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Echoes of Mana

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Echoes of Mana
Echoes of Mana logo.png
Developer Wright Flyer Studios (WFS)
Publisher Square Enix
Platforms iOS, Android
Release date iOS, Android:
Worldwide: April 27, 2022
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer
Media Digital download
Input Touch control

Echoes of Mana is a mobile game in the Mana series.

Announced during the series' 30th Anniversary streaming event in June 2021, the title is a gacha-centered MMO battle RPG featuring characters and settings from all current worlds in the Mana universe. It was released on both Android and iOS as of April 27, 2022.


“Worlds of patchwork are echoing to you.
You awaken, surrounded by nothingness except for a single tree
The Mana Tree—the very source of all life,
and yet, it is set to soon disappear...
The last sanctuary in a place where all has already been lost.

Only the Mana Sword can save the Mana Tree and the worlds still weaved in its branches.
If only the sword were not lost as well...
Guided by the Mana Goddess, you must venture into patchwork worlds, meeting friends and foes both familiar and brand new as you piece together memories through the Echoes of Mana.”

Official website description

The player character awakens in the Sanctuary of Mana upon being summoned by the Mana Goddess. The once-hallowed ground is now virtually devoid of all life and memory; and yet again, the Mana Sword is nowhere to be seen. The lack of mana power means that the Goddess can only maintain her avatar in short bursts, and so she must send our hero to restore the world and retrieve the fabled blade from Echoes—memories of this and other worlds borne of the fruits of the Mana Tree. To complete this monumental task, the Goddess also sends the winged ram familiar Baashear as the hero's guide and companion.

The pair picks the ripening Beginniberry from the tree and is teleported to the hamlet of Pinzton, where they are met by a throng of strange creatures before help arrives in the form of a perky lance knight and a down-to-earth mage, both in training. Together, these four will team up with other heroes of worlds past and present in their search for the Mana Sword.



Echoes of Mana follows with gameplay of a typical mobile MMO. Players assume the role of protagonist Quilto/Quilta as they awaken in a lifeless world and must restore it from memories based on the worlds of the greater Mana series. The Mana Goddess sends our hero forth with a spirit named Baashear as their guide and companion, and together the pair will recruit other allies to aid them on their quest.

How to battle

Battles in the main story are fought in real time as groups of missions divided into fixed waves, wherein players will be graded on their performance in order to collect in-game rewards such as currency and raw materials. Each mission is to be completed as efficiently as possible. Players are given exactly five minutes to complete any mission. Both foes and allies can move and attack in any direction on a given field, and can deploy various Special Techniques (ST) and summon Mega Spirit Magic when the required conditions are met.

Events, etc.

Other play modes are also available. In addition to main story quests, players can also participate in eight permanent resource quests and a limited daily series of quests for hero EXP, Memory Gem materials, and Lucre. From time to time, designated player-vs-enemy co-op quests as well as side stories (Events) may become available, and are played in the same manner as regular story battles.

Acquiring party resources

As a gacha game, players may summon (Harvest) various heroes and Memory Gems of the series either one-by-one or as a bundle using both free and paid currency dubbed Spirit Crystals, with paid currency applied first. Ticket draws are also available, though no method yet exists for obtaining draw tickets regularly.



There are currently 42 playable characters in Echoes of Mana with 85 individual units to choose from.

