyway? Randi
??? The party wonders about who Watts actually is and who is he able to travel so fast. The sprite adds that he must be really brave to follow them when they are so many monsters around. Popoi theorizes that the blacksmith might be a skilled warrior since he doesn't seem to easily get attacked by enemies. Just how strong is Watts anyway?
Popoi's Growth Spurt Randi
Defeat Mech Rider II in Imperial Palace Randi and Primm at yet at it again, praising Flammie's appearance now that he is an adult. Popoi replies that while the White Dragon is great, there is still a chance that they might get a growth spurt and be taller than him any day now. Primm laughs a that thought, but Randi tries to not make the sprite upset and crush their dream.
The Empire's Bad Guys Randi
Defeat Mech Rider II in Imperial Palace Primm used to think the everyone who lived in the empire was their enemy, and were bad people. But now that they've talked to some of them, she realized she was wrong. Randi adds that they are just like the citizens of Pandora and everyone they've met on their journey. The trio promises to find out more about Thanatos and the Emperor before the world gets into serious danger.
Fear of Heights Randi
Visit the Lofty Mountains While praising the majesty and the view of the Lofty Mountains, Popoi remarks that the view is pretty much the same on Flammie's back, makin them believe that Primm is afraid of heights. Primm denies it, but the sprite questions her about not looked at the view from high up until they went to the mountains. The girls tries to deflect the question by stating that the wind is too strong when they a riding the white dragon, to which Popoi retorts that they should ask Sylphid to make the wind stop next time.
Luna's Tricks Randi
Meet Luna in the Moon Palace Popoi declares that Luna's magic is really curious and they could use the magic to prank people. Primm decides to summon Lune since she heard that the elemental is fond of jokes. Randi replies that Luna doesn't seem like the type to trick people, but the Moon elemental takes that as a challenge. She tells them to wait a while, cackling quietly.
Babysitter Watts Randi
??? Watts pay the party a visit to see how they feel about they new weapons. He reveals that he's also there to keep an eye on Popoi as resquested by the Dwarf Elder. A disappointed sprite complains about not being able to pulling pranks while someone is watching.
My New Tasnican Home Randi
Visit the Republic of Tasnica Primm is dazzled by Tasnica's archiecture and location, to which Randi agrees. The girl thinks she could leave Pandora and live there instead, free from her father's stupid engagement. Popoi butts in, saying that both cities might not want her in because of her bas personality. The two start bickering again, with Randi wondering why they cannot stop fighting.
Food Over Gold Randi
Rescue Lumina from Gold Tower Popoi claims that Mammon is an idiot for exploiting Lumina like that. Primm, on the other hand, think that Popoi is bummed about hot thinking about a scheme like that earlier, which angers the sprite. Lumina pops up and thank the party for their concerns. Popoi takes the opportunity to ask the light elemental about lending them money so they can throw a feast. Primm reprimands them, but the sprite says that it's a different kind of greed since they are asking instead of taking like Mammon.
Protecting Potos Randi
??? Randi reminisces about Potos, saying that he is grateful the elder took and raised him, even if they exlied him in the end. He also thinks that he's gotten a lot of help along the way. He ends his monologue by swearing to protect his village and all the people they've met.
Ethereal Moon Palace Randi
Visit Moon Palace Randi and Primm comments on how the Moon Palace's layout is dark and mysterious. Popoi disagrees, saying that the whole looked like a nightmare since there was nothing to eat. Randi comments on how he's never tired of their arguments, putting himself in hot water by uttering that.
Veedios Randi
Visit Mandala Temple The party fantasizes about having a personal veedio of them, just like the ones in the Mandala temple. Popoi mentions they would like one to scare Gandpa or the people in Dwarf Village. Primm scolds them by saying that an ancient artifact musn't be used for pranks. She would use one to declare her love for Dyluck.
Great Dark Sorcerer Randi
Gain Shade's powers Popoi gloats about being able to use Shade's dark powers, telling they've tamed the forces of darkness, making him a great sorcerer. Randi and Primm seem indifferent about it, making the sprite whole schtick go south.
Gettin' Moogled Randi
??? Popoi just remembered getting turned into a Moogle. Randi shares its pain, as it is annoying to suddenly become helpless during battle. Primm is on a different wavelengh and believes she wouldn't mind Popoi being a Moogle instead of a sprite since they are cuter. The sprite replies that Moogles are too clumsy to play tricks on people.
King Popoi Randi
