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Valkyrie (Trials of Mana)

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Trials of Mana HD 3D render
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Japanese name ワルキューレToM

The Valkyrie is a Character class in Trials of Mana.


Trials of Mana[edit]

The Valkyrie is Riesz's class-2 on her light path. She can either be promoted at level 38 to the Vanadis with a Brisingamen or the Starlancer with an Evening Star. Regardless of the player's Class 3 evolution, becoming a Valkyrie will select the Meteorite as Riesz's Class 4 evolution.

Game Description[edit]

2D Version[edit]

Within myth, it is said that there are experiences that can only be explained as spiritual awakenings; an elevated sense of spiritual awareness, calls from the spiritual realm, visions and messages from the heavens, or even summonings and quests through to the other side. Within Fa'Diel, to those who walk the ways of the warrior, even those who go through their lives fighting come to experience these transcendent experiences at one point or another, with many legends and stories telling of prestigious warriors bearing themes of undergoing this allusive phenomena. To one such class of warriors, none could have more prevalent callings than that of the Valkyrie. Taking up the mantle of the divine warriors said to be seen alongside the Mana Goddess and act as Her messengers and guides of the souls of those who have recently passed, the Valkyries of the mortal world act just the same, taking up heavenly vows to uphold the sacred orders of ensuring the stability of Fa'Diel and to enact divine justice wherever there has been wrong, with rightful judgement to correct or even send beyond when circumstances permit. With their elevated experience of becoming closer to the spiritual realm, so have Valkyries attained higher levels of spiritual sensitivity and understanding the power of the soul, allowing them the ability to unlock the inner power and potential within all things.

3D Version[edit]

A strengthening support class. Valkyries can boost all stats to help their allies. They help cover the party's weaknesses by bolstering their strengths.

Locked Abilities[edit]

Note : locked abilities are only available in the 3D remake.

Icon Name Description
Army of One Add 1% of CS gauge when normal attack hits

Class Strike[edit]

Icon Name Description CS Gauge
Lance Surge Surging point of the lance causes damage 2

Inherited Class strike(s):

New Combo[edit]

Note: combos are only available in the 3D remake.


Riesz as a Valkyrie can equip a maximum of 4 abilities at the same time.
For previously inherited abilities, see Amazon (Trials of Mana).
Note : abilities are only available in the 3D remake.

New Abilities
Icon Name Description Required TP
Strength + 5 Base Strength increase by 5
9 STR Points
Attack Boost All All allies' attack increases by 3% in battle
12 STR Points
Strength + 5 Base Strength increase by 5
15 STR Points
Stamina + 5 Base Stamina increase by 5
9 STA Points
Winning Heal Restore 7% of HP of all allies after winning a battle
12 STA Points
Stamina + 5 Base Stamina increase by 5
15 STA Points
Stat Boost Increase the effect of status up skills by 8%
9 INT Points
Self-Heal Status effect and stat decrease effect time shortened by 30%
12 INT Points
Intellect + 5 Base intelligence increase by 5
12 INT Points
Stat Boost MP Saver Decrease MP needed for move that increases stat by 30%
12 SPRT Points
Spirit + 5 Base Spirit increase by 5
15 SPRT Points
Magic Smash 30% chance of magic attack and magic defense decrease with critical hit
9 LUCK Points
Bountiful Healing item's effectiveness increased by 20% in battle
12 LUCK Points
Luck + 5 Base luck increase by 5
15 LUCK Points


Note : Accelerate and its oppositve move Impediment are absent from the 3D version.

New Moves
Icon Name Description Required TP
Protection Boosts ally's defense
9 STR Points
Mental Boost Boosts ally's magic attack and magic defense
9 STR Points
Strengthen Boosts ally's attack
9 STR Points

For previously inherited abilities, see Amazon (Trials of Mana).


Note : this section is for the 2D version only.

11 17 (Max)
11 16 (Max)
10 16 (Max)
10 15 (Max)
10 16 (Max)
9 14 (Max)
Trials of Mana
Class Change Navigation
Light Dark
Class 4
(remake only)
Meteorite Brynhildr
Class 3 Vanadis Starlancer Dragon Master Fenrir Knight
Class 2 Valkyrie Rune Maiden
Class 1 Amazon
Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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