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Gaia's Navel

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Dwarf Cave
First appearance Secret of Mana (1993)
Latest appearance Secret of Mana HD (2018)
Greater location Gaia LowlandsGaia's Navel

Dwarf Cave, also known as the Dwarf Cave is a location in Secret of Mana. It consists of an underground complex of caves and rivers. It is connected to the surface by reaching the Southeast Gaia Lowlands, and Dwarf Village.

Randi must first visit the area to meet with Dwarves that can forge its Rusty Sword and to enter the Underground Palace.


Secret of Mana



Content(s) Location
Magic Rope In a small room halfway between the surface and Dwarf Village.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ???
Spanish ??? ???
French ??? ???
German ??? ???


Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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