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Flameshe LOM artwork.png
Legend of Mana artwork
First appearance Legend of Mana (1999)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Homeland Polpota Harbor
Role Support
Gender Female
Species Mermaid

Flameshe is a supporting character in Legend of Mana and a recurring character in the Mana series.


A 20-year-old mermaid of unknown origins, Flameshe possesses an obstinate, rebellious spirit, one that has motivated her to sneak out of her family abode and embark on a trip to Madora Beach, where she met Elle and befriended her. She can usually be found sunbathing in front of the flower shop located in Polpota Harbour, where the protagonist is able to request her to regale the harbour with her ethereal song.


Legend of Mana

“A teenage mermaid who is sometimes a little hard to deal with. She sneaked out of her family one day and went to the beach, where she met and befriended Elle.”
In-game Encyclopedia

Drowned Dreams

The mermaid appears at the beginning of the quest in Polpota Harbor, dismissing the local rumors about a ghost haunting the Seaside Hotel as somebody playing a prank.

A Siren's Song

Elle was locked in a giant birdcage on top of a cliff in Madora Beach by imperial soldiers who claimed her singing was responsible for their shipwreck. Meanwhile, her friends Monique and Flameshe desperately attempt to free her from her prison. Elle feels guilty for sinking the army's ship, but Monique doesn't believe this, as she only sang once and sailors are always pinning their misfortunes on them. Elle admits she likes being cooped up here, but this remark angers Monique, replying she has the right to be free like everyone. The captured siren remarks it's no different than her friend being in her atelier in Lumina all day. Monique remarks that freedom is inside her heart, and right now Elle is shutting herself off from that. Monique convinces Flameshe to let the hero inside her cage and battle a giant plant monster. They free Elle, but she states she wants to stay a while longer here.

Gilbert: Love is Blind

Flameshe is seen discussing with Elle in her birdcage. The mermaid is surprised to learn her friend stopped singing outside her house because she believes she will cause more shipwrecks. Flameshe replies by stating humans act like they own the land and sea, even though sirens populated whe ocean first. Upon hearing Gilbert's voice outside, Elle goes to meet the centaur which makes him believe she is infatuated with him. Flameshe advises her friend she must tell her she hates him to make him go away, but Elle finds this tactic mean-spirited. The mermaid swears to Elle that if she go out with him, she can't be her friend anymore, and disappears in a bubble.

Gilbert: Resume for Love

Upon learning that Gilbert has been turned into stone by Kathinja and then sold to the Diggers inside the Ulkan Mines, Elle and Monique decide they want to help him. Flameshe appears and teases them for aiding such an annoying guy, but discloses a magical spell at is able to lift any curses, as long as it is chanted by the afflicted's most beloved.

Circle of Mana

Flameshe makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. She appears in 3 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SUR フラメシュ SUR 0661 フラメシュ.jpg
SUR 0662 フラメシュ.jpg
SUR 0663 フラメシュ.jpg
SUR 0664 フラメシュ.jpg
"I'm just so desperate for cake that I feel like an idiot."
SSUR フラメシュ SSUR 0985 フラメシュ.jpg
SSUR 0986 フラメシュ.jpg
SSUR 0987 フラメシュ.jpg
SSUR 0988 フラメシュ.jpg
「なんなのあのナンパ男!? ちっとも変わってないじゃない!」
"What is that guy picking up!? He hasn't changed at all!"
LGR フラメシュ LGR 0389 フラメシュ.jpg
LGR 0390 フラメシュ.jpg
LGR 0391 フラメシュ.jpg
LGR 0392 フラメシュ.jpg
"Hi, hi, feel free to fall in love."

Echoes of Mana

Flameshe appeared as a non-player character in the game. She was also depicted in one memory gem:

Flasmeshe was the deuteragonist of the two-parter Siren Arc side stories: Siren Arc I: Flora & Fugue and Siren Arc II: Bone & Brimstone. In the first part, the narrator Pokiehl tells of the meek but elegant siren selling her golden voice to a witch but to being guilt-striken from sinking an imperial ship. However, her health steadily declined afterward since a siren's life is tied to her magical voice. He friend Flameshe couldn't bear to see her withering away, an so embarked into a journey to restore her friend's voice as it was. As she visits her friend in her birdcage on Madora Beach to bring her some flowers to help her replenish the wiltered one in her wings, Flameshe sees Elle collapsing on the ground. The mermaid tells her ailing friend to take it easy while she swims away to seek out a special flower that will restore her friend back to health.