See also: Units (Echoes of Mana)
Character Echoes of Mana Official Website Description Ranks Units Attributes Weapon
Echoes of Mana
Quilto full EOM artwork.png
Quilto (EoM)
"A young boy tasked with harvesting the fruits of the Mana Tree. After awakening in the sanctuary with no recollection of his past, Quilto is guided by the Mana Goddess as he journeys through the echoes of worlds that once were. He can be easily spotted by his wild hair, tied clumsily back with woven cloth." 1★
Quilto & Quilta
Quilto (Harvester of Echoes)
Quilta full EOM artwork.png
Quilta (EoM)
"A young girl tasked with harvesting the fruits of the Mana Tree. After awakening in the sanctuary with no recollection of her past, Quilta is guided by the Mana Goddess as she journeys through the echoes of worlds that once were. She can be easily spotted by her pigtails, uniquely bound with woven cloth." 1★
Quilto & Quilta
Quilta (Harvester of Echoes)
Duffle full EOM artwork.png
Duffle (EoM)
"This bubbly young girl in Pinzton trains daily with her halberd in the hopes of becoming a real-life, fairy-tale knight. Duffle's personality shines through in her battle style—fearless to jump into the fray and eager to ally with everyone she meets." 2★
Duffle (Full Dream Ahead)
Duffle (Rough N' Tumble)
Honeycomb full EOM artwork.png
Honeycomb (EoM)
"Hailing from a long line of sorcerers, Honeycomb is an earnest young boy in Pinzton devoted to the study of magic. He wishes he could put his magic to the test and shares Duffle's excitement for the legendary mana swordsman's tale, but he's too stubborn to admit it." 2★
Honeycomb (Knightly Aspirations)
Blainchet full EOM artwork.png
Blainchet (EoM)
"A young, mild-mannered member of the wolffolk journeying in search of his pack. His soft-hearted ways tend to get him off track, as he often strays to help others. Despite his best efforts, Blainchet is easy to read since a flick of his ears and tail give him away." 2★ Blainchet Wind Bow
Raxa full EOM artwork.png
Raxa (EoM)
"This young, scorpionic outlaw spends her days wandering along and doing what she pleases. Helped by rumors of her venomous nature and rare existence, most folks fear an encounter with Raxa, which gives her some amusement." 2★
Raxa (Swashbuckler Supreme)
Mousseline full EOM artwork.png
Mousseline (EoM)
"A bewitching faerie whose capricious nature makes her lose interest easily. Her general apathy is evident in the blasé tone of her voice. She possesses remarkable magic power, but she can't be bothered to show it off. Don't ask Mousseline her age as she herself is not even sure." 2★
Mousseline (Que Sera Sera)
Mousseline (Vampire Trickster)
Ebon Knight 4 Dark Sword full EOM artwork.png
Ebon Knight (EoM)
"A mysterious enemy that always seems to appear when least expected. His reasons for thwarting the search for the Mana Sword as well as his true identity are still a secret." 4★ Ebon Knight (Phantom Slayer) Dark Sword
Other Series
Sumo full EOM artwork.png
Sumo (AoM)
"Captured and enslaved after a failed attempt to infiltrate Glaive Castle and slay the Dark Lord, this hero is forced to fight for his life on the blood sands. However, at the death of fellow gladiator Will, Sumo swears revenge and begins plotting a daring escape." 4★
Sumo (Overcoming Myriad Farewells)
Sumo (Resolve Renewed)
Sumo (Swordsman Starting Out)
Amanda full AoM artwork.png
Amanda (AoM)
"Another gladiator forced into the service of Glaive, this strong-willed young woman is a formidable warrior, adept at healing certain status effects and deadly with her weapon of choice―the throwing knife. Amanda loves her younger brother, Lester, whom she has raised on her own since they were children." 3★
Amanda (For Affection's Sake)
Amanda (Venturing the Endless Ocean)
Dark Lord full EOM artwork.png
Dark Lord (AoM)
"Ruthless and cunning, it is rumored the Dark Lord slew his own father to hasten his rise to the throne. Now, seeking to tighten his deadly grip upon the realm, the tyrant has set in motion a grand scheme to locate the legendary Tree of Mana and tap its power." 4★
Dark Lord (Ruler of the Realm)
Dark Lord (Knight in Brutal Armor)
Dark Lord
Julius full EOM artwork.png
Julius (AoM)
"Well-versed in Mana lore, the archmage of Glaive has been placed in charge of the Dark Lord's search for the tree of legend. Yet of his background or his true motives, little is known." 4★
Julius (Tactical Mage of Manipulation)
Julius (Hidden Ambitions)
Randi full EOM sprite.png
Randi (SeoM)
"The hero of Secret of Mana. Randi is a young boy who grows to possess immense courage. Treated as an outsider in Potos, he discovers the Mana Sword and sets forth on a quest to learn how to harness Mana." 3★
Randi (Fate by Fluke)
Randi (In Fervor and Fearlessness)
Primm (Boomerang) EOM artwork.png
Primm (SeoM)
"A young noblewoman from the Kingdom of Pandora. Primm rebels against her father and decides to accompany Randi on his journey to restore Mana to the world. Primm is also on her own quest to save her beloved Dyluck." 3★