Defeat the Imperial Spy in the Republic of Tasnica Popoi gets the idea of the Tasnican impostor to get rich, as impersonating a ruler leads to a lavish lifestyle. Randi replies that getting riches wasn't the empire's motivation. Popoi cries that they want to be rich at least once, and Primm tricks them into thinking she might ask the king of Pandora to lend his throne for a day to give them a lesson.
Popoi's Grievances Randi
??? Popoi needs to share something about their two companions. They tell Primm that she tosses and turn too much at the inn, preventing them from sleeping. Primm retorts by saying they snore so loud they wake up the innkeeper. The two continue to bicker while a defeated Randi watches.
Fighting Oneself Randi
Finish the Test of Courage in the Cave of Trials The party is still baffled by the end purpose of Joch's test was to fight their shadow. Popoi comments on they didn't struggled as hard as they thought they would. Primm retorts that Popoi didn't hold on while fighting her shadow. The sprite playfully replies that it was the perfect time to vent their frustration. The party end the conversation by commenting on how their own shadow might not reflect their own poise during battle.
Dryad's Anxiety Randi
Rescue Dryad in the Temple of Mana Dryad appears in front of the party, asking if it's alright for her to accompany them. The party replies with an overwhelmingly positive response, telling her that her magic is useful and helful. The wood elemental has always doubted her abilities, but says she will do her best if it's what they want. She also apologizes for getting depressed in front of them.
Monstersonas Randi
Defeat Mech Rider III in the Temple of Mana(?) Popoi asks his companions if they could transform into a monster like the imperial generals, what would it be? Primm replies that she doesn't think there's a monster out there that could compare to her. The sprite playfully remarks that it's obvious no monster could stand up to her, since they would be too scared. Randi declares that he would want to be a vampire so he could fly. The two then argue on who would make the best vampire between them.
Planting a Mana Tree Randi
Rescue Dryad in the Temple of Mana While trying to cheer up his friends about the mana seeds's broken seals by the empire, Popoi declares they've got the idea of planting the seeds so they can sprout. Randi is a bit enthusiast about the plan, but Primm remains doubtful. The sprite continues by stating that each growing tree could bear new Mana Seeds, making them so plentiful that eating a few wouldn't be a problem.
Mana Fortress Randi
Defeat Mech Rider III in the Temple of Mana Primm is surprised to see such a huge fortress capable of flying in the air. Popoi says it's all from the massive amount of Mana power being used as fuel, enough to destroy the world. Primm still feels like it's a fairy tale, even though Randi is in possession of the Mana Sword. Popoi thinks the Mana Fortress still looks pretty cool, to which Randi agrees.
Corrupted Generals Randi
Defeat Mech Rider III in the Temple of Mana Randi realizes that all the imperial subjects they've met were normal people, and that the generals might be good also in their intensions. Popoi theorizes that the Mana power might be too much for the emperor and his subjects to resist. The boy suggests they go to the root of the problem and see what's corrupting them.
Such Good Friends Randi
Defeat Mech Rider III in the Temple of Mana Primm recalls that she originally joined the party to find Dyluck, and she'd never know that would end up being such a long adventure. Randi and Popoi are also glad to be together, making the sprite blush a little. Primm confides in them that she would have never made it this far without such good friends.
Popoi's Thanks Randi
Defeat Mech Rider III in the Temple of Mana Popoi takes the occasion to thank his companions fro being such great friends. Primm jockingly start becoming suspicious, thinking the sprite is sick for making such compliments and agreeing with her. Popoi adds that something could happen at any moment, making sure that they don't leave anything unsaid. Once the whole thing is over, Popoi would show around their village as thanks.
Son of the Mana Tribe Randi
Meet with the Tree of Mana in Pureland Randi cannot wrap his head around the fact that her mother was the Mana Tree and her father was the legendary Serin. Primm and Popoi try to help him, but the boy still needs time to process everything his mother told him. He nonetheless thanks his comrades for fighting alongside him and supporting him the whole time. As the son the Mana Tribe, he swears to fulfill the wishes of his people and stop the destruction of the world.
The Final Battle Randi
Meet with the Tree of Mana in Pureland The party makes the very last preparations for the final battle, making Randi quite nervous. Popoi hides their own anxiety by joking around, but Primm beats them at their own game. The party promises to not getting in each other's way and sleep for the last time together.

