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Belladonna TOM remake artwork.jpg
Trials of Mana HD artwork
Belladonna TOM artwork.jpg
Trials of Mana artwork
Belladonna ROM artwork.png
Rise of Mana artwork
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Echoes of Mana (2022)
Japanese name 美獣イザベラ
Title(s) Nevarlan General
Faction The Prince of Mavolia
Role Antagonist
Gender Female
Relatives Prince of Mavolia (lover)
Species Mavole
Status Dead
Other form(s) Beast form
Counterpart(s) Isabella (Sword of Mana)
Voice actor(s) Jpn: Yuka Keichō, Yoshino NanjoToM HD
Eng: Adrienne ArnoToM HD

Belladonna, also known as Isabella, is a secondary antagonist and boss in Trials of Mana.


For the most part, Belladonna's past is shrouded in mystery. Being from Mavolia, she probably met with the Prince of Mavolia whom she desperately fell in love with at some point in time. She desperately wanted him to achieve his vision of merging the underworld with Fa'Diel and rule both dimensions so she joined forced with the vampire Malocchio to help her master achieve his goals. In order to fulfill his world domination, the eight Mana Stones of the world had to be activated and the Benevodons inside them released to open the portal to the Sanctuary of Mana, where the fabled Sword of Mana lied. The holy blade would fill the Prince of Mavolia's powers to incredible heights, making him an allmighty god. To do so, she devised a plan to usurp the throne of Nevarl and act as the ruler's trusty adviser as her diguise. She saved Lord Flamekhan's life during an expedition in the Burning Sands while he was stranded and maked his way back home. By pulling off this feat, she gained the approval of Flamekhan, ensuring the furthering of His Dark Majesty's plans.


Trials of Mana

“FAITHFUL SERVANT OF HIS DARK MAJESTY -- Belladonna's monstrous beauty and enticing countenance bewitched Flamekhan, the leader of the Nevarlan thieves' guild. With the forces of Nevarl at her command, Belladonna sets out to claim Riesz's homeland of Laurent for the sake of her dark kingdom.”
Square Enix Official Website

During Hawkeye's opening gambit, Belladonna took the name of Isabella while in Nevarl and manipulated Flamekhan into disbanding the Noble guild of thieves and making it a kingdom. Then, she suggested invading the neighboring nations, starting with the wind kingdom of Laurent. The reason behind this, according to her, is that the water supplies of the region have run dry because of the Mana supply and this could deal a heavy strain on the Nevarl Nation in the long run. She explained this decision to Hawkeye who has just returned from a night raid expedition in Sirhtan and arranged a private meeting with Malocchio while Flamekhan was presumadly sleeping. She was caught by Hawkeye and Eagle, the son of Flamekhan, who we spying on her, on assumption she was controlling his father. She uses her mind-controlling powers to turn Eagle against his friend, forcing them to fight each other and leading Hawkeye to unwillingly kill his friend. Belladonna then framed the young thief for murder and put him in jail. During his stay in his cell, the devious sorceress put a Choker of Death on Jessica, daughter of Flamekhan and Hawkeye's love interest and tell the prisoner not to tell what happened to her lest she dies.

She escaped the fortress and setted her eyes on invading Laurent. She rallied a troop of ninjas and while learning about the impregnable citadel whose strong winds are controlled by an underground crystal. She tasked Bil & Ben a duo of nevarlan scouts to infiltrate the citadel and deactivate the winds and kidnap the prince of Laurent while the rest of the nevarlans hide in the mountains. During Riesz's opening gambit, the duo of ninjas took advantage of the Laurentian princess's daily training to sway Elliot into leading them to the control room and use his key to stop the strong gusts protecting the castle. With the invasion and the kidnapping successfull, they burn the whole place down and head for the next step to their world domination.

Circle of Mana

Belladonna makes a cameo appearance in the online game, along with several other characters from the Mana series. She appears in 12 sets of cards.

Rank Attribute Name Classes Quote
SUR イザベラ SUR 0609 イザベラ.jpg
SUR 0610 イザベラ.jpg
SUR 0611 イザベラ.jpg
SUR 0612 イザベラ.jpg
"The Dark Prince is everything to me...I wanted to open up a heart darker than that person's closed darkness..."
SUR 美獣 SUR 0841 美獣.jpg
SUR 0842 美獣.jpg
SUR 0843 美獣.jpg
SUR 0844 美獣.jpg
"The Sword of Mana is a mirror that reflects the mind of its wielder...The Sword of Mana is also reborn as a dark sword by the power of darkness given to it by the Dark Prince."
SUR イザベラ[妖美] SUR 1069 イザベラ 妖美.jpg
SUR 1070 イザベラ 妖美.jpg
SUR 1071 イザベラ 妖美.jpg
SUR 1072 イザベラ 妖美.jpg
"I want to open that person's dark, dark heart. For that purpose, I don't mind sacrificing everything."
SUR イザベラ[クリスマス] SUR 1081 イザベラ クリスマス.jpg
SUR 1082 イザベラ クリスマス.jpg
SUR 1083 イザベラ クリスマス.jpg
SUR 1084 イザベラ クリスマス.jpg
"Now, please be quiet and give me the star ornament. Then I'll let you guys get away with it."
SSUR イザベラ SSUR 0345 イザベラ.jpg
SSUR 0346 イザベラ.jpg
SSUR 0347 イザベラ.jpg
SSUR 0348 イザベラ.jpg
"However, for someone who could be called a hero to join hands with such a person is a fallen man."
SUR 美獣[思慕] SSUR 0613 美獣 思慕.jpg
SSUR 0614 美獣 思慕.jpg
SSUR 0615 美獣 思慕.jpg
SSUR 0616 美獣 思慕.jpg
"Ah...Your Dark Majesty, would you like to come home soon?"
SSUR イザベラ[一途] SSUR 0617 イザベラ 一途.jpg
SSUR 0618 イザベラ 一途.jpg
SSUR 0619 イザベラ 一途.jpg
SSUR 0620 イザベラ 一途.jpg
"Huh, leave it to me. I'll show you the power that captivated the people of Nevarl..."
SSUR 美獣 SSUR 0861 美獣.jpg
SSUR 0862 美獣.jpg
SSUR 0863 美獣.jpg
SSUR 0864 美獣.jpg
"Hello, good job!"
LGR イザベラ[真] LGR 0313 イザベラ 真.jpg
LGR 0314 イザベラ 真.jpg
LGR 0315 イザベラ 真.jpg
LGR 0316 イザベラ 真.jpg
"Huh, leave it to me. I'll show you the power that captivated the people of Nevarl..."
LGR イザベラ[栄冠] LGR 0317 イザベラ 栄冠.jpg
LGR 0318 イザベラ 栄冠.jpg
LGR 0319 イザベラ 栄冠.jpg
LGR 0320 イザベラ 栄冠.jpg
"Huh, leave it to me. I'll show you the power that captivated the people of Nevarl..."
SUR 美獣[バカンス] LGR 0337 美獣 バカンス.jpg
LGR 0338 美獣 バカンス.jpg
LGR 0339 美獣 バカンス.jpg
LGR 0340 美獣 バカンス.jpg
"Damn, even though his Dark Majesty chose me...this is as expected..."
LGR イザベラ LGR 0437 イザベラ.jpg
LGR 0438 イザベラ.jpg
LGR 0439 イザベラ.jpg
LGR 0440 イザベラ.jpg
"How cool was Mavolia where they disappeared?"

Rise of Mana

Echoes of Mana

General information

Physical appearance


Profile and statistics


For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Belladonna.
Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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