Primm (Lovely Rowdy Lass)
Primm (Strong and Sweet)
Primm (Taking Charge)
Popoi full EOM artwork.png
Popoi (SeoM)
"A mischievous and caring sprite. Popoi suffers from amnesia, but joins Randi and Primm on their quest in the hope of restoring their lost memories." 3★
Popoi (Headed for the Home Village)
Popoi (I'm the Boss!)
Thanatos full EOM sprite.png
Thanatos (SeoM)
"A dark sorcerer entrusted by Emperor Vandole to help him claim the Mana Fortress. Thanatos performs terrifying magic in his pure spiritual form of the Dark Lich. However, Thanatos has a cunning plan of his own." 3★
Thanatos (Stealthy Shadow)
Fanha 5 Earth Staff full EOM artwork.png
Fanha (SeoM)
"Have you met Fanha? She is the strongest female general under Emperor Vandole. Not what she seems, Fanha loyally follows Thanatos in his attempts to claim the Mana Fortress.[1]" 5★ Fanha (Real Snake Charmer) Earth Staff
Sheex 5 Water Sword background EOM artwork.png
Sheex (SeoM)
"To be added" 5★ Sheex (Fight for All Domination) Water Sword
Duran full EOM artwork.png
Duran (ToM)
"Duran is a proud young soldier from Valsena, Kingdom of the Plains. Though he comes across as hot-headed and ready for a fight, the whole kingdom acknowledges his skill with a blade. Duran has nothing but love for his kingdom and respect for the Hero King, a good friend of his departed father, Loki the Golden Knight." 4★
Duran (Thrilling Blade Flash)
Duran (Trusted Shield)
Duran (Young Soldier of Valsena)
Angela full EOM artwork.png
Angela (ToM)
"Angela is the only daughter of the True Queen of Altena, the snow-covered kingdom of magicians. Because Angela's mother hardly spent any time with her as a child, the princess was prone to act out to get attention, wearing gaudy clothes and playing pranks on people in the castle." 4★
Angela (Magic Power in Bloom)
Angela (Shining Magic Power)
Angela (Rebelling Against Fate)
Kevin full EOM artwork.png
Kevin (ToM)
"Kevin is heir to the throne of Ferolia. His father is the king of the beastmen, but his missing mother was a human woman. He is unused to conversing with humans, which can make him hard to understand at times. The ice around the young boy's heart only began to melt after making friends with Karl the wolf pup." 4★
Kevin (The Beast Within)
Kevin (Fangs of Fury)
Kevin (To Save a Friend)
Charlotte full EOM artwork.png
Charlotte (ToM)
"Charlotte is the granddaughter of Wendel's Priest of Light. She looks much younger than she is thanks to the elfin blood in her veins. Perhaps because of this, she has always been coddled by the people who raised her in the temple. Charlotte's bright and outgoing personality can be both an asset and a hindrance." 4★
Charlotte (Whiz & Beauty)
Charlotte (Fifteen in the Flush of Youth)
Hawkeye full EOM artwork.png
Hawkeye (ToM)
"Hawkeye hails from the desert fortress of Nevarl, home to a guild of noble thieves. He was raised as the orphaned ward of Flamekhan, the leader, together with Flamekhan's own children, Eagle and Jessica. Hawkeye comes across as a laid-back and charming young man, making it hard to tell when he's being serious. But at his core, Hawkeye is a fiercely loyal friend." 4★
Hawkeye (Pride of Thieves)
Hawkeye (Sentiments for a Friend)
Riesz full EOM artwork.png
Riesz (ToM)
"Riesz is the young princess of the mountainous kingdom of Laurent and captain of the renowned Amazon guard. She has a will of iron and down-to-earth manner. Though some might call her stubborn, Riesz is always there to lend a hand to those who need it. Her topmost priorities are her father, brother, and kingdom." 4★
Riesz (Pride of Amazon)
Riesz (Pride on the High Seas)
Riesz (Search for a Brother)
Crimson Wizard full EOM artwork.png
Crimson Wizard (ToM)
"N/A" 5★ Crimson Wizard (Flaming Dark Magic) Fire Staff
Ludgar full EOM artwork.png
Ludgar (ToM)
"A beastman appointed leader of the beastman forces at the behest of the King of Ferolia. he has a fierce rivalry with Kevin, the successor to the king." 3★
Ludgar (Body of Practical Study)
Bil full EOM artwork.png
Bil (ToM)
"A ninja from Nevarl who worked with Hawkeye. Wherever you find Bil, his buddy Ben will be close behind. Bil masterfully infiltrated Laurent's impregnable defenses right under the Amazon guards' noses." 2★ Bil Fire Knife
Ben full EOM artwork.png
Ben (ToM)
"A highly skilled ninja who worked with Hawkeye. Wherver you find Ben, his buddy Bil will be close behind. After falling into Belladonna's enchantment, both Bil and Ben become her puppets, turning against Hawkeye." 2★ Ben Water Knife
Shiloh full 3 EOM artwork.png
Shiloh (LoM)
"A human on an adventure through the world of Fa'Diel. Although he doesn't have much of a background to speak of, he often finds himself caught up in the affairs of the various people he encounters in his travels." 4★
Shiloh (Afloat with Hope)
Shiloh (Encounter Sprung from a Seed)