Cutscenes script

01 - Randi's Tragedy

  • Randi: "This is terrible..."
  • "I should never have followed Elliott and Timothy."
  • "Who accidentally pulls out the Mana Sword, anyway?"
  • "Now the elder's wrath is the least of my worries. How am I gonna survive in exile?"
  • "When did my life become such a tragedy?"
  • ???: "You will be fine."
  • Randi: "Luka? Wait, where's her voice coming from?"
  • Luka: "Hmph. You should know better. I'm always there with you."
  • Randi: "Are you...protecting me?"
  • Luka: "Yes, I will protect the one the Mana Sword has chosen. Know that you have people on your side during your journey."
  • Randi: "Chosen? So does that make me a hero? Like the legends?"
  • Luka: "...We shall see."
  • Randi: ""Hero" has a nice ring to it."
  • Luka: "Well, a hero can't bee seen with some rusty old blade like this one!"
  • Randi: "I'll head to Dwarf Village first thing tomorrow!"
  • Luka: "...If it makes you happy, I'm glad you have a purpose now."
  • Randi: "Hah! Lighten up, Luka! Things'll work out. After all, I've got you watching my back!"
  • Luka: "You don't disappoint, Randi."

02 - Heroine in Pink

  • Primm: "Hey, uh...I'm sorry you had to see my dad and me get into a fight. Not my best moment..."
  • "Though, now that I think about it, I've seen you look pretty lame yourself."
  • Randi: "What do you mean?"
  • Primm: "Remember when those goblins were going to slice you up and eat you for dinner? They took you down so easily."
  • Randi: "H-hey! I was ambushed, okay?"
  • Primm: "Oh yes, I'm sure. Because a real swordsman would never be caught off guard by a simple goblin."
  • "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."
  • "But in return, you have to help me. I'm counting on you!"
  • Randi: "Look, I already told you that I need to get to the Underground Palace..."
  • Primm: "And I told you this is a matter of life and death! We to stop the witch in the north!"
  • "Who knows what she might have done to Dyluck and his men..."
  • Randi: "Well, when you put it that way..."
  • Primm: "If you won't go with me, I won't waste my time looking for your silly palace! You want to split ways here?"
  • Randi: "You were the one who decided to join me in the first place."
  • Primm: "Quit splitting hairs!"

03 - Randi's New Sword

  • Randi: "Wow! That Watts is the best blacksmith I've ever seen!"
  • "He's made my rusty sword shine like it's brand-new!"
  • "With a sword like this at my side, everyone can tell that I'm a knight who means business."
  • "I know! I'll try it out with a few practice swings!"
  • Primm: "...It figures."
  • Randi: "Wh-what's your problem?"
  • Primm: "So immature."
  • "A rust-free sword doesn't make you a knight. You'll never be a warrior like Dyluck without training."
  • Randi: "That's why I'm practicing!"
  • Primm: "That wasn't practice; that was posing. You just wanted to look cool holding that sword."
  • Randi: "N-no I didn't!"
  • Primm: "The truth hurts."
  • Randi: "Fine! No more sword practice today or any day! Happy now?"
  • Primm: "Oops, I didn't realize I touched a nerve."
  • Randi: "You did not!"
  • Primm: "Ugh, like I said—you're so immature."

04 - Tricky Popoi

  • Popoi: "Hmmm..."
  • Primm: "What is it? Is there something on my face?"
  • Popoi: "Just can't decide if I should make you my underlings or not. You look like troublemakers to me."
  • Primm: "Underling?! Forget it! Besides, he looks more the subordinate type than I do."
  • Randi: "No way I am taking orders from them!"
  • Primm: "So that was a strange act back there. Did you really manage to trick travelers into giving you money?"
  • Popoi: " comment."
  • Primm: "That's not good enough! Tell me!"
  • Popoi: "...No one else fell for our ruse except for you guys."
  • Primm: "Good. I don't want to travel around with a liar who cheated a bunch of innocent peole out of their gold."
  • Popoi: "Calling me a liar is a little harsh! I apologized already, remember?"
  • "It's in my nature to be tricky; I'm a sprite! You just gotta expect a prank or two."
  • Primm: "Not on this journey!"