After visiting a snow witch in the Fieg Snowfields, she brings Elle an icy flower to lift her spirits up. While the bloom is gorgeous and the gesture is really nice, it doesn't bring the poor siren's voice back. Elle thinks she might need a musician to help her getting into singing again, which gives Flameshe the idea of looking for a poet in Polpota Harbor.

After being sidetracked by Gilbert's kidnapping, the mermaind carries ther centaur poet on her back all the way to her friend's birdcage. Despite him running his mouth and his flirtatious nature annoying Flameshe, the poet is revealed to have a melodious voice.

In the second story, Pokiehl tells of the poor mermaid still finding a cure for her withering friend. She learns from a Shadole about a ghost roaming the beaches around Polpota Harbor. Flameshe tells her friend Elle of this fact, which saddens her that a spirit is wandering aimlessly on earth. She thinks of giving it some of the flowers the mermaid gave her, but this angers her friend greatly, believing she took the blooms for granted. Flameshes storms off, leaving Elle in a guilty state.

Elle comes to apologize to her friend upon hearing she's been lurking inside a cave nearby. However, Flameshe was actually captured by the aforementioned ghost named Thona under The Deathbringer's orders. She lets herself be taken, fearing that her friend might get caught up in this, too. Wondering why she cannot find her mermaid friend, Elle finds the flowers on the ground and a smell of terror reeking the room. Fearing the worst, the siren finds the witch she sold her voice to in the Academy of Magic. Elle tells she needs to find whose scent clinging to flowers this belongs to. Thesenis replies this belongs to one of the Deathbringer's soldiers. Upon learning he took her mermaid friend, the witch explains to Elle that when a mermaid is deprived from water for too long, she will burst into flames and assume the form of an Anima Sola. Such flame is able to destroy everything it touches, even its bearer's souls and memories. The undying emperor must have sought this method to quell his tormented soul and find eternal rest. The witch agrees to lead the siren to her friend should she gaze at the Deathbringer's face once again. She gives Elle's voice back to him, allowing the siren to sing and open a portal to her undying emperor's lair.

Elle finds her best friend before the Deathbringer, but it's aleady to late, as her body has started to dry out and catch fire. The undying emperor tries to get into the inferno, but his body refuses to burst into flames. He turns his wrath to Flameshe, but Elle rushes between them, taking the blow herself. After besting the emperor in a fight, he finds no respite being engulfed in fire. Thesenis is surprised to see this, and is saddened to see her poor husband wincing even in the afterlife. Elle begs the witch to cure her friend, but she replies that this feat is beyond her capabilities. Thesenis adds that the only thing that might quell the flames is to hold her dearest friend in his arm while they burn together. Elle doesn't believe at first to be her best friend since all she does is making mistakes, but she gathers up the courage and leap into the flames. She succesfully douse out the fire, but her wings burns as as result. Flameshe laments the fact she did all she could to help them grow back to health, but Elle replies she did the same thing for her. Flameshe then sacrifices her tail and her friend's wings to Thesenis so she can save her from burning to death. However, the witch states this is not enough, as only her deep friendship would make her accept the bargain. Both of them accept as they are reincarnated and her memories erased.

According to Pokiehl, a famous songstress now roams the streets, hesitantly looking for someone after each performance.

General information

Physical appearance


Flameshe is portrayed as a feisty, obstinate and headstrong character, beholden to the will of none but herself. Caustic and brutally honest in her speech, she is not known to mince her words, especially when regarding situations that are particularly distasteful to her. This much can be deduced from The Siren's Song, where she, against Monique's repeated pleas, adamantly refuses to admit the Hero/Heroine entry into the Birdcage Lighthouse, testily declaring them to be part of the "many dangerous people" existing in the world.

It is through this same scene that Flameshe is also observed to be a very loyal friend to Elle; her refusal to budge from the Lighthouse's entrance is entirely attributed to her desiring to protect her friend from coming under further harm.

Flameshe's loyalty to her friends is further explored in Gilbert: Resume for Love; although initially stubborn in her refusal to help Monique undo Gilbert's petrification due to her disapproval of his philandering ways, she eventually relents by teaching her an incantation of the merpeople.


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Flameshe.
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