Shiloh (Weaver of Fantasies)
Serafina full 2 EOM artwork.png
Serafina (LoM)
"A human on an adventure through the world of Fa'Diel. Although she doesn't have much of a background to speak of, she often finds herself caught up in the affairs of the various people she encounters in her travels." 4★
Serafina (A World of Encounters)
Serafina (A Sprouting Encounter)
Serafina (Guided by Calling Dreams)
Niccolo full EOM artwork.png
Niccolo (LoM)
"A merchant who has traveled city to city peddling wares for generations. His "money-crazy" dealings have led to more than a few unsatisfied customers. Niccolo isn't very fond of sproutlings or flowerlings. As for faeries, he might dislike them as well—if he could see them, that is." 3★ Niccolo (Smile for Mew!) Wind Glove
Sierra full EOM artwork.png
Sierra (LoM)
"A dragoon beauty in pursuit of her younger brother Larc, Sierra is a beast-warrior who is harsh on both herself and others. Although she once lost her life in battle, she was revived by the dragon Vadise who was struck by her bravery. Sierra has served her dragon master ever since in repayment of her kindness." 4★
Sierra (Unyielding Loyalty)
Sierra (Proud Dragoon)
Larc 4 Water Axe full EOM artwork.png
Larc (LoM)
"A beast-warrior with a candid demeanor, 'Larc the Conqueror' earned his title through his valiant combat during the invasion of his homeland by the nearby kingdom later ruled by the Deathbringer. He became Drakonis's dragoon after he died." 4★ Larc (The Conqueror) Water Axe
Blackpearl full EOM artwork.png
Lady Blackpearl (LoM)
"As a Jumi knight with a core of black pearl, she is pledged to her partner clarius who serves as the keystone to the Jumi people. Being the oldest of the Jumi, her battle skills are the finest in Jumi clan, and her logical and level-headed attitude only lend to her strengths. For the sake of leading her people into a new existence, she buries her emotions under the rubble in her heart."[2] 4★
Lady Blackpearl (Darkcore Shatter)
Lady Blackpearl (Jumi's Finest)
Elazul full EOM artwork.png
Elazul (LoM)
"A Jumi knight with a lapis lazuli core, Elazul speaks and acts in a rough manner, which is off-putting to others. Since he spent a great deal of time alone, he seeks to make friends and unreservedly dotes on his partner Pearl." 4★
Elazul (Significant Pursuit)
Elazul (Young Jumi Knight)
Escad 4 Wind Sword Full EOM artwork.png
Escad (LoM)
"A swordsman born into the Liotte family of Holy Knights. He is stubborn in many ways, and firmly believes there's no path to justice outside his own. When opposing others, he refuses to back down anc considers those who stand against him in the wrong. He harbors a deep hatred for Irwin, who is of demon heritage, over her childhood friend Matilda."[3] 4★ Escad (Beholder of Justice) Wind Sword
Elle full 3 Wood Staff background EOM artwork.jpg
Elle (LoM)
"A meek and gentle siren who prefers to hang back instead of taking the lead. She is quick to trust others and and can be easily swept up in a situation. Elle is good friends with Monique and Flameshe."[4] 3★ Elle (Efflorescent Wings) Wood Staff
Ferrik full EOM artwork.png
Ferrik (CoM)
"A young boy from Wendell, the land of green. Ferrik tackles obstacles with his spirited, up-front attitude, despite having lost his family to the calamity 10 years earlier. His admiration for the unknown knight who saved him has fueled his efforts in sword mastery." 3★
Ferrik (Beyond the Great Calamity)
Wanderer full EOM artwork.png
Wanderer (CoM)
"This cat hails from Wendell, the land of green, and is one of the Niccolos. His passion to roam takes priority over his tribe's merchant traditions. As such, he's considered a pariah within his people." 3★
Wanderer (Winding My Way Home)
Wanderer (The Niccolo Vagabond)
Tamber 4 Earth Bow background EOM artwork.jpg
Tamber (CoM)
"A young girl hailing from the water kingdom of Topple where she was a member of a taveling musical group, performing acrobatic feats and dances. Tamber is polite to everyone she meets, and possesses a strong sence of justice and responsibility."[5] 3★ Tamber (Darting Dancer) Earth Bow
Keldric full EOM artwork.png
Keldric (DoM)
"A boy who lives in a village at the foot an ancient sacred tree on the island of Illusia. Keldric, whose nickname is "Keldy," can be stubborn at times and a little wild, but his positive outlook and sincere honesty have earned him the trust of his fellow villagers. By a strange fate, the sacred tree's seed was planted into his arm, and with the blade born from that seed, he hurls himself into battle to save the world." 4★ Keldric (Guided by the Great Tree) Wind Sword
Lekius full EOM artwork.png
Lekius (DoM)
"A childhood friend of Keldric and Ritzia, Lekius guards their village of Tree Folk. He goes by the nickname "Lek" and is rumored to be the single most masterful archer amongst the guardians." 3★
Lekius (Guardian's Resolve)
Lekius (Unwavering Friendship)