05 - Wicked Magic

  • Primm: "Seeing Elinee's true form gave me a new respect for magic power."
  • Randi: "No kidding. She acted so young despite her real age."
  • Popoi: "Hey Bro?"
  • Randi: "What?"
  • Popoi: "That Elinee witch wasn't always so scary, right?"
  • Randi: "No, I heard she was a typical old lady before."
  • Popoi: "Then, it was the magic that made her into a terrifying bad guy, right?"
  • "Hear me out–what if someone who was mean from the start got their hands on that kind of magic?"
  • Randi: "I guess they'd do even more harm out in the world."
  • Popoi: "Right?! Then...what would happen if Sis managed to get more magic powers?"
  • Randi: "Woa, better not think about it! There's no way we'd manage to defeat something so sinister!"
  • Primm: "What are you guys implying?"

06 - Palace Life is Not Fun

  • Randi: "So that's a witch's castle."
  • Popoi: "What's the deal with castles anyway? Is every meal a feast like people say? Are their beds as big as boats?"
  • "These inns don't have enough space, that's all I'm saying. I think I'm cut out for the high life."
  • Randi: "Not sure how much you'd like it."
  • Primm: "You people have no idea! Palace life is not fun!"
  • Randi: "...Uh, you okay?"
  • Primm: "No!"
  • Popoi: "Harsh words, Sis. You want to crush my dreams that badly?"
  • Primm: "People from the palace only think about their own status! Everything is "for the sake for the realm"!"
  • "No one ever stops to think about how the rest of us feel! Who wants to marry into that kind of oppression?"
  • "And what a crybaby! No one ever told that jerk "no"! One little slight and he went crying to his daddy!"
  • "Everything was about him! What a narcissist... That pampered kid is nothing like Dyluck!"
  • "Dyluck's a responsible soldier who whouldn't blame others for his mistakes! The nobility are selfish!"
  • "Dyluck always asked me how my day was, or brought me flowers. Not like some people! What a loser!"
  • "Arg!"
  • Popoi: "Sounds like Sis had it rough."
  • Randi: "A witch's castle would be way different from what she's used to anyway."

07 - Cannon Travel Brothers Conspiracy

  • Popoi: "You know those Cannon Travel Brother, right?"
  • Primm: "Yes, they operate the cannon travel network. What about them?"
  • Popoi: "Do they have installations everywhere?"
  • Randi: "Yeah, it's a convenient mode of transformation, after all."
  • Popoi: "Sure, it's convenient, but...are those guys really brothers?"
  • Randi: "Pretty sure I heard them mention specifically that they were brothers."
  • Popoi: "But aren't they a little too alike? Every single one has the same face."
  • Primm: "You know, every one of them wears the same outfit. And their haistyles match, too. Is there a difference?"
  • Popoi: "Nope! In fact, I don't think they're brothers at all! I think...they're all the same person!"
  • Randi: "You think so?"
  • Primm: "Wait, it makes sense! Have you ever seen more than one of them in the same place?"
  • Popoi: "Right? If they're the same family, you think you'd see them interacting at some point!"
  • Randi: "What are these Cannon Travel Brothers?"
  • Primm: "...Something tells me that we shouldn't question it any further."
  • Randi: "Who knows what creepy things we might uncover..."
  • Popoi: "Okay, I got it! I shouldn't have asked! Brr, I got shivers down my spine!"
  • Randi: "The Cannon Traver Brothers...will their mystery ever be solved?"

08 - Cannon Travel

  • Popoi: "Nothing beats cannon travel!"
  • Randi: "What's up?"
  • Popoi: "Just remembering the thrill of being shot straight into the air! I could get used to that!"
  • Randi: "It is fun, huh?"
  • Popoi: "Can we go back to the cannons again tomorrow? Can we?"
  • Randi: "Sure, if it's on the way."
  • Primm: "There's no need to use cannon travel all the time. We should save money when we can."
  • Randi: "She's got a point."
  • Popoi: "Aw, spoilsport... Do you have something against cannons?"
  • Primm: "N-no! And I'm definitely not afraid of them, if that's what you mean!"
  • Popoi: "Oh? Prove it! Let's go for a cannon ride tomorrow!"
  • Primm: "Fine! I'll go anywhere you pick!"
  • Popoi: "Great! It's settled! Hm? Something wrong, Bro?"
  • Randi: "What about the money?"
  • Primm: "My pride is more important than money! What are we waiting for?"
  • Popoi: "Uh-oh, I awoke the witch within..."
  • Primm: "Will you quit calling me a witch! Let's get some rest."
  • Randi: "I wonder if we can get Gemma to pay our way again."

