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Peeper (Trials of Mana)

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Monster info
Japanese name パワーボルダー
Power Boulder
Type Oddity
Location(s) Anise's StockadeToM 3D
Dark Castle
Mirage Palace
Related enemies
This article is about Peeper from Trials of Mana. For the general species, see Peeper.

A peeper is an enemy in Trials of Mana.

Enemy intel[edit]


Enemy Stats
Level HP Attack Defense Magic Defense SPRT Defense Lucre EXP Location(s)
44 484 299 201 57 61 202 831 Dragonsmaw (Night)
45 498 308 208 60 64 207 883 Dark Castle
Dragonsmaw (Night)
46 499 308 208 60 64 212 938 Dragonsmaw (Night)
47 500 308 208 60 64 217 995 Dark Castle
Dragonsmaw (Night)
Mirage Palace
48 502 314 212 60 68 222 1054 Dark Castle
Dragonsmaw (Night)

Resistances and weaknesses[edit]

Attack Effects
Elemental moves
Reflect Reflect Reflect Reflect Reflect Reflect Neutral Reflect
Elemental sabers
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Status aliments
Petrify Silence Poison Frost Burning Minor Sleep
Immune Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective

Item Drops[edit]