Main characters

Character Echoes of Mana Official Website Description
Baashear EOM artwork.png
Baashear (EoM)
"Appointed by the Mana Goddess, this fluffy lifeform is ready and eager to guide his human through the journey. Although he can be a bit hasty and arrogant, it seems he's not quite the know-it-all he claims to be."
Lady Moti full EOM sprite.png
Lady Moti (EoM)
"Known in Pinztown as being a merchant of few words, Lady Moti belongs to the clan of the same name who has businesses throughout the land. When she's not dancing behind the shop counter, you may find her cooking up her specialty mutton dopiaza dish."
Watts full EOM artwork.png
Watts (EoM)
"This seasoned blacksmith has quite a few decades of experience under his belt, no matter how young he may appear. Due to thick skin formed from years of honing his craft, he could pluck up a hot iron barehanded with an easy grin."
Nicco full EOM artwork.png
Nicco (EoM)
"A sly-grinning traveling merchant who's not above a bit of swindling, he often dupes naive customers with his slick talk. He does, however, draw the line at loyal customers and insists he treats them fairly. The Moti clan, being the gullible people they are, often fall for his trickery."
Mana Goddess full EOM artwork.png
Mana Goddess (EoM)
"The alter ego of the Mana Tree that serves as the source of life. She seeks the Mana Sword in order to restore the world that has been lost."

Minor characters

These are the characters that only appear in a chapter or event and have little to no interaction outside of their respective appearance.

Memory Gems

Main article: Memory Gem

There are currently 79 memory gems in Echoes of Mana.

Adventures of Mana

Book of Curing framed EOM artwork.png
Book of Curing
Captivating Craft framed EOM artwork.png
Captivating Craft
Cibba framed EOM artwork.png
Cibba (memory gem)
Freak Show and Tell framed EOM artwork.png
Freak Show and Tell
I Wont Hear It framed EOM artwork.png
I won't hear it!
Seekers of Mana framed EOM artwork.png
Seekers of Mana
The Tale Begins EOM artwork.webp
The Tale Begins

Secret of Mana

A Heated Situation framed EOM artwork.png
A Heated Situation
Big Bad Werewolves framed EOM artwork.png
Big Bad Werewolves
Critical Choice framed EOM artwork.png
Critical Choice
Hi-Yo Mech Rider Away framed EOM artwork.png
Hi-yo Mech Rider! Away!
King Truffle framed EOM artwork.png
King Truffle (memory gem)
Krissie framed EOM artwork.png
Krissie (memory gem)
Mana Tribe Duty framed EOM artwork.jpg
Mana Tribe Duty
Pamaela framed EOM artwork.png
Pamaela (memory gem)
Pity Peddler framed EOM artwork.png
Pity Peddlers
Suit to Swim framed EOM artwork.png
Suit to Swim
The Chosen One EOM artwork.webp
The Chosen One
White Dragon Child framed EOM artwork.png
White Dragon Child