09 - Luka's Fountain of Youth

  • Randi: "It's so weird talking to Luka! I can't wrap my head around the idea that she's hundreds of years old!"
  • Popoi: "Never seen a grannie like her!"
  • Randi: "First time we met, I didn't realize that was luka until Gemma got mad at me."
  • Primm: "Hm... What's her sercret?"
  • Popoi: "Whoa, what's with the serious expression?"
  • Primm: "I don't care how old I get as long as I never look like Elinee... How does Luka manage?"
  • "I've got it! It must be the lake around the Water Palace! Undine must have imbued it with magic or something!"
  • "That must be it! I'll just take up swimming in the lake every day and wait for the results!"
  • "Look out, world! This fresh-faced girl is gonna cause a splash!"
  • Popoi: "What is she talking about this time?"
  • Randi: "I wasn't gonna ask."
  • Primm: "You guys have something to say?"
  • Randi: "No! Nothing!"
  • Popoi: "There are some things we just don't need to wonder."

10 - Magicless Randi

  • Randi: "Wish I could use magic. How come you guys get to do all that cool stuff?"
  • Primm: "I didn't realize you couldn't use magic as the wielder of the Mana weapons."
  • Popoi: "Don't worry! We can clean up all those annoying enemies for ya!"
  • Randi: "But I wanted to clean up enemies, too..."
  • Primm: "Don't pout. I'll cast some magic on your weapon to make you feel better."
  • Popoi: "Yeah! As long as we help each other out, we'll be invicible!"
  • Primm: "What a nice sentiment. Leave the healing to me!"
  • Popoi: "Phew! Good thing you didn't get attack magic, Sis!"
  • Primm: "What? Why?"
  • Popoi: "If you use too much strong magic, you"ll turn into a scary witch for sure! Worse than Elinee!"
  • Primm: "Hmph! And here I though you were being nice!"
  • "I take back everything I said before! Good luck healing yourself!"
  • Randi: "Come on, cut them some slack..."
  • Primm: "Oh? You're going to take their side? See if I heal you, either!"
  • Randi: "Aw man!"

11 - How Much Power is Too Much?

  • Primm: "You've turned into quite the swordsman."
  • Randi: "What brought this up?"
  • Primm: "Oh! It's nothing really. Just that I noticed how much more mature you've become. That's all."
  • Randi: "Oh... Well, thanks."
  • Primm: "The Mana Sword made the right choice in its wielder."
  • Randi: "You know..."
  • "I think I can do what I set out to do!"
  • Primm: "That's the spirit! Now if you could just stop wandering around lost all the time, this could go smoothly."
  • Randi: "Aw..."
  • Popoi: "Congrats...but Sis has been with you this whole time, right? How much stronger is she gonna get?"
  • Randi: "Frighteningly strong..."
  • Primm: "I'm sure you don't mean that in a bad way... Right?"
  • Popoi: "Ack!"
  • Randi: "Wouldn't dream of it!"

12 - Popoi's Missus

  • Primm: "You know..."
  • "I still haven't forgiven you for that joke with Gnome earlier."
  • Randi: "Huh?"
  • Popoi: "Lighten up, Sis! You're still worried about that?"
  • Primm: "It's a big deal to me!"
  • "You know I only have eyes for Dyluck!"
  • Popoi: "I know, I know. But Gnome didn't mean anything by it."
  • Randi: "Besides, it's not like you're married to Dyluck, right?"
  • Primm: "Of course not!"
  • "I care! What if someone overheard and thought I was cheating on Dyluck with a tiny sprite!"
  • "If Dyluck heard, he'd be devastated..."
  • Randi: "He'd probably understand that it was a joke."
  • Primm: "You don't understand! You guys are forbidden from calling me "missus" aver again!"
  • Popoi: "Oh, hey! Gnome got me thinking about Mana Seeds, so I figured I'd ask..."
  • "Can I taste the next one?"
  • Primm: "Don't change the subject!"

