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Elemental Combo

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Elemental Combo

Trials of Mana HD sprite
First appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Japanese name エレメントコンボToM HD
Eremento KonboToM HD
Element ComboToM HD
Type Ability
User(s) Angela (ToM HD)

Elemental Combo is an ability in Trials of Mana HD.


Trials of Mana HD[edit]

Elemental Combo[edit]

“Damage increased by 5% when using magic of the same element in succession (up to 30%)”
In-game description

Note : this ability is a chain ability.

Character Class Required TP
Angela Sorceress
12 INT Points

Elemental Combo II[edit]

“Damage increased by 10% when using magic of the same element in succession (up to 30%)”
In-game description
Character Class Required TP
Angela Archmage
27 INT Points
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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