Trials of Mana

A Bitter Farewell framed EOM artwork.png
A Bitter Farewell
An Enchanting Dissent framed EOM artwork.png
An Enchanting Dissent
An Honorable Opposition framed EOM artwork.png
An Honorable Opposition
All I Have Left framed EOM artwork.png
All I Have Left
Chasing the Light framed EOM artwork.png
Chasing the Light
Howl Under the Moon framed EOM artwork.png
Howl Under the Moon
Machine Golem Shuffle EOM artwork.webp
Machine Golem Shuffle
Run for It framed EOM artwork.png
Run for It
Stella unframed EOM artwork.png
Stella (memory gem)
The Wind in Our Sails framed EOM artwork.png
The Wind in Our Sails
Von Boyage framed EOM artwork.png
Von Boyage (memory gem)
Vuscavs Great Escape EOM artwork.webp
Vuscav's Great Escape

Legend of Mana

A Hostile Interrogation framed EOM artwork.png
A Hostile Interrogation
A Poetic Voice framed EOM artwork.jpg
A Poetic Voice
Another Day in Domina framed EOM artwork.jpg
Another Day in Domina
Colliding Convictions framed EOM artwork.jpg
Colliding Convictions
Dearest Friend framed EOM artwork.png
Dearest Friend
Finalizing Fate framed EOM artwork.png
Finalizing Fate
Its the Lil Things framed EOM artwork.png
It's the Li'l Things
Knightly Duty framed EOM artwork.jpg
Knightly Duty
Masterful Merchant EOM artwork.webp
Masterful Merchant
Pelican framed EOM artwork.png
Pelican (memory gem)
Rulers of the World EOM artwork.webp
Rulers of the World
Teapo framed EOM artwork.jpg
Teapo (memory gem)
The Teardrop Crystal framed EOM artwork.jpg
The Teardrop Crystal (memory gem)
Tree Chat framed EOM artwork.png
Tree Chat
With One Left framed EOM artwork.png
With One Left

Sword of Mana

Imbalance of Power framed EOM artwork.jpg
Imbalance of Power

Children of Mana

A Branch Bestowed framed EOM artwork.png
A Branch Bestowed
Best Quest for your Buck framed EOM artwork.png
Best Quest for Your Buck
Dudbear unframed EOM artwork.png
Dudbears (memory gem)
Gaias Gift framed EOM artwork.png
Gaia's Gift
Seamoon framed EOM artwork.png
Seamoon (memory gem)
Sword from Above EOM artwork.webp
Sword from Above
Xangar the Living Flame EOM artwork.webp
Xangar, the Living Flame

Dawn of Mana

A Curious Creeping Vine framed EOM artwork.png
A Curious Creeping Vine
Aim for Wind Acorns EOM artwork.webp
Aim for Wind Acorns
Buju Breakout EOM artwork.webp
Buju Breakout
Little Spirit Faye framed EOM artwork.png
Little Spirit Faye
Village Elder framed EOM artwork.png
Village Elder (memory gem)

Heroes of Mana

Peddan Secret Mission framed EOM artwork.png
Peddan Secret Mission

Echoes of Mana

Ahoy Shiloh Squad framed EOM artwork.png
Ahoy Shiloh Squad
Armored Inferno Assault framed EOM artwork.png
Armored Inferno Assault
Banquet of Champions framed EOM artwork.png
Banquet of Champions
Briarborough Faerie Boss framed EOM artwork.png
Briarborough Faerie Boss
Dusk on a Hilltop framed EOM artwork.png
Dusk on a Hilltop
Fearsome Foursome framed EOM artwork.jpg
Fearsome Foursome
Golden Ideals framed EOM artwork.png
Golden Ideals
Interweaving World framed EOM artwork.png
Interweaving World
Revived Hope and a Fateful Rematch framed EOM artwork.png
Revived Hope and a Fateful Rematch
Seamless Synergy framed EOM artwork.png
Seamless Synergy
Set Off for Adventure framed EOM artwork.png
Set Off for Adventure
Settling Shadows framed EOM artwork.jpg
Settling Shadows
Shadow on Soaring Wings framed EOM artwork.png
Shadow on Soaring Wings
Show of Faith framed EOM artwork.png
Show of Fate
The Tower on High framed EOM artwork.png
The Tower on High
Trick or Treat framed EOM artwork.png
Trick of Treat
Twofold Flame framed EOM artwork.png
Twofold Flame
Two Lords of Darkness framed EOM artwork.png
Two Lords of Darkness
Victory High Five framed EOM artwork.png
Victory High Five
Who Bears the Sword framed EOM artwork.png
Who Bears the Sword

External links

Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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  1. ^
  2. ^ In-game unit description
  3. ^ In-game unit description
  4. ^ In-game unit description
  5. ^ In-game unit description