13 - Ode to Dyluck

  • Primm: "Oh, Dyluck..."
  • Randi: "Dyluck this, Dyluck that... What's this Dyluck like, anyway?"
  • Primm: "You wanna know? Where do I even begin?"
  • Popoi: " she'll never stop."
  • Randi: "Huh?"
  • Primm: "So about Dyluck..."
  • "He's the coolest soldier in the ranks, and I don't just mean that he's good-looking, though that's true."
  • "He always asks how I'm doing. One time I tripped over a branch and he helped carry me home!"
  • "I still remember that sweet tone he used when he asked if I was okay... He's so kind!"
  • "Oh! But he's also very serious about his work. He'll help anyone in need."
  • "When we took a stroll outside of town to pick some wildflowers, he knew the name of every single one!"
  • "He even knew what each blossom meant in the languages of flowers! Crazy, right? He's so smart."
  • "Dyluck tutors me sometimes and he's always attentive so I don't get bored by the subject matter."
  • "You should hear what his troops think of him! He never talks down to them like the other captains."
  • "Dyluck listens to his men and tries to help when they have problems or concerns."
  • "He's the perfect captain of the guard! After I saw how responsible he was, I fell for him instantly..."
  • "I asked him if he was tired from having to work so hard, and do you know what he said?"
  • "He said, "I'm happy as long as I can make everyone else happy"... Can you believe it?"
  • "I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest! I knew Dyluck was the only one for me!"
  • "And then there was this time that..."
  • Randi: "I don't think I've ever seen this side of you..."
  • "Uh-oh... Our little sprite's fallen asleep."
  • "Hm. Sounds like a good idea..."
  • Primm: "Hey! I'm not finished!"
  • Randi: "Ack!"

14 - Pamaela & Dyluck's Fate

  • Primm: "I wonder if Pamaela and Dyluck are all right..."
  • Randi: "Worried?"
  • Primm: "Yes, but I have to do my best. I just keep telling myself that..."
  • Randi: "They'll be okay."
  • Primm: "Thanks."
  • Randi: "Just be patient and you'll see! Your hard work won't be in vain!"
  • Popoi: "Listen up! Success is a mental thing. You gotta visualize it going well or you're never gonna get anywhere."
  • Randi: "Besides! We'll gonna help you along the way."
  • "When we can, at least."
  • Primm: "Thank you so much..."
  • Popoi: "Well, what kind of boss doesn't look out for their underlings? Leave it to me!"
  • Primm: "I never agreed to be your underling...but thanks for the thought."
  • Randi: "Tomorrow's another day! Let's get some rest."

15 - That Guy With the Armor

  • Popoi: "About that guy..."
  • Randi: "What guy?"
  • Popoi: "That guy! You know, the one with the hair and the armor..."
  • Primm: "Oh, you mean Gemma?"
  • Popoi: "Yeah, that one! So about Gemma..."
  • Randi: "You could tell they meant Gemma from that?"
  • Popoi: "Is he really as strong as he looks?"
  • Randi: "What?!"
  • Popoi: "Cuz I mean, how strong can he be if he needed to be saved?"
  • Randi: "Come on, no one's perfect!"
  • Popoi: "All I'm saying is that he sures gives a lot of orders. What's he up to anyway?"
  • Randi: "He's busy with stuff...lots of stuff. It's just stuff we don't need to know about."
  • Popoi: "You sure he's not just giving us tasks and then going off to take a nap?"
  • Randi: "No way! He wouldn't do that...I think."
  • Primm: "Stop teasing our brave hero. You know he can't take a joke."
  • Primm: "Besides, Gemma is a very brave knight!"
  • Popoi: "You sure? I can't quite put my finger on it..."
  • Randi: "He saved my life, so at the very least, I know he's a strong warrior...probably."
  • Primm: "Look what you've done! Now he's getting suspicious."

