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Advanced combat techniques

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This article describes the various advanced combat techniques of the Mana series. Taking different forms and different names in each setting, these moves exhibit power far beyond the normal physical attack or magic spell. They are typically used as deathblows, crowd-control tactics, or tank-busting moves against bosses.

List of techniques

Final Fantasy Adventure and Adventures of Mana

Main article: Charge Attack

Originally known as a MAX Attack, Sumo can charge up any of his main weapons to execute a powerful attack either while stationary or in motion. The player need only wait for his Will Gauge, located at the bottom of the screen, to fill completely before attacking with an equipped weapon. The rate of fill is determined by the value of his Will stat.

Secret of Mana

Called a Power Attack, the three heroes can now charge any of the eight Mana Weapons as determined by their proficiency levels relative to the weapon's forge level, simply by holding the attack trigger from a standing or walking stance. As their proficiency levels increase, the resultant attacks become stronger and more elaborate depending upon how much charge was accumulated prior to releasing the attack trigger. Running, however, will expend all stamina and force the player to recharge the attack.

Trials of Mana

Main article: Class Strike

The player can now build energy with each successful attack to execute an extremely powerful move against one or more enemies, gaining other even stronger moves as the heroes progress through their designated classes. Up to three of these Class Strikes are learnt by each character over the course of normal gameplay. The HD remake adds a bonus fourth class with one of two new CS moves per character.

Trials of Mana HD

In addition to Class Strike mechanics, the remake adds a charge attack option to the strong attack. If the charge attack connects, it may force large CS energy shards from the target. The charge attack is also useful for breaking armored enemies.

Also new to the remake are combo attacks and jump attacks. Combo attacks involve executing a set number of weak attacks followed with a strong attack in quick succession. The number of weak attacks required increases by 1 for each class change. Jump attacks, meanwhile, involve pressing the jump button with any of the attack buttons to strike an aerial enemy such as a bug, batmo, or harpy.

Legend of Mana

Sword of Mana