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Merchant Town Beiser
Merchant Town Beiser TOM remake screenshot.jpg
Trials of Mana screenshot
First appearance Trials of Mana (1995)
Latest appearance Trials of Mana HD (2020)
Demonym ?
Greater location Main Continent
Inhabitant(s) MateloToM
Background music Sweet Little Café

Beiser, also known as Merchant Town Beiser, is a recurring location in the Mana series.



Trials of Mana

“Welcome to Beiser! I'm on the tourism board for our fair merchant town. You don't look like you're from around here.”
Adventure Log


Character Observations

“Oh good! They do sell swords here! I thought maybe a kingdom of magicians would only have wands or something...”
“The Crimson Wizard used to be a total failure with magic. He never acted like a pompous jerk in the past either...”
“Monsters are...getting wilder. Everywhere. How can we fix that?”
“I'm weawwy tiwed... Can we go to the inn now...pwease?”
“I suppose this is what the True Queen looks like. She is quite impressive.”
“It is strange to see such snow in the fields and yet feel so warm in town.”

Heroes of Mana

“Bonus Map 28: Missile Units Rule! -- Beiser is a merchant town where one may find rare goods from all over the world. A black marcket shipment contains magical beasts that start running amok all around town! The party somehow quells the riot, but causes irreparable damage to the merchants. Of course, that won't stop them from trying to strike it rich tonight...”
Rabite icon EOM artwork.png Randi --"Whoa! What's a Rabite doing in a place like this?"
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