16 - The Mana Seeds

  • Randi: "Wow, hard to think that I didn't know about the Mana Seeds up until now."
  • "And that there are bad people in the world trying to use them for their nefarious purposes!"
  • "I think I'm finally starting to understand how important these seeds are."
  • Primm: "I was just tagging along, but I'm going to see this whole thing through."
  • "If Dyluck was here, he'd protect the Mana Seeds, too!"
  • Randi: "We gotta step up and stop wrongdoing when we see it. I dunno if that'll save the world, but it's a start."
  • Primm: "You're getting more responsible by the day. I'm impressed!"
  • Randi: "Y-you think?"
  • Primm: "Not by much, but at least you're not whimpering at the sight of goblins anymore."
  • Randi: "Are you still going on about that?"
  • Primm: "Hah! Well, better get a move on. There's still Dyluck and Pamaela to save, after all."
  • Popoi: "Guys, I've been thinking...maybe people aren't stealing the Mana Seeds to eat them."
  • Primm: "You're the only one thinking about eating Mana Seeds!"

17 - The Sprite Army

  • Popoi: "...Scorpion Army... Hm Scorpion...Army..."
  • "How'd those losers end up with a cool name like "Scorpion Army," anyway?"
  • Primm: "You think it's cool?"
  • Popoi: "I got it! We should give our group a name, too!"
  • Primm: "I vote no."
  • Randi: "I guess I don't long as it's cool."
  • Popoi: "Hear that, Sis? Bro's on the same wavelength!"
  • Primm: "What name were you thinking?"
  • Popoi: "Duh! The Sprite Army!"
  • Primm: "No way! Nuh-uh! Why would we be a part of a sprite army?"
  • Popoi: "Aw, come on!"
  • Primm: "Next!"
  • Popoi: "Fine. How about..."
  • "The Bossy Witch Army! Like that one?"
  • Primm: "No! if anything it should be the "Radiant Magician Army," or maybe the "Pure Maiden Party.""
  • Popoi: "I didn't expect her to be so picky..."
  • Randi: "I like "Brave Swordmsan Brigade"!"
  • Primm: "Enough! This is dumb."
  • Popoi: "I guess we'll just have to stick with "The Boss and Their Dumb Underlings"..."
  • Primm: "Since when are we called that?"

18 - Sprite Village

  • Primm: "What sort of place is Sprite Village?"
  • Popoi: "It's great! I mean, I only just got my memory back, but I'm pretty sure it's great!"
  • Randi: "You'll be home before you know it. Just a little farther."
  • Popoi: "You always know what to say, Bro! Thanks...both of you."
  • Primm: "You're not usually so sincere."
  • Randi: "It's like seeing snow in summer."
  • Popoi: "There's snow year-round in the forest near my home, you know."
  • Primm: "Don't be so pedantic."
  • Popoi: "So what's gonna happen once we arrive? Are you planning on leaving the group?"
  • Primm: "It'd be a lot quieter around here."
  • Popoi: "I dunno... As your boss, I'm not sure if you'll be okay without me to look after you."
  • Primm: "Thanks for your concern..."
  • Randi: "We can always decide once we get there. First things first, we need to keep going."
  • Popoi: "Yeah, I hope everyone at home is okay."
  • Primm: "I'm sure they're fine."
  • Randi: "Definitely!"
  • Popoi: "Thanks guys... I mean it."

19 - The Forest of Hunger

  • Randi: "The Forest of Seasons is amazing!"
  • Popoi: "I know! I think it's the forest's fault I'm always hungry."
  • Randi: "Wait, what would a forest have to do with your appetite?"
  • Popoi: "The forest is sectioned into the four seasons, right? That means seasonal food is ripe all year round!"
  • Randi: "Aha!"
  • Popoi: "Winter fish runs, spring fruit-picking, and all the summer and fall harvests in between! We've got it all!"
  • Popoi: "Oof, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it..."
  • Randi: "I'm getting hungry just hearing about it..."
  • Popoi: "Mm, food..."
  • Primm: "Um..."
  • "Now is not the time for this."
  • Randi: "You're right."

20 - Popoi's Herb

  • Primm: "So you've regained all your memories?"
  • Popoi: "Pretty much."
  • Primm: "What was like to live in the village? Did you have a happy childhood?"
  • Randi: "Yeah, did you always have an attitude, or was it because of the memory loss?"
  • Popoi: "Ouch, that hurts my ego! I've always been known as a kind and caring sprite, thank you!"
  • Primm: "Says who?"
  • Popoi: "When the villagers were off in the forest collecting herbs, I found a special one and took it to Grandpa."
  • "He told me it was a rare medicinal plant! So I figured he wanted it."
  • Randi: "Sounds like you had the village's interests at heart, especially if you took it straight to your grandpa."
  • Primm: "Is that the whole story? Did you end up giving it to him?"
  • Popoi: "He wouldn't take it!"
  • Randi: "What? Why?"
  • Popoi: "Probably because I charged him for it. It was a rare plant, after all."
  • Primm: "You charged your own grandfather money for a weed?!"
  • Popoi: "Hey! It was compensation; a finder's fee for discovering it in the first place!"
  • Randi: "Guess the amnesia didn't change you at all."

21 - Fragrant Matango People

  • Randi: "Watch out for Mushbooms. Their spores clog the air and make it hard to breathe."
  • Popoi: "Too true. I've had lots of run-ins with Mushbooms."
  • Randi: "makes me wonder why the Matango branch of the family smells so sweet. This whole country is fragrant."
  • Popoi: "Yeah, the smell...kinda makes me hungry."
  • Randi: "Weird, but...I think I get where you're coming from."
  • Primm: "Oh! You guys, too?"
  • Popoi: "You agree?"
  • Primm: "I smells like savory mushrooms getting roasted on hot coals. Now I can't stop thinking about it."
  • Randi: "Same here."
  • Popoi: "...Hey, do you think the Matango people would ta–"
  • Primm: "Stop!"
  • "Don't go there. We're getting into dangerous territory as it is."
  • Randi: "Y-yeah..."
  • Primm: "Just enjoy the fragrance while it lasts."

20 - Randi's Spacing Out

  • Popoi: "What's with those balloon?"
  • Randi: "The balloons?"
  • Popoi: "Yeah, the ones that make your brain go all fuzzy."
  • Primm: "I kinda like them."
  • Randi: "It's sorta stress relief. The balloons make you space out."
  • Primm: "It's nice to take a break now and then."
  • Popoi: "Ugh, really? I don't like them at all."
  • Primm: "I don't think you need the balloon to space out."
  • Randi: "Huh? What do you mean?"
  • Popoi: "Sometimes you stop and stand there for no reason."
  • Randi: "I-I'm just thinking of our next move. Or looking at the map, or looking up monster weaknesses."
  • Popoi: "Suuure you are. I think you just get distracted staring at Sis."
  • Primm: "You do what?!"
  • Randi: "I do not!"
  • "Leave me alone! I'm not spacy or staring at anyone!"
  • Primm: "I think you teased him too much. You should apologize."
  • Popoi: "I'll do it in the morning."

20 - Who is Watts Anyway?

  • Randi: "My sword is all polished up and ready for another fight! Glad to have Watts around to help with the weapon."
  • Popoi: "Never knew Watts was the travel type. We didn't talk much while I was in the caves."
  • Primm: "He must be very brave to follow us when there are so many monsters around."
  • Randi: "Come to think of it, how does he manage to follow us without getting attacked?"
  • Popoi: "Maybe he's a actually a skilled warrior. Champion of the dwarfs, or something!"
  • Primm: "You know, Watts might even be stronger than you, little sprite."
  • Popoi: "Hey! I'm just a kid! Give me a break!"
  • Primm: "Maybe we should ask him to join our party instead."
  • Popoi: "Hmph!"
  • Popoi: "Watts might even be stronger than I am..."
  • Primm: "Don't be so down on yourself."

20 - Gettin' Moogled

  • Popoi: "Ugh...!"
  • Randi: "What's wrong?"
  • Popoi: "I'm just remembering getting turned into a moogle."
  • Primm: "Oh, I thought maybe your stomach hurt from overeating."
  • Popoi: "Overeating? My stomach ain't that delicate."
  • Primm: "Back to the moogle thing; you're right that it's no fun being so helpless in the middle of battle."
  • Popoi: "I can't stand it!"
  • Primm: "But moogles are so cute! I don't think I'd mind if you were a moogle instead of a sprite."
  • Popoi: "What?!"
  • Randi: "Traveling with a moogle companion does sound fun."
  • Popoi: "You, too?!"
  • "No way! Moogles are too clumsy to play tricks on people!"
  • Primm: "THAT's why you don't like moogles?"